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Generate setup for docker swarm

Generate the swarm compatible YAML,

docker-compose -f compose.yaml \
  -f overrides/compose.erpnext.yaml \
  -f overrides/compose.swarm.yaml \
  -f overrides/compose.https.yaml \
  config \
  | yq eval 'del(.services.*.depends_on) | del(.services.frontend.labels)' - \
  | yq eval '.services.proxy.command += "--providers.docker.swarmmode"' - > \

In case you need to generate config for multiple benches. Install the proxy separately only once and generate stacks for each bench as follows:

# Setup Bench $BENCH_SUFFIX
export BENCH_SUFFIX=one
docker-compose -f compose.yaml \
  -f overrides/compose.erpnext.yaml \
  -f overrides/compose.swarm.yaml \
  config \
  | yq eval 'del(.services.*.depends_on) | del(.services.frontend.labels)' - \
  | sed "s|frontend|frontend-${BENCH_SUFFIX}|g" \
  | yq eval ".services.frontend-${BENCH_SUFFIX}.\"networks\"=[\"traefik-public\",\"default\"]" - \
  | yq eval ".\"networks\"={\"traefik-public\":{\"external\":true}}" - > \

Commands explained:

  • docker-compose -f ... -f ... config, this command generates the YAML based on the overrides
  • yq eval 'del(.services.*.depends_on) | del(.services.frontend.labels)', this command removes the depends_on from all services and labels from frontend generated from previous command.
  • yq eval '.services.proxy.command += "--providers.docker.swarmmode"', this command enables swarmmode for traefik proxy.
  • sed "s|frontend|frontend-${BENCH_SUFFIX}|g", this command replaces the service name frontend with frontend- and BENCH_SUFFIX provided.
  • yq eval ".services.frontend-${BENCH_SUFFIX}.\"networks\"=[\"traefik-public\",\"default\"]", this command attaches traefik-public and default network to frontend service.
  • yq eval ".\"networks\"={\"traefik-public\":{\"external\":true}}", this commands adds external network traefik-public to the stack


  • Set BENCH_SUFFIX to the stack name. the stack will be located at ~/gitops/compose-${BENCH_SUFFIX}.yaml.
  • traefik-public is assumed to be the network for traefik loadbalancer for swarm.
  • Once the stack YAML is generated, you can edit it further for advance setup and commit it to your gitops

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