mirror of https://github.com/frappe/books.git synced 2025-03-15 15:42:26 +00:00
18alantom acf95f346e fix(ux): hide get started in demo
- auto select demo instance on creation
2023-08-24 17:14:14 +05:30

541 lines
14 KiB

import { Fyo, t } from 'fyo';
import { Doc } from 'fyo/model/doc';
import { range, sample } from 'lodash';
import { DateTime } from 'luxon';
import { Invoice } from 'models/baseModels/Invoice/Invoice';
import { Payment } from 'models/baseModels/Payment/Payment';
import { PurchaseInvoice } from 'models/baseModels/PurchaseInvoice/PurchaseInvoice';
import { SalesInvoice } from 'models/baseModels/SalesInvoice/SalesInvoice';
import { ModelNameEnum } from 'models/types';
import setupInstance from 'src/setup/setupInstance';
import { getMapFromList, safeParseInt } from 'utils';
import { getFiscalYear } from 'utils/misc';
import {
} from './helpers';
import items from './items.json';
import logo from './logo';
import parties from './parties.json';
type Notifier = (stage: string, percent: number) => void;
export async function setupDummyInstance(
dbPath: string,
fyo: Fyo,
years = 1,
baseCount = 1000,
notifier?: Notifier
) {
await fyo.purgeCache();
notifier?.(fyo.t`Setting Up Instance`, -1);
const options = {
logo: null,
companyName: "Flo's Clothes",
country: 'India',
fullname: 'Lin Florentine',
email: 'lin@flosclothes.com',
bankName: 'Supreme Bank',
currency: 'INR',
fiscalYearStart: getFiscalYear('04-01', true)!.toISOString(),
fiscalYearEnd: getFiscalYear('04-01', false)!.toISOString(),
chartOfAccounts: 'India - Chart of Accounts',
await setupInstance(dbPath, options, fyo);
fyo.store.skipTelemetryLogging = true;
years = Math.floor(years);
notifier?.(fyo.t`Creating Items and Parties`, -1);
await generateStaticEntries(fyo);
await generateDynamicEntries(fyo, years, baseCount, notifier);
await setOtherSettings(fyo);
const instanceId = (await fyo.getValue(
)) as string;
await fyo.singles.SystemSettings?.setAndSync('hideGetStarted', true);
fyo.store.skipTelemetryLogging = false;
return { companyName: options.companyName, instanceId };
async function setOtherSettings(fyo: Fyo) {
const doc = await fyo.doc.getDoc(ModelNameEnum.PrintSettings);
const address = fyo.doc.getNewDoc(ModelNameEnum.Address);
await address.setAndSync({
addressLine1: '1st Column, Fitzgerald Bridge',
city: 'Pune',
state: 'Maharashtra',
pos: 'Maharashtra',
postalCode: '411001',
country: 'India',
await doc.setAndSync({
color: '#F687B3',
template: 'Business',
displayLogo: true,
phone: '+91 8983-000418',
address: address.name,
const acc = await fyo.doc.getDoc(ModelNameEnum.AccountingSettings);
await acc.setAndSync({
gstin: '27LIN180000A1Z5',
* warning: long functions ahead!
async function generateDynamicEntries(
fyo: Fyo,
years: number,
baseCount: number,
notifier?: Notifier
) {
const salesInvoices = await getSalesInvoices(fyo, years, baseCount, notifier);
notifier?.(fyo.t`Creating Purchase Invoices`, -1);
const purchaseInvoices = await getPurchaseInvoices(fyo, years, salesInvoices);
notifier?.(fyo.t`Creating Journal Entries`, -1);
const journalEntries = await getJournalEntries(fyo, salesInvoices);
await syncAndSubmit(journalEntries, notifier);
const invoices = ([salesInvoices, purchaseInvoices].flat() as Invoice[]).sort(
(a, b) => +(a.date as Date) - +(b.date as Date)
await syncAndSubmit(invoices, notifier);
const payments = await getPayments(fyo, invoices);
await syncAndSubmit(payments, notifier);
async function getJournalEntries(fyo: Fyo, salesInvoices: SalesInvoice[]) {
const entries = [];
const amount = salesInvoices
.map((i) => i.items!)
.reduce((a, b) => a.add(b.amount!), fyo.pesa(0))
const lastInv = salesInvoices.sort((a, b) => +a.date! - +b.date!).at(-1)!
const date = DateTime.fromJSDate(lastInv).minus({ months: 6 }).toJSDate();
// Bank Entry
let doc = fyo.doc.getNewDoc(
entryType: 'Bank Entry',
await doc.append('accounts', {
account: 'Supreme Bank',
debit: amount,
credit: fyo.pesa(0),
await doc.append('accounts', {
account: 'Secured Loans',
credit: amount,
debit: fyo.pesa(0),
// Cash Entry
doc = fyo.doc.getNewDoc(
entryType: 'Cash Entry',
await doc.append('accounts', {
account: 'Cash',
debit: amount.percent(30),
credit: fyo.pesa(0),
await doc.append('accounts', {
account: 'Supreme Bank',
credit: amount.percent(30),
debit: fyo.pesa(0),
return entries;
async function getPayments(fyo: Fyo, invoices: Invoice[]) {
const payments = [];
for (const invoice of invoices) {
// Defaulters
if (invoice.isSales && Math.random() < 0.007) {
const doc = fyo.doc.getNewDoc(ModelNameEnum.Payment, {}, false) as Payment;
doc.party = invoice.party as string;
doc.paymentType = invoice.isSales ? 'Receive' : 'Pay';
doc.paymentMethod = 'Cash';
doc.date = DateTime.fromJSDate(invoice.date as Date)
.plus({ hours: 1 })
if (doc.paymentType === 'Receive') {
doc.account = 'Debtors';
doc.paymentAccount = 'Cash';
} else {
doc.account = 'Cash';
doc.paymentAccount = 'Creditors';
doc.amount = invoice.outstandingAmount;
// Discount
if (invoice.isSales && Math.random() < 0.05) {
await doc.set('writeOff', invoice.outstandingAmount?.percent(15));
doc.push('for', {
referenceType: invoice.schemaName,
referenceName: invoice.name,
amount: invoice.outstandingAmount,
if (doc.amount!.isZero()) {
return payments;
function getSalesInvoiceDates(years: number, baseCount: number): Date[] {
const dates: Date[] = [];
for (const months of range(0, years * 12)) {
const flow = getFlowConstant(months);
const count = Math.ceil(flow * baseCount * (Math.random() * 0.25 + 0.75));
dates.push(...getRandomDates(count, months));
return dates;
async function getSalesInvoices(
fyo: Fyo,
years: number,
baseCount: number,
notifier?: Notifier
) {
const invoices: SalesInvoice[] = [];
const salesItems = items.filter((i) => i.for !== 'Purchases');
const customers = parties.filter((i) => i.role !== 'Supplier');
* Get certain number of entries for each month of the count
* of years.
const dates = getSalesInvoiceDates(years, baseCount);
* For each date create a Sales Invoice.
for (let d = 0; d < dates.length; d++) {
const date = dates[d];
`Creating Sales Invoices, ${d} out of ${dates.length}`,
safeParseInt(d) / dates.length
const customer = sample(customers);
const doc = fyo.doc.getNewDoc(
) as SalesInvoice;
await doc.set('party', customer!.name);
if (!doc.account) {
doc.account = 'Debtors';
* Add `numItems` number of items to the invoice.
const numItems = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 5);
for (let i = 0; i < numItems; i++) {
const item = sample(salesItems);
if ((doc.items ?? []).find((i) => i.item === item)) {
let quantity = 1;
* Increase quantity depending on the rate.
if (item!.rate < 100 && Math.random() < 0.4) {
quantity = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10);
} else if (item!.rate < 1000 && Math.random() < 0.2) {
quantity = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4);
} else if (Math.random() < 0.01) {
quantity = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 3);
let fc = flow[date.getMonth()];
if (baseCount < 500) {
fc += 1;
const rate = fyo.pesa(item!.rate * (fc + 1)).clip(0);
await doc.append('items', {});
await doc.items!.at(-1)!.set({
item: item!.name,
account: item!.incomeAccount,
amount: rate.mul(quantity),
tax: item!.tax,
description: item!.description,
hsnCode: item!.hsnCode,
return invoices;
async function getPurchaseInvoices(
fyo: Fyo,
years: number,
salesInvoices: SalesInvoice[]
): Promise<PurchaseInvoice[]> {
return [
await getSalesPurchaseInvoices(fyo, salesInvoices),
await getNonSalesPurchaseInvoices(fyo, years),
async function getSalesPurchaseInvoices(
fyo: Fyo,
salesInvoices: SalesInvoice[]
): Promise<PurchaseInvoice[]> {
const invoices = [] as PurchaseInvoice[];
* Group all sales invoices by their YYYY-MM.
const dateGrouped = salesInvoices
.map((si) => {
const date = DateTime.fromJSDate(si.date as Date);
const key = `${date.year}-${String(date.month).padStart(2, '0')}`;
return { key, si };
.reduce((acc, item) => {
acc[item.key] ??= [];
return acc;
}, {} as Record<string, SalesInvoice[]>);
* Sort the YYYY-MM keys in ascending order.
const dates = Object.keys(dateGrouped)
.map((k) => ({ key: k, date: new Date(k) }))
.sort((a, b) => +a.date - +b.date);
const purchaseQty: Record<string, number> = {};
* For each date create a set of Purchase Invoices.
for (const { key, date } of dates) {
* Group items by name to get the total quantity used in a month.
const itemGrouped = dateGrouped[key].reduce((acc, si) => {
for (const item of si.items!) {
if (item.item === 'Dry-Cleaning') {
acc[item.item as string] ??= 0;
acc[item.item as string] += item.quantity as number;
return acc;
}, {} as Record<string, number>);
* Set order quantity for the first of the month.
Object.keys(itemGrouped).forEach((name) => {
const quantity = itemGrouped[name];
purchaseQty[name] ??= 0;
let prevQty = purchaseQty[name];
if (prevQty <= quantity) {
prevQty = quantity - prevQty;
purchaseQty[name] = Math.ceil(prevQty / 10) * 10;
const supplierGrouped = Object.keys(itemGrouped).reduce((acc, item) => {
const supplier = purchaseItemPartyMap[item];
acc[supplier] ??= [];
return acc;
}, {} as Record<string, string[]>);
* For each supplier create a Purchase Invoice
for (const supplier in supplierGrouped) {
const doc = fyo.doc.getNewDoc(
) as PurchaseInvoice;
await doc.set('party', supplier);
if (!doc.account) {
doc.account = 'Creditors';
* For each item create a row
for (const item of supplierGrouped[supplier]) {
await doc.append('items', {});
const quantity = purchaseQty[item];
await doc.items!.at(-1)!.set({ item, quantity });
return invoices;
async function getNonSalesPurchaseInvoices(
fyo: Fyo,
years: number
): Promise<PurchaseInvoice[]> {
const purchaseItems = items.filter((i) => i.for !== 'Sales');
const itemMap = getMapFromList(purchaseItems, 'name');
const periodic: Record<string, number> = {
'Marketing - Video': 2,
'Social Ads': 1,
Electricity: 1,
'Office Cleaning': 1,
'Office Rent': 1,
const invoices: SalesInvoice[] = [];
for (const months of range(0, years * 12)) {
* All purchases on the first of the month.
const temp = DateTime.now().minus({ months });
const date = DateTime.local(temp.year, temp.month, 1).toJSDate();
for (const name in periodic) {
if (months % periodic[name] !== 0) {
const doc = fyo.doc.getNewDoc(
) as PurchaseInvoice;
const party = purchaseItemPartyMap[name];
await doc.set('party', party);
if (!doc.account) {
doc.account = 'Creditors';
await doc.append('items', {});
const row = doc.items!.at(-1)!;
const item = itemMap[name];
let quantity = 1;
let rate = item.rate;
if (name === 'Social Ads') {
quantity = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 200);
} else if (name !== 'Office Rent') {
rate = rate * (Math.random() * 0.4 + 0.8);
await row.set({
item: item.name,
rate: fyo.pesa(rate).clip(0),
return invoices;
async function generateStaticEntries(fyo: Fyo) {
await generateItems(fyo);
await generateParties(fyo);
async function generateItems(fyo: Fyo) {
for (const item of items) {
const doc = fyo.doc.getNewDoc('Item', item, false);
await doc.sync();
async function generateParties(fyo: Fyo) {
for (const party of parties) {
const doc = fyo.doc.getNewDoc('Party', party, false);
await doc.sync();
async function syncAndSubmit(docs: Doc[], notifier?: Notifier) {
const nameMap: Record<string, string> = {
[ModelNameEnum.PurchaseInvoice]: t`Invoices`,
[ModelNameEnum.SalesInvoice]: t`Invoices`,
[ModelNameEnum.Payment]: t`Payments`,
[ModelNameEnum.JournalEntry]: t`Journal Entries`,
const total = docs.length;
for (let i = 0; i < docs.length; i++) {
const doc = docs[i];
`Syncing ${nameMap[doc.schemaName]}, ${i} out of ${total}`,
safeParseInt(i) / total
await doc.sync();
await doc.submit();