2018-02-13 02:28:50 +01:00
FROM php:7.2-fpm-alpine
LABEL maintainer="Michael Babker <michael.babker@joomla.org> (@mbabker)"
# Disable remote database security requirements.
# entrypoint.sh dependencies
RUN apk add --no-cache \
# Install PHP extensions
RUN set -ex; \
apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps \
2018-06-03 19:37:46 +02:00
2018-02-13 02:28:50 +01:00
autoconf \
bzip2-dev \
libjpeg-turbo-dev \
libmemcached-dev \
2018-06-03 19:30:16 +02:00
libpng-dev \
2018-02-13 02:28:50 +01:00
openldap-dev \
pcre-dev \
postgresql-dev \
; \
docker-php-ext-configure gd --with-png-dir=/usr --with-jpeg-dir=/usr; \
docker-php-ext-configure ldap; \
2019-06-27 13:39:53 +02:00
docker-php-ext-install -j "$(nproc)" \
2018-02-13 02:28:50 +01:00
bz2 \
gd \
ldap \
mysqli \
pdo_mysql \
pdo_pgsql \
pgsql \
zip \
; \
2018-06-01 13:57:25 +02:00
# pecl will claim success even if one install fails, so we need to perform each install separately
2019-02-12 21:05:02 +01:00
pecl install APCu-5.1.17; \
2019-01-05 17:26:40 +01:00
pecl install memcached-3.1.3; \
2019-03-14 00:03:28 +01:00
pecl install redis-4.3.0; \
2018-06-01 13:57:25 +02:00
2018-02-13 02:28:50 +01:00
docker-php-ext-enable \
apcu \
memcached \
redis \
; \
runDeps="$( \
scanelf --needed --nobanner --format '%n#p' --recursive /usr/local/lib/php/extensions \
| tr ',' '\n' \
| sort -u \
| awk 'system("[ -e /usr/local/lib/" $1 " ]") == 0 { next } { print "so:" $1 }' \
)"; \
apk add --virtual .joomla-phpext-rundeps $runDeps; \
apk del .build-deps
VOLUME /var/www/html
# Define Joomla version and expected SHA1 signature
2019-07-09 23:36:13 +00:00
ENV JOOMLA_SHA512 099ccb3b2d6cfb0b6d465f5f45a694e76744aff1a9e9ebf69b8697236849fd6568a6b0de593008ec60dbdb08547a7eee3da2a6c6315ae4013e32d02225a5ed66
2018-02-13 02:28:50 +01:00
# Download package and extract to web volume
RUN curl -o joomla.tar.bz2 -SL https://github.com/joomla/joomla-cms/releases/download/${JOOMLA_VERSION}/Joomla_${JOOMLA_VERSION}-Stable-Full_Package.tar.bz2 \
2019-01-11 15:33:53 +01:00
&& echo "$JOOMLA_SHA512 *joomla.tar.bz2" | sha512sum -c - \
2018-02-13 02:28:50 +01:00
&& mkdir /usr/src/joomla \
&& tar -xf joomla.tar.bz2 -C /usr/src/joomla \
&& rm joomla.tar.bz2 \
&& chown -R www-data:www-data /usr/src/joomla
# Copy init scripts and custom .htaccess
COPY docker-entrypoint.sh /entrypoint.sh
COPY makedb.php /makedb.php
ENTRYPOINT ["/entrypoint.sh"]
CMD ["php-fpm"]