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export enum FieldTypeEnum {
Data = 'Data',
Select = 'Select',
Link = 'Link',
Date = 'Date',
Datetime = 'Datetime',
Table = 'Table',
AutoComplete = 'AutoComplete',
Check = 'Check',
AttachImage = 'AttachImage',
DynamicLink = 'DynamicLink',
Int = 'Int',
Float = 'Float',
Currency = 'Currency',
Text = 'Text',
Color = 'Color',
export type FieldType = keyof typeof FieldTypeEnum;
export type RawValue = string | number | boolean | null;
export interface BaseField {
fieldname: string; // Column name in the db
fieldtype: FieldType; // UI Descriptive field types that map to column types
label: string; // Translateable UI facing name
schemaName?: string; // Convenient access to schemaName incase just the field is passed
required?: boolean; // Implies Not Null
hidden?: boolean; // UI Facing config, whether field is shown in a form
readOnly?: boolean; // UI Facing config, whether field is editable
description?: string; // UI Facing, translateable, used for inline documentation
default?: RawValue; // Default value of a field, should match the db type
placeholder?: string; // UI Facing config, form field placeholder
groupBy?: string; // UI Facing used in dropdowns fields
meta?: boolean; // Field is a meta field, i.e. only for the db, not UI
inline?: boolean; // UI Facing config, whether to display doc inline.
filter?: boolean; // UI Facing config, whether to be used to filter the List.
computed?: boolean; // Computed values are not stored in the database.
export type SelectOption = { value: string; label: string };
export interface OptionField extends BaseField {
| FieldTypeEnum.Select
| FieldTypeEnum.AutoComplete
| FieldTypeEnum.Color;
options: SelectOption[];
emptyMessage?: string;
allowCustom?: boolean;
export interface TargetField extends BaseField {
fieldtype: FieldTypeEnum.Table | FieldTypeEnum.Link;
target: string; // Name of the table or group of tables to fetch values
create?: boolean; // Whether to show Create in the dropdown
edit?: boolean; // Whether the Table has quick editable columns
export interface DynamicLinkField extends BaseField {
fieldtype: FieldTypeEnum.DynamicLink;
emptyMessage?: string;
references: string; // Reference to an option field that links to schema
export interface NumberField extends BaseField {
fieldtype: FieldTypeEnum.Float | FieldTypeEnum.Int;
minvalue?: number; // UI Facing used to restrict lower bound
maxvalue?: number; // UI Facing used to restrict upper bound
export type Field =
| BaseField
| OptionField
| TargetField
| DynamicLinkField
| NumberField;
export type Naming = 'autoincrement' | 'random' | 'numberSeries' | 'manual';
export interface Schema {
name: string; // Table name
label: string; // Translateable UI facing name
fields: Field[]; // Maps to database columns
isTree?: boolean; // Used for nested set, eg for Chart of Accounts
extends?: string; // Value points to an Abstract schema. Indicates Subclass schema
isChild?: boolean; // Indicates a child table, i.e table with "parent" FK column
isSingle?: boolean; // Fields will be values in SingleValue, i.e. an Entity Attr. Value
isAbstract?: boolean; // Not entered into db, used to extend a Subclass schema
tableFields?: string[] // Used for displaying childTableFields
isSubmittable?: boolean; // For transactional types, values considered only after submit
keywordFields?: string[]; // Used to get fields that are to be used for search.
quickEditFields?: string[]; // Used to get fields for the quickEditForm
inlineEditDisplayField?:string;// Display field if inline editable
naming?: Naming; // Used for assigning name, default is 'random' else 'numberSeries' if present
titleField?: string; // Main display field
removeFields?: string[]; // Used by the builder to remove fields.
export interface SchemaStub extends Partial<Schema> {
name: string;
export type SchemaMap = Record<string, Schema | undefined>;
export type SchemaStubMap = Record<string, SchemaStub>;