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### Single Server Example
In this use case we have a single server with a static IP attached to it. It can be used in scenarios where one powerful VM has multiple benches and applications or one entry level VM with single site. For single bench, single site setup follow only up to the point where first bench and first site is added. If you choose this setup you can only scale vertically. If you need to scale horizontally you'll need to backup the sites and restore them on to cluster setup.
We will setup the following:
- Install docker and docker compose v2 on linux server.
- Install traefik service for internal load balancer and letsencrypt.
- Install MariaDB with containers.
- Setup project called `erpnext-one` and create sites `one.example.com` and `two.example.com` in the project.
- Setup project called `erpnext-two` and create sites `three.example.com` and `four.example.com` in the project.
Single instance of **Traefik** will be installed and act as internal loadbalancer for multiple benches and sites hosted on the server. It can also load balance other applications along with frappe benches, e.g. wordpress, metabase, etc. We only expose the ports `80` and `443` once with this instance of traefik. Traefik will also take care of letsencrypt automation for all sites installed on the server. _Why choose Traefik over Nginx Proxy Manager?_ Traefik doesn't need additional DB service and can store certificates in a json file in a volume.
Single instance of **MariaDB** will be installed and act as database service for all the benches/projects installed on the server.
Each instance of ERPNext project (bench) will have its own redis, socketio, gunicorn, nginx, workers and scheduler. It will connect to internal MariaDB by connecting to MariaDB network. It will expose sites to public through Traefik by connecting to Traefik network.
### Install Docker
Easiest way to install docker is to use the [convenience script](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/#install-using-the-convenience-script).
curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com | bash
Note: The documentation assumes Ubuntu LTS server is used. Use any distribution as long as the docker convenience script works. If the convenience script doesn't work, you'll need to install docker manually.
### Install Compose V2
Refer [original documentation](https://docs.docker.com/compose/cli-command/#install-on-linux) for updated version.
mkdir -p $DOCKER_CONFIG/cli-plugins
curl -SL https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/v2.2.3/docker-compose-linux-x86_64 -o $DOCKER_CONFIG/cli-plugins/docker-compose
chmod +x $DOCKER_CONFIG/cli-plugins/docker-compose
### Prepare
Clone `frappe_docker` repo for the needed YAMLs and change the current working director of you shell to the cloned repo.
git clone https://github.com/frappe/frappe_docker
cd frappe_docker
Create configuration and resources directory
mkdir ~/gitops
The `~/gitops` directory will store all the resources that we use for setup. We will also keep the environment files in this directory as there will be multiple projects with different environment variables. You can create a private repo for this directory and track the changes there.
### Install Traefik
Basic Traefik setup using docker compose.
Create a file called `traefik.env` in `~/gitops`
echo 'TRAEFIK_DOMAIN=traefik.example.com' > ~/gitops/traefik.env
echo 'EMAIL=admin@example.com' >> ~/gitops/traefik.env
echo 'HASHED_PASSWORD='$(openssl passwd -apr1 changeit | sed 's/\$/\\\$/g') >> ~/gitops/traefik.env
- Change the domain from `traefik.example.com` to the one used in production. DNS entry needs to point to the Server IP.
- Change the letsencrypt notification email from `admin@example.com` to correct email.
- Change the password from `changeit` to more secure.
env file generated at location `~/gitops/traefik.env` will look like following:
Deploy the traefik container with letsencrypt SSL
docker compose --project-name traefik \
--env-file ~/gitops/traefik.env \
-f docs/compose/compose.traefik.yaml \
-f docs/compose/compose.traefik-ssl.yaml up -d
This will make the traefik dashboard available on `traefik.example.com` and all certificates will reside in `/data/traefik/certificates` on host filesystem.
For LAN setup deploy the traefik container without overriding `docs/compose/compose.traefik-ssl.yaml`.
### Install MariaDB
Basic MariaDB setup using docker compose.
Create a file called `mariadb.env` in `~/gitops`
echo "DB_PASSWORD=changeit" > ~/gitops/mariadb.env
- Change the password from `changeit` to more secure.
env file generated at location `~/gitops/mariadb.env` will look like following:
Note: Change the password from `changeit` to more secure one.
Deploy the mariadb container
docker compose --project-name mariadb --env-file ~/gitops/mariadb.env -f docs/compose/compose.mariadb-shared.yaml up -d
This will make `mariadb-database` service available under `mariadb-network`. Data will reside in `/data/mariadb`.
### Install ERPNext
#### Create first bench
Create first bench called `erpnext-one` with `one.example.com` and `two.example.com`
Create a file called `erpnext-one.env` in `~/gitops`
cp example.env ~/gitops/erpnext-one.env
sed -i 's/DB_PASSWORD=123/DB_PASSWORD=changeit/g' ~/gitops/erpnext-one.env
sed -i 's/DB_HOST=/DB_HOST=mariadb-database/g' ~/gitops/erpnext-one.env
sed -i 's/DB_PORT=/DB_PORT=3306/g' ~/gitops/erpnext-one.env
echo 'ROUTER=erpnext-one' >> ~/gitops/erpnext-one.env
echo "SITES=\`one.example.com\`,\`two.example.com\`" >> ~/gitops/erpnext-one.env
echo "BENCH_NETWORK=erpnext-one" >> ~/gitops/erpnext-one.env
- Change the password from `changeit` to the one set for MariaDB compose in the previous step.
env file is generated at location `~/gitops/erpnext-one.env`.
Create a yaml file called `erpnext-one.yaml` in `~/gitops` directory:
docker compose --project-name erpnext-one \
--env-file ~/gitops/erpnext-one.env \
-f compose.yaml \
-f overrides/compose.erpnext.yaml \
-f overrides/compose.redis.yaml \
-f docs/compose/compose.multi-bench.yaml \
-f docs/compose/compose.multi-bench-ssl.yaml config > ~/gitops/erpnext-one.yaml
For LAN setup do not override `compose.multi-bench-ssl.yaml`.
Use the above command after any changes are made to `erpnext-one.env` file to regenerate `~/gitops/erpnext-one.yaml`. e.g. after changing version to migrate the bench.
Deploy `erpnext-one` containers:
docker compose --project-name erpnext-one -f ~/gitops/erpnext-one.yaml up -d
Create sites `one.example.com` and `two.example.com`:
# one.example.com
docker compose --project-name erpnext-one exec backend \
bench new-site one.example.com --mariadb-root-password changeit --install-app erpnext --admin-password changeit
You can stop here and have a single bench single site setup complete. Continue to add one more site to the current bench.
# two.example.com
docker compose --project-name erpnext-one exec backend \
bench new-site two.example.com --mariadb-root-password changeit --install-app erpnext --admin-password changeit
#### Create second bench
Setting up additional bench is optional. Continue only if you need multi bench setup.
Create second bench called `erpnext-two` with `three.example.com` and `four.example.com`
Create a file called `erpnext-two.env` in `~/gitops`
curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/frappe/frappe_docker/main/example.env -o ~/gitops/erpnext-two.env
sed -i 's/DB_PASSWORD=123/DB_PASSWORD=changeit/g' ~/gitops/erpnext-two.env
sed -i 's/DB_HOST=/DB_HOST=mariadb-database/g' ~/gitops/erpnext-two.env
sed -i 's/DB_PORT=/DB_PORT=3306/g' ~/gitops/erpnext-two.env
echo "ROUTER=erpnext-two" >> ~/gitops/erpnext-two.env
echo "SITES=\`three.example.com\`,\`four.example.com\`" >> ~/gitops/erpnext-two.env
echo "BENCH_NETWORK=erpnext-two" >> ~/gitops/erpnext-two.env
- Change the password from `changeit` to the one set for MariaDB compose in the previous step.
env file is generated at location `~/gitops/erpnext-two.env`.
Create a yaml file called `erpnext-two.yaml` in `~/gitops` directory:
docker compose --project-name erpnext-two \
--env-file ~/gitops/erpnext-two.env \
-f compose.yaml \
-f overrides/compose.erpnext.yaml \
-f overrides/compose.redis.yaml \
-f docs/compose/compose.multi-bench.yaml \
-f docs/compose/compose.multi-bench-ssl.yaml config > ~/gitops/erpnext-two.yaml
Use the above command after any changes are made to `erpnext-two.env` file to regenerate `~/gitops/erpnext-two.yaml`. e.g. after changing version to migrate the bench.
Deploy `erpnext-two` containers:
docker compose --project-name erpnext-two -f ~/gitops/erpnext-two.yaml up -d
Create sites `three.example.com` and `four.example.com`:
# three.example.com
docker compose --project-name erpnext-two exec backend \
bench new-site three.example.com --mariadb-root-password changeit --install-app erpnext --admin-password changeit
# four.example.com
docker compose --project-name erpnext-two exec backend \
bench new-site four.example.com --mariadb-root-password changeit --install-app erpnext --admin-password changeit
#### Create custom domain to existing site
In case you need to point custom domain to existing site follow these steps.
Also useful if custom domain is required for LAN based access.
Create environment file
echo "ROUTER=custom-one-example" > ~/gitops/custom-one-example.env
echo "SITES=\`custom-one.example.com\`" >> ~/gitops/custom-one-example.env
echo "BASE_SITE=one.example.com" >> ~/gitops/custom-one-example.env
echo "BENCH_NETWORK=erpnext-one" >> ~/gitops/custom-one-example.env
- Change the file name from `custom-one-example.env` to a logical one.
- Change `ROUTER` variable from `custom-one.example.com` to the one being added.
- Change `SITES` variable from `custom-one.example.com` to the one being added. You can add multiple sites quoted in backtick (`) and separated by commas.
- Change `BASE_SITE` variable from `one.example.com` to the one which is being pointed to.
- Change `BENCH_NETWORK` variable from `erpnext-one` to the one which was created with the bench.
env file is generated at location mentioned in command.
Generate yaml to reverse proxy:
docker compose --project-name custom-one-example \
--env-file ~/gitops/custom-one-example.env \
-f docs/compose/compose.custom-domain.yaml \
-f docs/compose/compose.custom-domain-ssl.yaml config > ~/gitops/custom-one-example.yaml
For LAN setup do not override `compose.custom-domain-ssl.yaml`.
Deploy `erpnext-two` containers:
docker compose --project-name custom-one-example -f ~/gitops/custom-one-example.yaml up -d
### Site operations
Refer: [site operations](./site-operations.md)