2024-04-13 20:01:28 +02:00

116 lines
2.9 KiB

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# class Config (Details)
> namespace: **VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\JoomlaPower**
> extends: **BaseConfig**
class Config #Gold {
# JoomlaRegistry $config
+ __construct(?Input $input = null, ?JoomlaRegistry $params = null, ...)
# getGiteatoken() : ?string
# getAddcustomgiteaurl() : int
# getCustomgiteaurl() : ?string
# getCustomgiteatoken() : ?string
# getJoomlapowerscoreorganisation() : string
# getJoomlapowersinitrepos() : array
# getTmppath() : string
# getLocaljoomlapowersrepositorypath() : string
# getApprovedjoomlapaths() : array
note right of Config::__construct
since: 3.2.0
?Input $input = null
?JoomlaRegistry $params = null
?JoomlaRegistry $config = null
end note
note left of Config::getGiteatoken
get Gitea Access Token
since: 3.2.0
return: ?string
end note
note right of Config::getAddcustomgiteaurl
get Add Custom Gitea URL
since: 3.2.0
return: int
end note
note left of Config::getCustomgiteaurl
get Custom Gitea URL
since: 3.2.0
return: ?string
end note
note right of Config::getCustomgiteatoken
get Custom Gitea Access Token
since: 3.2.0
return: ?string
end note
note left of Config::getJoomlapowerscoreorganisation
Get super power core organisation
since: 3.2.0
return: string
end note
note right of Config::getJoomlapowersinitrepos
Get Joomla power init repos
since: 3.2.0
return: array
end note
note left of Config::getTmppath
get temporary path
since: 3.2.0
return: string
end note
note right of Config::getLocaljoomlapowersrepositorypath
Get local joomla super powers repository path
since: 3.2.0
return: string
end note
note left of Config::getApprovedjoomlapaths
Get joomla power approved paths
since: 3.2.0
return: array
end note
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> Build with [Joomla Component Builder](