Create Accesslevel

This commit is contained in:
Llewellyn 2024-08-23 17:25:02 +00:00
parent 7138e19393
commit 6c1f81b745

View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
"name": "Accesslevel",
"short_description": "List of accesslevels",
"description": "Remember all views already have [accesslevel] added by default, only add this if you need more custom access selection! Provides a dropdown list of accesslevel options with the current option selected.",
"properties": {
"properties0": {
"name": "type",
"example": "accesslevel",
"mandatory": "1",
"description": "(mandatory) must be accesslevel"
"properties1": {
"name": "name",
"example": "accesstwo",
"adjustable": "1",
"mandatory": "1",
"description": "(mandatory) is the unique name of the field. This must match the name of the query results column that contains the values that will be shown to the user in the drop-down list, unless a different name is specified in the value_field attribute. "
"properties2": {
"name": "label",
"example": "Access Two",
"adjustable": "1",
"mandatory": "1",
"translatable": "1",
"description": "(mandatory) (translatable) is the descriptive title of the field."
"properties3": {
"name": "description",
"example": "Select an access level to this concept.",
"adjustable": "1",
"translatable": "1",
"description": "(optional) (translatable) is text that will be shown as a tooltip when the user moves the mouse over the drop-down box."
"properties4": {
"name": "class",
"example": "",
"adjustable": "1",
"description": "(optional) is a CSS class name for the HTML form field."
"properties5": {
"name": "required",
"example": "",
"adjustable": "1",
"description": "(optional) is the field required true if yes."
"properties6": {
"name": "multiple",
"example": "",
"adjustable": "1",
"description": "(optional) If set to multiple then allows more than one usergroup to be selected."
"properties7": {
"name": "showon",
"example": "",
"adjustable": "1",
"description": "(optional) show this field on the bases of the value in another field. https:\/\/\/a\/17682\/2166"
"has_defaults": "1",
"datatype": "INT",
"datalenght": "7",
"datalenght_other": "",
"datadefault": "0",
"datadefault_other": "",
"indexes": "0",
"null_switch": "NOT NULL",
"store": "0",
"guid": "913ed2ce-836c-48e8-97af-e482441f47df"