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What is JCB Joomla Field Types?
The Joomla field types provide a powerful way to map Joomla-related field types, enabling seamless integration with Joomla Component Builder (JCB). This repository serves as a centralized system for maintaining, updating, and distributing these field types throughout the JCB ecosystem.
When you need to update any field type in JCB, simply select the desired field type and click the "reset" button. This action will automatically sync the selected field type with its corresponding version hosted in our core repository, ensuring you always have the latest updates.
Moreover, if you wish to tailor the field types to your specific needs, you can fork the repository and point your JCB instance to your fork. This allows you to maintain and update field types independently from the main JCB community, offering the flexibility that is at the heart of open-source philosophy.
We believe this approach empowers you to extend and customize JCB to fit your unique requirements, exemplifying the true spirit of freedom in software development. We trust you will find this capability both useful and aligned with the expectations of how open-source software should function.
Index of Joomla! Field Types
- Accesslevel | Details | Settings | List of accesslevels
- Calendar | Details | Settings | provides a text box for entry of a date. An icon next to the text box provides a link to a pop-up calendar, which can also be used to enter the date value.
- Captcha | Details | Settings | Captcha robot check.
- Category | Details | Settings | provides a drop down list of categories for an extension.
- Checkbox | Details | Settings | provides a single checkbox to be checked or unchecked
- Checkboxes | Details | Settings | provides unlimited checkboxes that can be used for multi-select.
- Color | Details | Settings | provides a color picker when clicking the input box.
- Combo | Details | Settings | Provides a combobox list field, allows free text.
- Custom | Details | Settings | provides a drop down list of items entries.
- CustomUser | Details | Settings | Provides list of users.
- DynamicCheckboxes@ | Details | Settings | Super Power Repository Paths
- Editor | Details | Settings | provides an editor area field.
- Email | Details | Settings | Email form field type
- File | Details | Settings | Provides an input field for files
- Filelist | Details | Settings | Provides a drop down list of files from a specified directory.
- Folderlist | Details | Settings | Provides a drop down list of folders from a specified directory.
- Groupedlist | Details | Settings | provides a drop down list of custom-defined entries.
- Hidden | Details | Settings | provides a hidden field for saving a form field whose value cannot be altered directly by a user.
- Imagelist | Details | Settings | Provides a drop down list of image files from a specified directory.
- Integer | Details | Settings | provides a drop down list of integers between a minimum and maximum.
- List | Details | Settings | provides a drop down list of custom-defined entries.
- Media | Details | Settings | provides modal access to the media manager for insertion of images with upload for users with appropriate permissions.
- Menu | Details | Settings | Menu Type
- Meter | Details | Settings | Provides a meter to show value in a range.
- Modal Menu | Details | Settings | Modal Menu
- Modulelayout | Details | Settings | modulelayout
- Note | Details | Settings | supports a one line text field.
- Number | Details | Settings | Provides a one line text box with up-down handles to set a number in the field.
- Password | Details | Settings | provides a text box for entry of a password. The password characters will be obscured as they are entered.
- Plugins | Details | Settings | Provides a dropdown list of plugin options from the folder.
- Privacy@ | Details | Settings | Joomla Privacy Field
- Radio | Details | Settings | provides radio buttons to select different options.
- Range | Details | Settings | Provides a horizontal scroll bar to specify a value in a range.
- Repeatable | Details | Settings | Allows form fields which can have as many options as the user desires.
- SQL | Details | Settings | provides a drop down list of entries obtained by running a query on the Joomla Database. The first results column returned by the query provides the values for the drop down box.
- Spacer | Details | Settings | provides a visual separator between form fields. It is purely a visual aid and no value is stored.
- Subform | Details | Settings | Allows form fields which can have as many options as the user desires.
- Tag | Details | Settings | provides an entry point for tags (either AJAX or Nested).
- Tel | Details | Settings | provides an input field for a telephone number.
- Terms@ | Details | Settings | Joomla Terms Field
- Text | Details | Settings | provides a text box for data entry.
- Textarea | Details | Settings | provides a text area for entry of multi-line text.
- Timezone | Details | Settings | provides a drop down list of time zones.
- URL | Details | Settings | provides a URL text input field.
- User | Details | Settings | provides a modal list of users.
- Usergrouplist | Details | Settings | provides a drop down list of user groups.
- menuitem | Details | Settings | provides a drop down list of the available menu items from your Joomla site.
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