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Guide to Building and Deploying a GetBible Package to Our Gitea's PyPI Package Registry

This guide focuses on building your Python package and deploying it to your Gitea system's PyPI package registry. The provided documentation gives a clear outline of the requirements and steps needed.


  • Python and necessary build tools installed.
  • pip for package installation.
  • twine for package uploading.

Step 1: Building the Python Package

1.1 Create a Source Distribution

Navigate to your package directory and run:

python setup.py sdist

This creates a source distribution in the dist/ folder.

1.2 Create a Wheel Distribution

For a wheel (.whl) distribution:

python setup.py bdist_wheel

This places a wheel file in the dist/ folder.

Step 2: Configuring the Package Registry

2.1 Edit ~/.pypirc

Add the following to your ~/.pypirc file:

index-servers = getbible

repository = https://git.vdm.dev/api/packages/getbible/pypi
username = {username}
password = {token}

Replace {owner}, {username}, and {token} with your Gitea details.

For more information on the PyPI registry, see the documentation.

Step 3: Publish the Package

3.1 Upload Package

Run the following command to upload your package:

python3 -m twine upload --repository getbible dist/*

This uploads all files in the dist/ directory (.tar.gz and .whl).

Note: You cannot publish a package if a package of the same name and version already exists.

Step 4: Install the Package

4.1 Install Using pip

To install a package from the Gitea package registry:

pip install --index-url https://git.vdm.dev/api/packages/getBible/pypi/simple/ getBible-librarian


You now have a straightforward process for building and deploying a Python package to your Gitea system's PyPI package registry. This setup ensures a seamless workflow for managing and distributing Python packages within your organization or for personal use.