2023-10-04 20:28:29 +02:00

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# final class Structuremultiple (Details)
> namespace: **VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Component**
class Structuremultiple << (F,LightGreen) >> #RoyalBlue {
# Config $config
# Registry $registry
# Settings $settings
# Component $component
# Createdate $createdate
# Modifieddate $modifieddate
# Structure $structure
+ __construct(?Config $config = null, ?Registry $registry = null, ...)
+ build() : bool
# admin() : bool
# site() : bool
# custom() : bool
- isValidAdminView(array $view, array $config) : bool
- isValidView(array $view, array $config) : bool
- buildAdminView(array $view, array $config) : void
- buildView(array $view, array $config, ...) : void
note right of Structuremultiple::__construct
since: 3.2.0
?Config $config = null
?Registry $registry = null
?Settings $settings = null
?Component $component = null
?Createdate $createdate = null
?Modifieddate $modifieddate = null
?Structure $structure = null
end note
note left of Structuremultiple::build
Build the Multiple Files & Folders
since: 3.2.0
return: bool
end note
note right of Structuremultiple::admin
Build the Dynamic Admin Files & Folders
since: 3.2.0
return: bool
end note
note left of Structuremultiple::site
Build the Dynamic Site Files & Folders
since: 3.2.0
return: bool
end note
note right of Structuremultiple::custom
Build the Dynamic Custom Admin Files & Folders
since: 3.2.0
return: bool
end note
note left of Structuremultiple::isValidAdminView
Check if the view is a valid view
since: 3.2.0
return: bool
end note
note right of Structuremultiple::isValidView
Check if the view is a valid view
since: 3.2.0
return: bool
end note
note left of Structuremultiple::buildAdminView
Build the admin view
since: 3.2.0
return: void
end note
note right of Structuremultiple::buildView
Build the custom view
since: 3.2.0
return: void
array $view
array $config
string $type
end note
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> Build with [Joomla Component Builder](