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# Login to the administrator area to manage your pages (items/menus)
Content Management of Pages in the Octoleo CMS
## To install this CMS
1. Import the SQL tables into your database found in /sql/install.sql
2. Copy the /octoconfig.php.example file to /octoconfig.php
3. Update the /octoconfig.php to reflect your CMS details
4. Copy the /htaccess.txt file to /.htaccess
5. **Remove** the /installation folder from you root directory
## To install all composer libraries
0. Make sure you have [composer](https://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md#installation-linux-unix-macos) installed on your system.
1. In your terminal go to the root folder of your Octoleo website where you will find the composer.json file.
2. Run the following command composer install to install all PHP packages.
## To create an account
1. Open [hostname:]/administrator
2. Click on link that says [Create Account] __FIRST account will get admin access, but there rest created will need admin approval__
3. Fill in your details [done]
## To login to admin/staff area again
1. Open [hostname:]/administrator
2. Add you username and password
3. Click login [done]
## To add Items
> Items get linked to menus and are the text of your pages
1. Login to [hostname:]/administrator
2. Click on items menu [hostname:]/administrator/index.php/items
3. Here you can update, delete and create items
## To add menus
> Menus link to items, and mange the menus of your site
1. Login to [hostname:]/administrator
2. Click on menus menu [hostname:]/administrator/index.php/menus
3. Here you can update, delete and create menus (pages) that link to items
## To set site home page
> Home page is the first page you see when you open your public website
1. Inside the menu edit/create view [hostname:]/administrator/index.php/menu
2. You can select one to be the home page