Robot a745bb39cd
Release of v3.2.5-alpha3
Fix Save failed issue in dynamicGet. #1148. Move all [TEXT, EDITOR, TEXTAREA] fields from [NOT NULL] to [NULL]. Add the DateHelper class and improve the date methods. Add simple SessionHelper class.
2024-10-13 22:48:21 +02:00

222 lines
10 KiB

# v3.2.5-alpha3
- Fix Save failed issue in dynamicGet. #1148
- Move all [TEXT, EDITOR, TEXTAREA] fields from [NOT NULL] to [NULL]
- Add the DateHelper class and improve the date methods.
- Add simple SessionHelper class.
# v3.2.5-alpha
- Add [AllowDynamicProperties] in the base view class for J5
- Move the _prepareDocument above the display call in the base view class
- Remove all backward compatibility issues, so JCB will not need the [Backward Compatibility] plugin to run.
- Added new import powers for custom import of spreadsheets.
- Move the setDocument and _prepareDocument above the display in the site view and custom admin view.
- Update the trashhelper layout to work in Joomla 5.
- Add AllowDynamicProperties (Joomla 4+5) to view class to allow Custom Dynamic Get methods to work without issues.
# v3.2.4
- Add [push] option to Powers area.
- Fix [Save As Copy] error in library. #1162
- Fix error when no components exist. #1164
- Fix search page error caused by File class.
- Fix UserGroupList compiler triggers. #1100
- Add Power field type integration: init, reset, push.
- Fix database default fields to allow NULL. #1169
- Fix Power List field to allow searching. #1167
- Remove Demo component from JCB v3; add Hello World component as demo.
- Fix missing working path in ZIP.
- Fix demo site view to display files.
- Fix message for Field Type init.
- Ensure type-agnostic comparisons by casting to CHAR in joins for dynamic retrieval.
- Fix dynamic download in site area with correct namespace.
- Fix missing edit button on fields in related views.
- Fix dashboard display issues.
- Re-add search option in use field of related views.
- Fix namespace issue that broke the linker.
# v3.2.3
- Fix site view form missing classes in J4+
- Fix permissions tab in items in J4+
- Fix site display controller checkEditId function in J4+
- Add class methods to the HtmlView classes in J4+
- Fix broken toolbar call in HtmlView in J4+
- Fix missing scripts and styles fields and methods in the site admin view model
- Update subform field layout across JCB for cleaner look
- Remove expansion feature
- Fix helper area
- Fix database mySql update in J4+
- Remove phpspreadsheet completely from Joomla 4+
- Add option to use powers in preflight event in the installer class
- Fix abstract schema class function check default index warring
- Fix dynamicGet so that the table values will load again. #1155
- Keep jQuery in dynamicGet area for Joomla 3
- Add native plugin builder for Joomla 4 & 5
- Add basic API for admin views
# v3.2.2
- Fix auto build from SQL in Joomla 4 and 5.
- Fix permission issue for admin views.
- Add extending options to interfaces.
- Update the Schema class to also update null mismatching if needed
- Add repositories for better integration with gitea
- Refactored the Data classes
- Add new Data classes
- Add new subform classes
- Fix registry class methods return type
- Update all list and custom fields to use the new layouts
- Add push options to Joomla Power
- Complete the Joomla Power Init and Reset features
- Fix Gitea Contents class functions
- Fix subform set methods
- Improved the Joomla Power Push path
- Fix the metadata, metadesc, metakey database issue
- Fix function mismatch call in the compiler power class.
- Fix init feature to only add missing powers
- Fix controller postSaveHook function, for correct model class in Joomla 4 and 5
- Fix app instances (mismatch) in the install script and schema class when installing from CLI
- Add option to use placeholders in Joomla Power namespaces.
- Fix subform layout of uikit in JCB
# v3.2.1
- Add power path override option on component level.
- Fix the sql build feature. #1032
- Add view list and single name fix.
- Add component code name fix.
- Add reset list of powers.
- Fix missing Factory class in plugin. #1102
- Fix plugin code display when methods and properties are missing.
- Add Joomla powers for namespace dynamic management.
- Add fallback option to ensure that all JCB tables and fields exist.
- Move the powers autoloader to its own file.
- Fix the media field size limitation. #1109
- Add dynamic datatype update to schema field check.
- Fix version_update column size.
- Improved the Schema Table update engine.
- Improved the Schema Table update engine (more)
- Fix autoloader timing, and loading.
- Implement the Joomla Powers in JCB code, to move away from JClasses.
- Remove many of the SQL updates, to only use the Schema updates of table columns to avoid collusion.
- Fix the admin.css file loading on dashboard. #1112
- Fix the missing model call. #1114
- Fix the wrong $date call. #1115
- Add the BaseDatabaseModel use statement to custom site view controller. #1119
- Fix the customfolderlist field. #1120
- Stable release of JCB 3.2.1
# v3.2.0
- Fix #1053 so that the right and left tabs display correctly in Joomla 4&5
- Move the old helper compiler files to powers
- Move the old helper extrusion files to powers
- Add Preferred Joomla Version to Components
- Add custom file file mapping for Joomla 4 and 5
- Fix the plug-in installer script builder bug #1068
- Fix Event triggers for Joomla 4 and 5 builds.
- Fix plugin field selection
- Fix plugin params tab layout
- Add issue templates
- Force autoloader to always load
- Add Factory class to the J5 Event class. #1093
- Fix [Set String Value] in placeholder table to store the value as a base64 string.
- Fix the search area layout.
- Fix the search area code line selection.
- Fix the input edit button for custom fields.
- Add the new layout to list fields (GUI UPDATE)
# v3.2.0-beta
- Add namspace prefix to both global, and component override level.
- Add Joomla 4 and 5 build option
- Add joomla_version to custom code.
- Add Joomla 4 and 5 correct build files.
- Fix #1026 by removing chosen everywhere.
- Resolve #1028 by adding in line helper toggle integration to all admin views.
- Remove the import and export buttons until the area is fixed.
- Add emptystate list template to all admin list views.
- Fix #1026 by adding the correct layout to the filter views.
- Fix #1026 by adding the class to the filter views.
- Fix #1026 by adding a hint to the filters that are having multiple selection.
- Fix the directional bog where a field in the filters are also called direction.
- Fix the getModel helper method fot J4+.
- Fix the AjaxController contructor class.
- Improved the getModel calls from the AxajController class.
- Improve the Joomla 4 Templates.
- Fix #1033 the response class issue for the gitea classes.
- Remove the JRegistry class to resolve #1036, #1035
- Move the defined or die below use statements.
- Add the new router view
- Fix #1041 so that custom tabs are build correctly.
- Fix #1043 so that delete function in Joomla 4 and 5 will work.
- Fix #1045 so that plug-in Structure::setMainXmlFile method will except an object.
- Fix #1042 so that it will remove line breaks and new lines from other languages as well.
- Fix #1046 so that the version restore function will work.
- Fix #1051 making sure the list view is lowercase.
- Fix #1052 so that tabs last opened is remembered and opened again on save, refresh or reopening of an item.
- Fix #1057 so that the datetime fields will be set correctly in mysql.
- Fix #1055 to add the style and scripts to all views.
- Move beta to main repo
# v3.1.28
- Adds better remote repository management for the super power features.
- Fixes #1014 so that powers are added to components.
- Updates PHPSecLib.
- Fixed connection failure to remote server.
- Adds overriding of back-folder and git-folder on component level.
# v3.1.26
- Fixed changelog direction so newest changes is listed at top of the file.
- Finished the init function of super powers.
- Adds rest function inside super power.
- Adds super powers to all templates.
- Updates many helper class methods to now use the utility classes.
- Adds the `spl_autoload_register` method to the component entry file (as-well).
- Moved most methods from the compiler fields class to powers. #955
- Refactored many new builder classes from the registry class.
- Converted the Content class to two builder classes.
- Adds option to add additional templates to a module.
- Resolves #1002 by adding STRING instead of WORD.
- Ported the FOF encryption class into Powers.
- Changed all CSS and JS to use `Html::_(` instead of `$this->document->` in compiler code.
- Adds option to turn jQuery off if UIKIT 3 is added.
- Adds option to auto write injection boilerplate code in Powers area.
- Adds option to auto write service provider boilerplate code in the Powers area.
- Improved the `getDynamicContent` method and all banner locations to fetch from instead.
- Major stability improvements all over the new powers complier classes.
- New [base Registry class]( has been created specially for JCB.
- Remember to update all plug-ins with this version update (use the package).
# v3.1.24
- Fix the update server #978 issue.
- Fixed the change log to load all entries, not just the last one.
- Fixed #983 so that database updates are created when adding a new adminview
- Moved a few builder arrays to the Compiler Registry
- Adds super powers to JCB
- Adds Gitea API library
- Improves Power filters
- Fix #991 to add the Utilities service class
- Adds Superpower Key (SPK) replacement feature
- Adds Superpower search (GREP) feature
- Adds Power Insert/Update Classes
- Fix #995 that all update sites are using the correct URL
# v3.1.19
- We fixed #972 so that custom code (in the header) will be added after the power namespaces
- We added a message to show when a server move failed
- We fixed the BaseConfig to not use '_' as separator
- We fixed the footable loading issue
- We removed the need for passing placeholders by reference
- We added the option to generate a CHANGELOG
- We fixed the server class to load new client if server details changed.
- We fixed the readme placeholder issue #978.
- We fixed the empty server url issue #978.
- Fixed Package import to now use the phplibsec version 3