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synced 2025-03-16 23:02:22 +00:00
Adds PHP v8.1 to Joomla v4.1.0. Updated Redis to v5.3.6. Removed Mcrypt from Joomla v4.1 containers.
About this Repo
This is the Git repo of the Docker official image for joomla. See the Docker Hub page for the full readme on how to use this Docker image and for information regarding contributing and issues.
The full readme is generated over in docker-library/docs, specifically in docker-library/docs/joomla.
See a change merged here that doesn't show up on the Docker Hub yet? Check the "library/joomla" manifest file in the docker-library/official-images repo, especially PRs with the "library/joomla" label on that repo. For more information about the official images process, see the docker-library/official-images readme.
Build Status Badges Per Arch
See OS/ARCH on official images.
How to update the official docker-library/official-images repo
First update the git repository (basic steps)
- Fork this repository.
- Clone your forked repository to your local PC and change to the staging branch.
$ git clone git@github.com:your-name/docker-joomla.git
$ cd docker-joomla
$ git checkout staging
- Open the versions-helper.json file if this is a version update.
- Update the full version number on line 3 and 32 (example).
- Run the update.sh script once.
$ sudo chmod +x update.sh
$ ./update.sh
- OR make what ever changes you think will improve the images
- Make a commit message with every change.
$ git commit -am"Update images of Joomla! x.x.x to x.x.x"
- Push the changes to your repository.
$ git push origin staging
- Make a pull request against the staging branch.
- Done!
Maintainers must then do the following
- Continue only if all checks are passed with du-diligence
- Merge the pull request into staging
- Merge the staging branch into the master branch
- Again continue only if all checks are passed with du-diligence
- Clone the master branch of this repository to your PC and change to the master branch.
$ git clone git@github.com:joomla-docker/docker-joomla.git
$ cd docker-joomla
$ git checkout master
- Run the generate-stackbrew-library.sh.
$ sudo chmod +x generate-stackbrew-library.sh
$ ./generate-stackbrew-library.sh
- This will give an output of all the new values needed in the official images (validate the output)
- The easy way to move this output of this file to the official images can be done in the following way.
- Open the forked official-images and click on the Fetch Upstream button.
- Then click on Fetch and Merge while being in the master branch.
- Clone the master branch of this repository to your PC.
$ git clone git@github.com:joomla-docker/official-images.git
$ cd official-images
$ git checkout master
- Create a new branch called joomla
$ git checkout -b joomla
- At this point you should have two directories docker-joomla and official-images
- Preferably in the same directory so you can do the following.
- Change back to the docker-joomla repository.
$ cd ../docker-joomla
- Run the following command, targeting the Joomla library file in the official-images directory with the output:
$ ./generate-stackbrew-library.sh > ../official-images/library/joomla
- Change again to the official-images repository.
$ cd ../official-images
- Make a commit that will best reflect a summary of the changes.
$ git commit -am"Update Joomla!"
- Push the changes to up our forked official-images
$ git push -u origin joomla
Official Images About to Update
- Open a pull request from our forked official-images to official-images.
- Use the following convention in the message, check past to see convention.
- joomla-docker/docker-joomla@54a82e4: Update images of Joomla! 4.0.2 to 4.0.3
- joomla-docker/docker-joomla@f87bc00: Update version of Joomla! 4.0.2 to 4.0.3
- joomla-docker/docker-joomla@f36a82a: Update images of Joomla! 3.10.1 to 3.10.2
- joomla-docker/docker-joomla@4bc3c7b: Update version of Joomla! 3.10.1 to 3.10.2
- Basically denoting each commit to our master branch since the last update to the official images.
- Once this is done, the maintainers of the official Docker images takes over.
- Should there be any issue which you can't resolve, reach out to the other maintainers.
- Done!
The current maintainers of the official images. Let us know if you have any questions.