
3.1 KiB

getBible Book Number

The GetBibleBookNumber package is a Python library designed for efficiently retrieving the book number of Bible references across various translations. It utilizes a Trie data structure to store and search through a comprehensive list of book references. This package is particularly useful for applications dealing with biblical texts where quick and accurate reference to book numbers is needed.


  • Supports multiple Bible translations. (57)
  • Efficient search using Trie data structure.
  • Dynamically loads translation data from JSON files.
  • Provides functionality to dump Trie data into a JSON file for review.
  • Fallback search mechanisms for comprehensive reference coverage.

Installation (pip)

To install the package using pip, see the documentation.

Installation (git)

To install GetBibleBookNumber, you need to clone the repository and install the package manually. Ensure you have Python 3.7 or higher installed.

git clone https://git.vdm.dev/getBible/booknumber.git
cd booknumber
pip install .


Basic Usage

from getbible import GetBibleBookNumber

# Initialize the class
get_book = GetBibleBookNumber()

# Find a book number
book_number = get_book.number("Genesis")
print(book_number)  # Outputs the book number of "Genesis"

Available Translations and Abbreviations

The GetBibleBookNumber package supports a range of Bible translations, each identified by a lowercase abbreviation. These abbreviations and the corresponding translation data are stored in the data folder.

Finding Translation Abbreviations

To find the available translation abbreviations:

  1. Go to the data directory in the package.
  2. Each JSON file in this directory corresponds to a different translation.
  3. The file name (without the .json extension) represents the abbreviation for that translation.

For instance, if you find a file named kjv.json, then kjv is the abbreviation for the King James Version translation.

Using Translation Abbreviations

When utilizing the GetBibleBookNumber class to look up a book number, you should use these lowercase abbreviations:

book_number = get_book.number("Gen", "kjv", ["aov", "swahili"])

In this code snippet, "kjv" is used as the abbreviation for the King James Version, "aov" for the Afrikaans Ou Vertaaling, and "swahili" for the Swahili Version.

Development and Testing

To contribute or run tests, clone the repository and set up a virtual environment:

git clone https://git.vdm.dev/getBible/librarian.git
cd librarian
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate  # On Windows use `venv\Scripts\activate`
pip install -e .

Run tests using the standard unittest framework:

python -m unittest tests.test_getbible_book_number


Contributions to the GetBibleBookNumber class is welcome. Please ensure to follow the coding standards and write tests for new features.


This project is licensed under the GNU GPL v2.0. See the LICENSE file for more details.