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synced 2025-03-27 21:12:22 +00:00
This change is to inform users to use docker-compose v2. Using v1 can cause problems when parsing the final docker-compose.yaml. Mitigates #701
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# Images
There's 4 images that you can find in `/images` directory:
- `bench`. It is used for development. [Learn more how to start development](../development/README.md).
- `nginx`. This image contains JS and CSS assets. Container using this image also routes incoming requests using [nginx](https://www.nginx.com).
- `socketio`. Container using this image processes realtime websocket requests using [Socket.IO](https://socket.io).
- `worker`. Multi-purpose Python backend. Runs [Werkzeug server](https://werkzeug.palletsprojects.com/en/2.0.x/) with [gunicorn](https://gunicorn.org), queues (via `bench worker`), or schedule (via `bench schedule`).
> `nginx`, `socketio` and `worker` images — everything we need to be able to run all processes that Frappe framework requires (take a look at [Bench Procfile reference](https://frappeframework.com/docs/v13/user/en/bench/resources/bench-procfile)). We follow [Docker best practices](https://docs.docker.com/develop/develop-images/dockerfile_best-practices/#decouple-applications) and split these processes to different containers.
> ERPNext images don't have their own Dockerfiles. We use [multi-stage builds](https://docs.docker.com/develop/develop-images/multistage-build/) and [Docker Buildx](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/buildx/) to reuse as much things as possible and make our builds more efficient.
# Compose files
After building the images we have to run the containers. The best and simplest way to do this is to use [compose files](https://docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file/).
We have one main compose file, `compose.yaml`. Services described, networking, volumes are also handled there.
## Services
All services are described in `compose.yaml`
- `configurator`. Updates `common_site_config.json` so Frappe knows how to access db and redis. It is executed on every `docker-compose up` (and exited immediately). Other services start after this container exits successfully.
- `backend`. [Werkzeug server](https://werkzeug.palletsprojects.com/en/2.0.x/).
- `db`. Optional service that runs [MariaDB](https://mariadb.com) if you also use `overrides/compose.mariadb.yaml` or [Postgres](https://www.postgresql.org) if you also use `overrides/compose.postgres.yaml`.
- `redis`. Optional service that runs [Redis](https://redis.io) server with cache, [Socket.IO](https://socket.io) and queues data.
- `frontend`. [nginx](https://www.nginx.com) server that serves JS/CSS assets and routes incoming requests.
- `proxy`. [Traefik](https://traefik.io/traefik/) proxy. It is here for complicated setups or HTTPS override (with `overrides/compose.https.yaml`).
- `websocket`. Node server that runs [Socket.IO](https://socket.io).
- `queue-short`, `queue-default`, `queue-long`. Python servers that run job queues using [rq](https://python-rq.org).
- `scheduler`. Python server that runs tasks on schedule using [schedule](https://schedule.readthedocs.io/en/stable/).
## Overrides
We have several [overrides](https://docs.docker.com/compose/extends/):
- `overrides/compose.proxy.yaml`. Adds traefik proxy to setup.
- `overrides/compose.noproxy.yaml`. Publishes `frontend` ports directly without any proxy.
- `overrides/compose.erpnext.yaml`. Replaces all Frappe images with ERPNext ones. ERPNext images are built on top of Frappe ones, so it is safe to replace them.
- `overrides/compose.https.yaml`. Automatically sets up Let's Encrypt certificate and redirects all requests to directed to http, to https.
- `overrides/compose.mariadb.yaml`. Adds `db` service and sets its image to MariaDB.
- `overrides/compose.postgres.yaml`. Adds `db` service and sets its image to Postgres. Note that ERPNext currently doesn't support Postgres.
- `overrides/compose.redis.yaml`. Adds `redis` service and sets its image to `redis`.
- `overrides/compose.swarm.yaml`. Workaround override for generating swarm stack.
It is quite simple to run overrides. All we need to do is to specify compose files that should be used by docker-compose. For example, we want ERPNext:
# Point to main compose file (compose.yaml) and add one more.
docker-compose -f compose.yaml -f overrides/compose.erpnext.yaml config
⚠ Make sure to use docker-compose v2 (run `docker-compose -v` to check). If you want to use v1 make sure the correct `$`-signs as they get duplicated by the `config` command!
That's it! Of course, we also have to setup `.env` before all of that, but that's not the point.
## Configuration
We use environment variables to configure our setup. docker-compose uses variables from `.env` file. To get started, copy `example.env` to `.env`.
Frappe framework release. You can find all releases [here](https://github.com/frappe/frappe/releases).
Password for MariaDB (or Postgres) database.
### `DB_HOST`
Hostname for MariaDB (or Postgres) database. Set only if external service for database is used.
### `DB_PORT`
Port for MariaDB (3306) or Postgres (5432) database. Set only if external service for database is used.
Hostname for redis server to store cache. Set only if external service for redis is used.
Hostname for redis server to store queue data. Set only if external service for redis is used.
Hostname for redis server to store socketio data. Set only if external service for redis is used.
ERPNext [release](https://github.com/frappe/frappe/releases). This variable is required if you use ERPNext override.
Email that used to register https certificate. This one is required only if you use HTTPS override.
This environment variable is not required. Default value is `$$host` which resolves site by host. For example, if your host is `example.com`, site's name should be `example.com`, or if host is `` (local debugging), it should be `` This variable allows to override described behavior. Let's say you create site named `mysite` and do want to access it by `` host. Than you would set this variable to `mysite`.
There is other variables not mentioned here. They're somewhat internal and you don't have to worry about them except you want to change main compose file.