2023-05-02 01:42:26 +02:00

89 KiB

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What is JCB Super Powers?

The Joomla Component Builder (JCB) Super Power features are designed to enhance JCB's functionality and streamline the development process. These Super Powers enable developers to efficiently manage and share their custom powers across multiple JCB instances through repositories hosted on[username]/[repository-name]. JCB Super Powers are managed using a combination of layers, events, tasks, methods, switches, and algorithms, which work together to provide powerful customization and extensibility options. More details on JCB Super Powers can be found in the Super Powers Documentation.

In summary, JCB Super Powers offer a flexible and efficient way to manage and share functionalities between JCB instances. By utilizing a sophisticated system of layers, events, tasks, methods, switches, and algorithms, developers can seamlessly integrate JCB core powers and their custom powers. For more information on how to work with JCB Super Powers, refer to the Super Powers User Guide.

What can I find here?

This repository contains an index (see below) of all the approved powers within the JCB GUI. During the compilation of a component, these powers are automatically added to the repository, ensuring a well-organized and accessible collection of functionalities.

Index of powers

Class Diagrams

VDM Joomla Componentbuilder Compiler

namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler


namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler #Olive {

  abstract Factory  #Orange {
    # static $container
    # static $JoomlaVersion
    + {static} _() : mixed
    + {static} _J() : mixed
    + {static} getContainer() : Container
    # {static} createContainer() : Container

  class Component  #Gold {
    + __construct()
    + __get()

  class Config  #Gold {
    # JoomlaRegistry $config
    + __construct()
    # getGiteatoken() : ?string
    # getAddcontributors() : bool
    # getAddajax() : bool
    # getAddsiteajax() : bool
    # getAddeximport() : bool
    # getAddcheckin() : bool
    # getComponentid() : int
    # getComponentversion() : string
    # getComponentcodename() : string
    # getComponentcontext() : string
    # getComponentcodenamelength() : int
    # getJoomlaversion() : int
    # getJoomlaversions() : array
    # getJoomlaversionname() : string
    # getSetjoomlafields() : bool
    # getShowadvancedoptions() : bool
    # getIndentationvalue() : string
    # getAddbuilddate() : int
    # getBuilddate() : string
    # getBackup() : int
    # getRepository() : int
    # getDebuglinenr() : int
    # getMinify() : int
    # getRemovelinebreaks() : bool
    # getTidy() : bool
    # getSettidywarning() : bool
    # getSettaghistory() : bool
    # getLangtag() : string
    # getLangprefix() : string
    # getLangtarget() : string
    # getLangstringtargets() : array
    # getLangstringkeytargets() : array
    # getFieldbuildertype() : int
    # getDefaultfields() : array
    # getTmppath() : string
    # getCompilerpath() : string
    # getJcbpowerspath() : string
    # getLocalpowersrepositorypath() : string
    # getApprovedpaths() : array
    # getBompath() : string
    # getCustomfolderpath() : string
    # getAddassetstablefix() : int
    # getAddassetstablenamefix() : bool
    # getAccessworsecase() : int
    # getMysqltablekeys() : array
    # getAddplaceholders() : bool
    # getAddpower() : bool
    # getAddsuperpowers() : bool
    # getAddownpowers() : bool
    # getBuildtarget() : string
    # getCryptiontypes() : array
    # getBasicencryption() : bool
    # getMediumencryption() : bool
    # getWhmcsencryption() : bool
    # getRemovesitefolder() : bool
    # getRemovesiteeditfolder() : bool
    # getUikit() : int
    # getGooglechart() : bool
    # getFootable() : bool
    # getFootableversion() : int

  class Content  #Gold {
    # key() : string
    # firstKey() : string
    # secondKey() : string

  class Customcode  #Gold {
    + array $functionNameMemory
    + $active
    + $memory
    # $data
    # Config $config
    # Placeholder $placeholder
    # Extractor $extractor
    # Power $power
    # External $external
    # $db
    + __construct()
    + update() : string
    + set() : string
    + get() : bool
    # insert() : string
    # buildPlaceholders() : void
    # check() : Mixed

  class Field  #Gold {
    # Data $data
    # Name $name
    # TypeName $typeName
    # UniqueName $uniqueName
    + __construct()
    + set() : void

  class Language  #Gold {
    # array $content
    # Config $config
    + __construct()
    + key() : string
    + exist() : bool
    + get() : string
    + getTarget() : array
    + setTarget() : void
    + set() : void
    # fix() : string

  class Placeholder  #Gold {
    + array $active
    # Config $config
    + __construct()
    + set() : void
    + get() : mixed
    + exist() : bool
    + add() : void
    + remove() : void
    + set_() : void
    + get_() : mixed
    + exist_() : bool
    + add_() : void
    + remove_() : void
    + set_h() : void
    + get_h() : mixed
    + exist_h() : bool
    + add_h() : void
    + remove_h() : void
    + setType() : void
    + clearType() : void
    + update() : string
    + update_() : string
    + keys() : array

  class Power  #Gold {
    + array $active
    + array $namespace
    + array $composer
    + array $superpowers
    # string $fixUrl
    # array $state
    # array $retry
    # Config $config
    # Placeholder $placeholder
    # Customcode $customcode
    # Gui $gui
    # Superpower $superpower
    # \JDatabaseDriver $db
    # CMSApplication $app
    + __construct()
    + load() : void
    + get() : ?object
    - set() : bool
    - isPowerSet() : bool
    - isGuidValid() : bool
    - getPowerData() : ?object
    - setNamespace() : bool
    - setUseSelection() : void
    - setLoadSelection() : void
    - setComposer() : void
    - setImplements() : void
    - setExtend() : void
    - setUseAs() : void
    - getCleanNamespace() : string
    - getUseNamespace() : string
    - addToHeader() : void
    - setLicensingTemplate() : void
    - setHeader() : void
    - setMainClassCode() : void
    - setSuperPowers() : void

  class Registry  #Gold {
    # $indent
    + varExport() : ?string
    # convertIndent() : string


VDM Joomla Componentbuilder Interfaces

namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Interfaces


namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Interfaces #Olive {

  interface Cryptinterface  #Lavender {
    + encrypt() : string
    + decrypt() : string

  interface FactoryInterface  #Lavender {
    + {static} _() : Mixed
    + {static} getContainer() : Container

  interface LoadInterface  #Lavender {
    + rows() : ?array
    + items() : ?array
    + row() : ?array
    + item() : ?object
    + value() : mixed

  interface Mapperdoubleinterface  #Lavender {
    + isActive_() : bool
    + set_() : void
    + get_() : mixed
    + exist_() : bool
    + add_() : void
    + remove_() : void

  interface Mappersingleinterface  #Lavender {
    + isActive() : bool
    + set() : void
    + get() : mixed
    + exist() : bool
    + add() : void
    + remove() : void

  interface Serverinterface  #Lavender {
    + set() : self
    + move() : bool

  interface Tableinterface  #Lavender {
    + get() : mixed
    + title() : ?array
    + titleName() : string
    + tables() : array
    + exist() : bool
    + fields() : ?array


VDM Joomla Componentbuilder Power

namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Power


namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Power #Olive {

  class Grep << (F,LightGreen) >> #Green {
    + ?string $path
    + ?array $paths
    # Contents $contents
    # CMSApplication $app
    + __construct()
    + get() : ?object
    - searchLocal() : ?object
    - searchRemote() : ?object
    - getLocal() : ?object
    - getRemote() : ?object
    - init() : void
    - localIndex() : void
    - remoteIndex() : void
    - loadRemoteFile() : mixed
    - getFunctionName() : ?string

  class Model << (F,LightGreen) >> #Green {
    + value() : mixed
    # validateBefore() : bool
    # validateAfter() : bool
    # getTable() : string

  class Super << (F,LightGreen) >> #Green {
    # Grep $grep
    # Insert $insert
    # Update $update
    + __construct()
    + load() : bool
    - insert() : bool
    - update() : bool
    - action() : string


VDM Joomla Componentbuilder Utilities

namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Utilities


namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Utilities #Olive {

  class Constantpaths  #Gold {
    # array $paths
    + get() : array|string|null


VDM Joomla Componentbuilder Compiler Adminview

namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Adminview


namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Adminview #LightGreen {

  class Data  #Gold {
    # array $data
    # Config $config
    # Registry $registry
    # EventInterface $event
    # Placeholder $placeholder
    # Dispenser $dispenser
    # Customtabs $customtabs
    # Tabs $tabs
    # Fields $fields
    # Historyadminview $history
    # Permissions $permissions
    # Conditions $conditions
    # Relations $relations
    # Linkedviews $linkedviews
    # Javascriptadminview $javascript
    # Cssadminview $css
    # Phpadminview $php
    # Custombuttons $custombuttons
    # Customimportscripts $customimportscripts
    # Ajaxadmin $ajax
    # Customalias $customalias
    # Sql $sql
    # Mysqlsettings $mysqlsettings
    # \JDatabaseDriver $db
    + __construct()
    + get() : ?object


VDM Joomla Componentbuilder Compiler Alias

namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Alias


namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Alias #LightGreen {

  class Data  #Gold {
    # Config $config
    # Registry $registry
    # Customcode $customcode
    # Gui $gui
    # Loader $loader
    # Libraries $libraries
    # \JDatabaseDriver $db
    + __construct()
    + get() : ?array
    # set() : void


VDM Joomla Componentbuilder Compiler Component

namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Component


namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Component #LightGreen {

  class Dashboard  #Gold {
    # Registry $registry
    # Component $component
    # CMSApplication $app
    + __construct()
    + set() : void

  class Data  #Gold {
    # Config $config
    # EventInterface $event
    # Placeholder $placeholder
    # ComponentPlaceholder $componentPlaceholder
    # Dispenser $dispenser
    # Customcode $customcode
    # Gui $gui
    # Field $field
    # FieldName $fieldName
    # UniqueName $uniqueName
    # Filesfolders $filesFolders
    # Historycomponent $history
    # Whmcs $whmcs
    # Sqltweaking $sqltweaking
    # Adminviews $adminviews
    # Siteviews $siteviews
    # Customadminviews $customadminviews
    # Updateserver $updateserver
    # Joomlamodules $modules
    # Joomlaplugins $plugins
    # \JDatabaseDriver $db
    + __construct()
    + get() : ?object

  class Placeholder  #Gold {
    # $placeholders
    # $config
    # $db
    + __construct()
    + get() : array

  class Settings  #Gold {
    # array $standardFolders
    # array $standardRootFiles
    # ?object $data
    # Config $config
    # Registry $registry
    # EventInterface $event
    # Placeholder $placeholder
    # Component $component
    # Paths $paths
    # Dynamicpath $dynamicpath
    # Pathfix $pathfix
    + __construct()
    + exists() : bool
    + structure() : object
    + multiple() : object
    + single() : object
    + standardFolder() : bool
    + standardRootFile() : bool
    - isSet() : bool
    - get() : ?object
    - readJsonFile() : ?object
    - isValidData() : bool
    - loadExtraFolders() : void
    - addImportViewFolder() : void
    - addPhpSpreadsheetFolder() : void
    - addUikitFolder() : void
    - addFooTableFolder() : void
    - loadExtraFiles() : void
    - addGoogleChartFiles() : void
    - addFolders() : void
    - addFiles() : void

  class Structure  #Gold {
    # Settings $settings
    # Paths $paths
    # Folder $folder
    + __construct()
    + build() : bool
    # folders() : void

  class Structuremultiple  #Gold {
    # Config $config
    # Registry $registry
    # Settings $settings
    # Component $component
    # Createdate $createdate
    # Modifieddate $modifieddate
    # Structure $structure
    + __construct()
    + build() : bool
    # admin() : bool
    # site() : bool
    # custom() : bool
    - isValidAdminView() : bool
    - isValidView() : bool
    - buildAdminView() : void
    - buildView() : void

  class Structuresingle  #Gold {
    # string $newName
    # string $currentFullPath
    # string $packageFullPath
    # string $zipFullPath
    # Config $config
    # Registry $registry
    # Settings $settings
    # Component $component
    # Content $content
    # Counter $counter
    # Paths $paths
    # Files $files
    # CMSApplication $app
    + __construct()
    + build() : bool
    - doLicenseCheck() : bool
    - doReadmeCheck() : bool
    - doChangelogCheck() : bool
    - setNewName() : void
    - setPaths() : void
    - pathExist() : bool
    - setTarget() : void
    - moveFile() : void
    - registerFile() : void
    - setDynamicTarget() : void
    - setDynamicFolders() : void


VDM Joomla Componentbuilder Compiler Customcode

namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Customcode


namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Customcode #LightGreen {

  class Dispenser  #Gold {
    + array $hub
    # Placeholder $placeholder
    # Customcode $customcode
    # Gui $gui
    # Hash $hash
    # LockBase $base64
    + __construct()
    + set() : bool
    + get() : mixed
    # initHub() : void
    # setHub() : void

  class External  #Gold {
    # array $code
    # array $cutter
    # Placeholder $placeholder
    # \JDatabaseDriver $db
    # User $user
    # CMSApplication $app
    + __construct()
    + set() : string
    # getCode() : void
    # cut() : string

  class Extractor  #Gold {
    # array $existing
    # array $new
    # array $done
    # array $counter
    # array $fileTypes
    # array $placeholders
    # string $today
    # Config $config
    # Gui $gui
    # Paths $paths
    # Reverse $reverse
    # Placeholder $componentPlaceholder
    # Pathfix $pathfix
    # User $user
    # \JDatabaseDriver $db
    # CMSApplication $app
    + __construct()
    + run() : void
    # searchFileContent() : array
    # insert() : void
    # update() : void
    # setStartReplace() : string
    # addLineChecker() : bool|int
    # getSystemID() : mixed

  class Gui  #Gold {
    # Config $config
    # Reverse $reverse
    # Parser $parser
    # \JDatabaseDriver $db
    # CMSApplication $app
    + __construct()
    + set() : string
    + search() : void
    # check() : bool

  class Hash  #Gold {
    # Placeholder $placeholder
    + __construct()
    + set() : string

  class LockBase  #Gold {
    # Placeholder $placeholder
    + __construct()
    + set() : string


VDM Joomla Componentbuilder Compiler Customview

namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Customview


namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Customview #LightGreen {

  class Data  #Gold {
    # array $data
    # Config $config
    # EventInterface $event
    # Customcode $customcode
    # Gui $gui
    # Libraries $libraries
    # Templatelayout $templateLayout
    # Dynamicget $dynamic
    # Loader $loader
    # Javascriptcustomview $javascript
    # Csscustomview $css
    # Phpcustomview $php
    # Custombuttons $custombuttons
    # Ajaxcustomview $ajax
    # \JDatabaseDriver $db
    + __construct()
    + get() : ?object


VDM Joomla Componentbuilder Compiler Dynamicget

namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Dynamicget


namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Dynamicget #LightGreen {

  class Data  #Gold {
    # array $guiMapper
    # Config $config
    # Registry $registry
    # EventInterface $event
    # Customcode $customcode
    # Dispenser $dispenser
    # Gui $gui
    # Dynamicget $dynamic
    # \JDatabaseDriver $db
    + __construct()
    + get() : ?array

  class Selection  #Gold {
    # array $name
    # Config $config
    # Registry $registry
    # \JDatabaseDriver $db
    + __construct()
    + get() : ?array
    # name() : string


VDM Joomla Componentbuilder Compiler Field

namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Field


namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Field #LightGreen {

  class Customcode  #Gold {
    # array $views
    # Dispenser $dispenser
    + __construct()
    + update() : void

  class Data  #Gold {
    # array $fields
    # Config $config
    # EventInterface $event
    # HistoryInterface $history
    # Placeholder $placeholder
    # Customcode $customcode
    # FieldCustomcode $fieldCustomcode
    # Validation $validation
    # \JDatabaseDriver $db
    + __construct()
    + get() : ?object

  class DatabaseName  #Gold {
    # Registry $registry
    + __construct()
    + get() : ?string

  class Name  #Gold {
    # Registry $registry
    # array $unique
    # Placeholder $placeholder
    # UniqueName $uniqueName
    + __construct()
    + get() : string

  class TypeName  #Gold {
    + get() : string

  class UniqueName  #Gold {
    # Registry $registry
    + __construct()
    + set() : void
    + get() : string

  class Validation  #Gold {
    # Registry $registry
    # Gui $gui
    # Placeholder $placeholder
    # Customcode $customcode
    # CoreValidationInterface $validation
    + __construct()
    + set() : void


VDM Joomla Componentbuilder Compiler Interfaces

namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Interfaces


namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Interfaces #LightGreen {

  interface CustomcodeInterface  #Lavender {
    + update() : string
    + set() : string
    + get() : bool

  interface EventInterface  #Lavender {
    + trigger() : void

  interface GetScriptInterface  #Lavender {
    + get() : string

  interface HistoryInterface  #Lavender {
    + get() : ?object

  interface LanguageInterface  #Lavender {
    + key() : string
    + exist() : bool
    + get() : string
    + getTarget() : array
    + setTarget() : void
    + set() : void

  interface PlaceholderInterface  #Lavender {
    + set() : void
    + get() : mixed
    + exist() : bool
    + add() : void
    + remove() : void
    + set_() : void
    + get_() : mixed
    + exist_() : bool
    + add_() : void
    + remove_() : void
    + set_h() : void
    + get_h() : mixed
    + exist_h() : bool
    + add_h() : void
    + remove_h() : void
    + setType() : void
    + clearType() : void
    + update() : string
    + update_() : string
    + keys() : array

  interface PowerInterface  #Lavender {
    + load() : void
    + get() : mixed


VDM Joomla Componentbuilder Compiler JoomlaThree

namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\JoomlaThree


namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\JoomlaThree #LightGreen {

  class Event  #Gold {
    # $activePlugins
    + __construct()
    + trigger() : void

  class History  #Gold {
    # ?object $tmp
    # Config $config
    # \JDatabaseDriver $db
    + __construct()
    + get() : ?object
    # set() : bool


VDM Joomla Componentbuilder Compiler Joomlamodule

namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Joomlamodule


namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Joomlamodule #LightGreen {

  class Data  #Gold {
    # array $data
    # Config $config
    # Customcode $customcode
    # Gui $gui
    # Placeholder $placeholder
    # Language $language
    # Field $field
    # FieldName $fieldName
    # Filesfolders $filesFolders
    # Libraries $libraries
    # Dynamicget $dynamic
    # \JDatabaseDriver $db
    + __construct()
    + get() : object|array|null
    + exists() : bool
    + set() : bool

  class Structure  #Gold {
    # Module $module
    # Component $component
    # Config $config
    # Registry $registry
    # Dispenser $dispenser
    # EventInterface $event
    # Counter $counter
    # Folder $folder
    # File $file
    # Files $files
    + __construct()
    + build() : void
    # getXML() : string
    # getCustomScriptField() : string


VDM Joomla Componentbuilder Compiler Joomlaplugin

namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Joomlaplugin


namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Joomlaplugin #LightGreen {

  class Data  #Gold {
    # array $data
    # Config $config
    # Customcode $customcode
    # Gui $gui
    # Placeholder $placeholder
    # Language $language
    # Field $field
    # FieldName $fieldName
    # Filesfolders $filesFolders
    # \JDatabaseDriver $db
    + __construct()
    + get() : object|array|null
    + exists() : bool
    + set() : bool

  class Structure  #Gold {
    # Plugin $plugin
    # Component $component
    # Config $config
    # Registry $registry
    # Dispenser $dispenser
    # EventInterface $event
    # Counter $counter
    # Folder $folder
    # File $file
    # Files $files
    + __construct()
    + build() : void
    # getXML() : string


VDM Joomla Componentbuilder Compiler Language

namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Language


namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Language #LightGreen {

  class Extractor  #Gold {
    + array $langKeys
    + array $langMismatch
    + array $langMatch
    # Config $config
    # Placeholder $placeholder
    # Language $language
    + __construct()
    + engine() : string


VDM Joomla Componentbuilder Compiler Library

namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Library


namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Library #LightGreen {

  class Data  #Gold {
    # Config $config
    # Registry $registry
    # Customcode $customcode
    # Gui $gui
    # FieldData $field
    # Filesfolders $filesFolders
    # \JDatabaseDriver $db
    + __construct()
    + get() : object|bool

  class Structure  #Gold {
    # Config $config
    # Registry $registry
    # EventInterface $event
    # Component $component
    # Content $content
    # Counter $counter
    # Paths $paths
    # Folder $folder
    # File $file
    + __construct()
    + build() : void


VDM Joomla Componentbuilder Compiler Model

namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Model


namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Model #LightGreen {

  class Adminviews  #Gold {
    # Adminview $admin
    # Registry $registry
    # Config $config
    + __construct()
    + set() : void

  class Ajaxadmin  #Gold {
    # array $guiMapper
    # Config $config
    # Registry $registry
    # Dispenser $dispenser
    + __construct()
    + set() : void

  class Ajaxcustomview  #Gold {
    # array $guiMapper
    # Config $config
    # Dispenser $dispenser
    + __construct()
    + set() : void

  class Conditions  #Gold {
    # TypeName $typeName
    # FieldName $fieldName
    + __construct()
    + set() : void

  class Createdate  #Gold {
    + get() : string

  class Cssadminview  #Gold {
    # array $areas
    # Dispenser $dispenser
    + __construct()
    + set() : void

  class Csscustomview  #Gold {
    # array $areas
    # Customcode $customcode
    + __construct()
    + set() : void

  class Customadminviews  #Gold {
    # Customview $customadmin
    # Config $config
    + __construct()
    + set() : void

  class Customalias  #Gold {
    # Registry $registry
    # FieldName $fieldName
    + __construct()
    + set() : void

  class Custombuttons  #Gold {
    # array $areas
    # array $guiMapper
    # Customcode $customcode
    # Gui $gui
    # Templatelayout $templateLayout
    + __construct()
    + set() : void

  class Customimportscripts  #Gold {
    # array $areas
    # array $guiMapper
    # Dispenser $dispenser
    + __construct()
    + set() : void

  class Customtabs  #Gold {
    # Config $config
    # Registry $registry
    # Language $language
    # Placeholder $placeholder
    # Customcode $customcode
    + __construct()
    + set() : void

  class Dynamicget  #Gold {
    # array $jointer
    # array $operator
    # array $guiMapper
    # Config $config
    # Registry $registry
    # Customcode $customcode
    # Gui $gui
    # Placeholder $placeholder
    # Selection $selection
    + __construct()
    + set() : void

  class Fields  #Gold {
    # Config $config
    # Registry $registry
    # HistoryInterface $history
    # Customcode $customcode
    # Field $field
    # FieldName $fieldName
    # UpdateSql $updateSql
    # CMSApplication $app
    + __construct()
    + set() : void

  class Filesfolders  #Gold {
    # array $keys
    + set() : void

  class Historyadminview  #Gold {
    # Config $config
    # HistoryInterface $history
    # Updatesql $updatesql
    + __construct()
    + set() : void

  class Historycomponent  #Gold {
    # Config $config
    # HistoryInterface $history
    # Updatesql $updatesql
    + __construct()
    + set() : void
    - setAdminView() : void
    - setComponent() : void

  class Javascriptadminview  #Gold {
    # array $scripter
    # array $guiMapper
    # Dispenser $dispenser
    + __construct()
    + set() : void

  class Javascriptcustomview  #Gold {
    # array $areas
    # array $guiMapper
    # Customcode $customcode
    # Gui $gui
    + __construct()
    + set() : void

  class Joomlamodules  #Gold {
    # Module $module
    + __construct()
    + set() : void

  class Joomlaplugins  #Gold {
    # Plugin $plugin
    + __construct()
    + set() : void

  class Libraries  #Gold {
    # Config $config
    # Registry $registry
    # Library $library
    + __construct()
    + set() : void

  class Linkedviews  #Gold {
    # Registry $registry
    + __construct()
    + set() : void

  class Loader  #Gold {
    # Config $config
    # Registry $registry
    + __construct()
    + set() : void
    + uikit() : void
    # getFootableScripts() : bool
    # getGetModule() : bool
    # getGoogleChart() : bool

  class Modifieddate  #Gold {
    # array $last
    + get() : string
    # getDate() : int
    # getModified() : int
    # getKey() : string

  class Mysqlsettings  #Gold {
    # Config $config
    # Registry $registry
    + __construct()
    + set() : void

  class Permissions  #Gold {
    + set() : void

  class Phpadminview  #Gold {
    # array $areas
    # array $guiMapper
    # Dispenser $dispenser
    # Templatelayout $templateLayout
    + __construct()
    + set() : void

  class Phpcustomview  #Gold {
    # array $areas
    # array $guiMapper
    # Customcode $customcode
    # Gui $gui
    # Loader $loader
    # Templatelayout $templateLayout
    + __construct()
    + set() : void

  class Relations  #Gold {
    # Config $config
    # Registry $registry
    # Language $language
    # Customcode $customcode
    + __construct()
    + set() : void

  class Siteviews  #Gold {
    # Customview $site
    # Config $config
    + __construct()
    + set() : void

  class Sql  #Gold {
    # Dispenser $dispenser
    # Sqldump $dump
    + __construct()
    + set() : void

  class Sqldump  #Gold {
    # Registry $registry
    # \JDatabaseDriver $db
    + __construct()
    + get() : ?string
    # escape() : string|array

  class Sqltweaking  #Gold {
    # Registry $registry
    + __construct()
    + set() : void
    # tweak() : void

  class Tabs  #Gold {
    + set() : void

  class Updateserver  #Gold {
    + set() : void
    # changelog() : void

  class Updatesql  #Gold {
    # array $name
    # Registry $registry
    + __construct()
    + set() : void
    # add() : void
    # name() : string

  class Whmcs  #Gold {
    + set() : void


VDM Joomla Componentbuilder Compiler Placeholder

namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Placeholder


namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Placeholder #LightGreen {

  class Reverse  #Gold {
    # Config $config
    # Placeholder $placeholder
    # Language $language
    # Extractor $extractor
    # Power $power
    + __construct()
    + engine() : string
    # setReverse() : string
    # reverseSuperPowers() : string
    # getReversePower() : ?array
    # reverseLanguage() : string
    # reverseCustomCode() : string


VDM Joomla Componentbuilder Compiler Power

namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Power


namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Power #LightGreen {

  class Extractor << (F,LightGreen) >> #Green {
    # array $powers
    # \JDatabaseDriver $db
    + __construct()
    + get_() : ?array
    + get() : ?array
    + reverse() : ?array
    + search() : void
    # load() : void
    # map() : ?array
    # filter() : ?array
    # namespaces() : ?array

  class Injector << (F,LightGreen) >> #Green {
    # Power $power
    # Extractor $extractor
    # Parser $parser
    # Placeholder $placeholder
    # array $map
    # array $useStatements
    # array $traits
    + __construct()
    + power() : string
    # update() : string
    # inspect() : ?string
    # getName() : ?string
    # getUniqueName() : string
    # removeLastSpace() : string
    # addUseStatements() : string
    # addLines() : string
    # addLinesAfterDefinedLine() : string

  class Parser << (F,LightGreen) >> #Green {
    + code() : array
    + getClassCode() : ?string
    + getClassLicense() : ?string
    + getUseStatements() : ?array
    + getTraits() : ?array
    - properties() : ?array
    - methods() : ?array
    - extractDocBlock() : ?string
    - extractFunctionArgumentDetails() : ?array
    - extractReturnType() : ?string
    - extractArgTypesFromComment() : ?array
    - extractArgTypesArguments() : ?array
    - extractReturnTypeFromComment() : ?string
    - extractSinceVersion() : ?string
    - extractDeprecatedVersion() : ?string
    - removeWhiteSpaceFromComment() : string
    - mergeArgumentTypes() : array

  class Autoloader  #Gold {
    # Power $power
    # Config $config
    # Content $content
    # string $helper
    + __construct()
    + set() : void
    - loadPluginAutoloader() : bool
    - loadHelperAutoloader() : bool
    - loadSiteAutoloader() : bool
    - getPluginAutoloader() : string
    - getHelperAutoloader() : string
    - getBLockSiteLoading() : ?string
    - getAutoloader() : ?string
    - getComposer() : ?string

  class Infusion  #Gold {
    # Config $config
    # Power $power
    # Content $content
    # Autoloader $autoloader
    # Parser $parser
    # RepoReadme $reporeadme
    # ReposReadme $reposreadme
    # Placeholder $placeholder
    # Event $event
    # array $linker
    + __construct()
    + set() : void
    - parsePowers() : void
    - setSuperPowers() : void
    - setPowers() : void
    - index() : string
    - code() : string
    - raw() : string
    - linker() : string

  class Plantuml  #Gold {
    + namespaceDiagram() : string
    + classBasicDiagram() : string
    + classDetailedDiagram() : string
    - generatePropertiesPlantUML() : string
    - generateDetailedMethodsPlantUML() : array
    - generateBasicMethodsPlantUML() : string
    - generateMethodArgumentsAndNotes() : array
    - generateMethodNotes() : array
    - generateNotesPlantUML() : string
    - getAccessSign() : string
    - getClassTypeLable() : string
    - getClassTypeTag() : string
    - getClassColor() : string
    - getNamespaceColor() : string

  class Structure  #Gold {
    # array $htaccess
    # Power $power
    # Config $config
    # Registry $registry
    # EventInterface $event
    # Counter $counter
    # Paths $paths
    # Folder $folder
    # File $file
    # Files $files
    # CMSApplication $app
    + __construct()
    + build() : void
    - createFile() : void
    - setHtaccess() : void
    - setDynamicFolders() : void
    - setSuperPowerDetails() : void
    - setSuperPowerFiles() : void


VDM Joomla Componentbuilder Compiler Service

namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Service


namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Service #LightGreen {

  class Adminview  #Gold {
    + register() : void
    + getAdminviewData() : AdminviewData

  class Builder  #Gold {
    + register() : void
    + getMysql() : Mysql

  class Compiler  #Gold {
    + register() : void
    + getConfig() : Config
    + getRegistry() : Registry
    + getTable() : Table

  class Component  #Gold {
    + register() : void
    + getComponent() : CompilerComponent
    + getSettings() : Settings
    + getDashboard() : Dashboard
    + getPlaceholder() : Placeholder
    + getData() : Data
    + getStructure() : Structure
    + getStructuresingle() : Structuresingle
    + getStructuremultiple() : Structuremultiple

  class Customcode  #Gold {
    + register() : void
    + getCustomcode() : CustomcodeInterface
    + getExternal() : External
    + getGui() : Gui
    + getHash() : Hash
    + getLockBase() : LockBase
    + getDispenser() : Dispenser
    + getPaths() : Paths
    + getExtractor() : Extractor

  class Customview  #Gold {
    + register() : void
    + getCustomviewData() : CustomviewData
    + getDynamicgetData() : DynamicgetData
    + getDynamicgetSelection() : DynamicgetSelection

  class Database  #Gold {
    + register() : void
    + getLoad() : Load
    + getInsert() : Insert
    + getUpdate() : Update

  class Event  #Gold {
    # $currentVersion
    + register() : void
    + getEvent() : EventInterface
    + getJ3Event() : J3Event

  class Extension  #Gold {
    # $targetVersion
    + register() : void
    + getJ3ExtensionInstallScript() : J3InstallScript
    + getExtensionInstallScript() : GetScriptInterface

  class Field  #Gold {
    # $targetVersion
    + register() : void
    + getField() : CompilerField
    + getData() : Data
    + getValidation() : Validation
    + getJ3CoreValidation() : J3CoreValidation
    + getCoreValidation() : CoreValidationInterface
    + getCustomcode() : Customcode
    + getFieldName() : Name
    + getFieldTypeName() : TypeName
    + getFieldUniqueName() : UniqueName
    + getFieldDatabaseName() : DatabaseName

  class History  #Gold {
    # $currentVersion
    + register() : void
    + getHistory() : HistoryInterface
    + getJ3History() : J3History

  class Joomlamodule  #Gold {
    + register() : void
    + getData() : Data
    + getStructure() : Structure

  class Joomlaplugin  #Gold {
    + register() : void
    + getData() : Data
    + getStructure() : Structure

  class Language  #Gold {
    + register() : void
    + getLanguage() : CompilerLanguage
    + getLanguageExtractor() : Extractor

  class Library  #Gold {
    + register() : void
    + getData() : Data
    + getStructure() : Structure

  class Mapper  #Gold {
    + register() : void
    + getContent() : Content

  class Model  #Gold {
    + register() : void
    + getModelJoomlaplugins() : Joomlaplugins
    + getModelJoomlamodules() : Joomlamodules
    + getModelHistorycomponent() : Historycomponent
    + getModelCustomadminviews() : Customadminviews
    + getModelAjaxcustomview() : Ajaxcustomview
    + getModelJavascriptcustomview() : Javascriptcustomview
    + getModelCsscustomview() : Csscustomview
    + getModelPhpcustomview() : Phpcustomview
    + getModelDynamicget() : Dynamicget
    + getModelLibraries() : Libraries
    + getModelSiteviews() : Siteviews
    + getModelPermissions() : Permissions
    + getModelHistoryadminview() : Historyadminview
    + getModelMysqlsettings() : Mysqlsettings
    + getModelSql() : Sql
    + getModelCustomalias() : Customalias
    + getModelAjaxadmin() : Ajaxadmin
    + getModelCustomimportscripts() : Customimportscripts
    + getModelCustombuttons() : Custombuttons
    + getModelLoader() : Loader
    + getModelPhpadminview() : Phpadminview
    + getModelCssadminview() : Cssadminview
    + getModelJavascriptadminview() : Javascriptadminview
    + getModelLinkedviews() : Linkedviews
    + getModelRelations() : Relations
    + getModelConditions() : Conditions
    + getModelFields() : Fields
    + getModelUpdatesql() : Updatesql
    + getModelTabs() : Tabs
    + getModelCustomtabs() : Customtabs
    + getModelAdminviews() : Adminviews
    + getModelSqltweaking() : Sqltweaking
    + getModelSqldump() : Sqldump
    + getModelWhmcs() : Whmcs
    + getModifieddate() : Modifieddate
    + getCreatedate() : Createdate
    + getUpdateserver() : Updateserver
    + getModelFilesfolders() : Filesfolders
    + getServerLoad() : ServerLoad

  class Placeholder  #Gold {
    + register() : void
    + getPlaceholder() : CompilerPlaceholder
    + getPlaceholderReverse() : Reverse

  class Power  #Gold {
    + register() : void
    + getPowers() : Powers
    + getSuperpower() : Superpower
    + getGrep() : Grep
    + getAutoloader() : Autoloader
    + getInfusion() : Infusion
    + getStructure() : Structure
    + getParser() : Parser
    + getPlantuml() : Plantuml
    + getRepoReadme() : RepoReadme
    + getReposReadme() : ReposReadme
    + getExtractor() : Extractor
    + getInjector() : Injector
    + getModel() : Model
    + getInsert() : Insert
    + getUpdate() : Update

  class Templatelayout  #Gold {
    + register() : void
    + getTemplatelayoutData() : TemplatelayoutData
    + getAliasData() : AliasData

  class Utilities  #Gold {
    + register() : void
    + getFolder() : Folder
    + getFile() : File
    + getCounter() : Counter
    + getPaths() : Paths
    + getFiles() : Files
    + getConstantpaths() : Constantpaths
    + getDynamicpath() : Dynamicpath
    + getPathfix() : Pathfix
    + getStructure() : Structure


VDM Joomla Componentbuilder Compiler Templatelayout

namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Templatelayout


namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Templatelayout #LightGreen {

  class Data  #Gold {
    # Config $config
    # Registry $registry
    # Aliasdata $alias
    + __construct()
    + set() : bool


VDM Joomla Componentbuilder Compiler Utilities

namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Utilities


namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Utilities #LightGreen {

  abstract FieldHelper  #Orange {
    + {static} check() : bool

  abstract Indent  #Orange {
    + {static} _() : string
    - {static} indent() : string
    - {static} init() : void

  abstract Line  #Orange {
    - static $add
    + {static} _() : string
    - {static} add() : bool
    - {static} init() : void

  abstract Placefix  #Orange {
    + {static} _() : string
    + {static} b() : string
    + {static} d() : string
    + {static} _h() : string
    + {static} h() : string

  abstract Unique  #Orange {
    + {static} get() : string
    + {static} code() : string

  class Counter  #Gold {
    + int $folder
    + int $file
    + int $page
    + int $line
    + int $field
    # int $seconds
    # float $actualSeconds
    # int $folderSeconds
    # int $fileSeconds
    # int $lineSeconds
    # float $secondsDebugging
    # float $secondsPlanning
    # float $secondsMapping
    # float $secondsOffice
    # int $totalHours
    # int $debuggingHours
    # int $planningHours
    # int $mappingHours
    # int $officeHours
    # int $actualTotalHours
    # int $actualHoursSpent
    # int $actualDaysSpent
    # int $totalDays
    # int $actualTotalDays
    # float $projectWeekTime
    # float $projectMonthTime
    # float $start
    # float $end
    # float $timer
    # Content $content
    + __construct()
    + start() : void
    + end() : void
    + set() : void
    # calculate() : void

  class Dynamicpath  #Gold {
    # Placeholder $placeholder
    # array $paths
    + __construct()
    + update() : string

  class File  #Gold {
    # Counter $counter
    # Paths $paths
    + __construct()
    + html() : void
    + write() : bool

  class Folder  #Gold {
    # Counter $counter
    # File $file
    + __construct()
    + create() : void
    + remove() : bool

  class Pathfix  #Gold {
    + set() : void

  class Paths  #Gold {
    # Config $config
    # Component $component
    + __construct()
    + __get() : string
    # key() : string
    - setTemplatePath() : void
    - setComponentSalesName() : void
    - setComponentBackupName() : void
    - setComponentFolderName() : void
    - setComponentPath() : void
    - setTemplatePathCustom() : void

  class Structure  #Gold {
    # Settings $settings
    # Paths $paths
    # Counter $counter
    # File $file
    # Files $files
    # CMSApplication $app
    + __construct()
    + build() : bool
    - getFileDetails() : ?array
    - getPath() : ?string
    - getNewName() : string


VDM Joomla Componentbuilder Power Database

namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Power\Database


namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Power\Database #LightGreen {

  class Insert << (F,LightGreen) >> #Green {
    # Model $model
    # Database $database
    + __construct()
    + value() : bool
    + row() : bool
    + rows() : bool
    + item() : bool
    + items() : bool

  class Update << (F,LightGreen) >> #Green {
    # Model $model
    # Database $database
    + __construct()
    + value() : bool
    + row() : bool
    + rows() : bool
    + item() : bool
    + items() : bool


VDM Joomla Componentbuilder Compiler Builder Update

namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Builder\Update


namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Builder\Update #DeepSkyBlue {

  class Mysql  #Gold {
    # key() : string


VDM Joomla Componentbuilder Compiler Customcode Extractor

namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Customcode\Extractor


namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Customcode\Extractor #DeepSkyBlue {

  class Paths  #Gold {
    + array $active
    # array $componentPlaceholder
    # Config $config
    # Placeholder $placeholder
    # Customcode $customcode
    # Extractor $extractor
    # \JDatabaseDriver $db
    + __construct()
    # load() : void
    # getModuleIDs() : mixed
    # getModulePath() : mixed
    # getPluginIDs() : mixed
    # getPluginPath() : mixed


VDM Joomla Componentbuilder Compiler Extension JoomlaThree

namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Extension\JoomlaThree


namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Extension\JoomlaThree #DeepSkyBlue {

  class InstallScript  #Gold {
    # object $extension
    # array $methods
    # array $types
    # array $construct
    # array $install
    # array $update
    # array $uninstall
    # bool $preflightActive
    # bool $postflightActive
    + get() : string
    # build() : string
    # head() : string
    # construct() : string
    # main() : string
    # flight() : string


VDM Joomla Componentbuilder Compiler Field JoomlaThree

namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Field\JoomlaThree


namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Field\JoomlaThree #DeepSkyBlue {

  class CoreValidation  #Gold {
    # ?array $rules
    # string $path
    + __construct()
    + get() : array


VDM Joomla Componentbuilder Compiler Interfaces Component

namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Interfaces\Component


namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Interfaces\Component #DeepSkyBlue {

  interface PlaceholderInterface  #Lavender {
    + get() : array


VDM Joomla Componentbuilder Compiler Interfaces Customcode

namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Interfaces\Customcode


namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Interfaces\Customcode #DeepSkyBlue {

  interface DispenserInterface  #Lavender {
    + set() : bool
    + get() : mixed

  interface ExternalInterface  #Lavender {
    + set() : string

  interface ExtractorInterface  #Lavender {
    + run() : void

  interface GuiInterface  #Lavender {
    + set() : string
    + search() : void

  interface LockBaseInterface  #Lavender {
    + set() : string


VDM Joomla Componentbuilder Compiler Interfaces Extension

namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Interfaces\Extension


namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Interfaces\Extension #DeepSkyBlue {

  interface InstallInterface  #Lavender {
    + getOfficialName() : string
    + getClassName() : string
    + getInstallerClassName() : string


VDM Joomla Componentbuilder Compiler Interfaces Field

namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Interfaces\Field


namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Interfaces\Field #DeepSkyBlue {

  interface CoreValidationInterface  #Lavender {
    + get() : array


VDM Joomla Componentbuilder Compiler Power Repo

namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Power\Repo


namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Power\Repo #DeepSkyBlue {

  class Readme  #Gold {
    # Power $power
    # Plantuml $plantuml
    + __construct()
    + get() : string


VDM Joomla Componentbuilder Compiler Power Repos

namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Power\Repos


namespace VDM\Joomla\Componentbuilder\Compiler\Power\Repos #DeepSkyBlue {

  class Readme  #Gold {
    # Power $power
    # Plantuml $plantuml
    + __construct()
    + get() : string
    - readmeBuilder() : string
    - readmeModel() : string
    - generateIndex() : string
    - generateDiagramBucket() : string
    - defineTypeOrder() : array
    - sortClasses() : void
    - compareNamespace() : int
    - compareType() : int
    - compareName() : int
    - generateNamespaceDiagram() : string
    - indexLinkPower() : string
    - linkPowerRepo() : string
    - linkPowerCode() : string
    - linkPowerSettings() : string
    - linkPowerSPK() : string


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