2023-10-04 20:28:29 +02:00

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final class Permission (Details)

namespace: VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Creator

class Permission << (F,LightGreen) >> #RoyalBlue {
  # Config $config
  # PermissionCore $permissioncore
  # PermissionViews $permissionviews
  # PermissionAction $permissionaction
  # PermissionComponent $permissioncomponent
  # PermissionGlobalAction $permissionglobalaction
  # PermissionDashboard $permissiondashboard
  # Counter $counter
  # Language $language
  # array $permissions
  # string $nameList
  # string $nameListLower
  # string $nameSingleLower
  + __construct(Config $config, PermissionCore $permissioncore, ...)
  + getAction(string $nameView, string $action) : ?string
  + getGlobal(string $nameView, string $action) : string
  + actionExist(string $nameView, string $action) : bool
  + globalExist(string $nameView, string $action) : bool
  + set(array $view, string $nameView, ...) : void
  - build(array $view, string $nameView, ...) : void
  - setDashboard(string $nameView, string $nameViews, ...) : void
  - initialise(array $view, string $type) : bool
  - initPort(int $port) : void
  - initHistory(int $history) : void
  - initBatch(string $type) : void
  - setNames(object $settings, string $customName, ...) : void
  - getTitle(string $nameBuilder, string $customName) : string
  - getDescription(string $nameBuilder, string $customName) : string
  - getCore(string $nameView, string $action) : ?string

note right of Permission::__construct

  since: 3.2.0
    Config $config
    PermissionCore $permissioncore
    PermissionViews $permissionviews
    PermissionAction $permissionaction
    PermissionComponent $permissioncomponent
    PermissionGlobalAction $permissionglobalaction
    PermissionDashboard $permissiondashboard
    Counter $counter
    Language $language
end note

note left of Permission::getAction
  Get the permission action

  since: 3.2.0
  return: ?string
end note

note right of Permission::getGlobal
  Get the global permission action

  since: 3.2.0
  return: string
end note

note left of Permission::actionExist
  Check if the permission action exist

  since: 3.2.0
  return: bool
end note

note right of Permission::globalExist
  Check if the global permission action exist

  since: 3.2.0
  return: bool
end note

note left of Permission::set
  Set the permissions

  since: 3.2.0
  return: void
    array $view
    string $nameView
    string $nameViews
    array $menuControllers
    string $type = 'admin'
end note

note right of Permission::build
  Build of permissions

  since: 3.2.0
  return: void
    array $view
    string $nameView
    string $nameViews
    array $menuControllers
    string $type = 'admin'
end note

note left of Permission::setDashboard
  Set dashboard permissions

  since: 3.2.0
  return: void
    string $nameView
    string $nameViews
    array $menuControllers
    string $action
    string $coreTarget
end note

note right of Permission::initialise
  Initialise build of permissions

  since: 3.2.0
  return: bool
end note

note left of Permission::initPort
  Initialise build of import and export permissions

  since: 3.2.0
  return: void
end note

note right of Permission::initHistory
  Initialise build of history permissions

  since: 3.2.0
  return: void
end note

note left of Permission::initBatch
  Initialise build of batch permissions

  since: 3.2.0
  return: void
end note

note right of Permission::setNames
  Initialise build of names used in permissions

  since: 3.2.0
  return: void
    object $settings
    string $customName
    string $type
end note

note left of Permission::getTitle
  Get the dynamic title

  since: 3.2.0
  return: string
end note

note right of Permission::getDescription
  Get the dynamic description

  since: 3.2.0
  return: string
end note

note left of Permission::getCore
  Get the core permission action

  since: 3.2.0
  return: ?string
end note

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