2023-10-24 10:36:42 +02:00

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# class JavaScript (Details)
> namespace: **VDM\Minify**
> extends: **Minify**
class JavaScript #Gold {
# $keywordsReserved
# $keywordsBefore
# $keywordsAfter
# $operatorsBefore
+ execute(string[optional] $path = null) : string
# stripComments()
# extractRegex()
# stripWhitespace(string $content) : string
# getOperatorsForRegex(array $operators, string $delimiter = '/') : string[]
# getKeywordsForRegex(array $keywords, string $delimiter = '/') : string[]
# propertyNotation(string $content) : string
# shortenBools(string $content) : string
note right of JavaScript::execute
Minify the data.
Perform JS optimizations.
return: string
end note
note left of JavaScript::stripComments
Strip comments from source code.
end note
note right of JavaScript::extractRegex
JS can have /-delimited regular expressions, like: /ab+c/.match(string).
The content inside the regex can contain characters that may be confused
for JS code: e.g. it could contain whitespace it needs to match & we
don't want to strip whitespace in there.
The regex can be pretty simple: we don't have to care about comments,
(which also use slashes) because stripComments() will have stripped those
This method will replace all string content with simple REGEX#
placeholder text, so we've rid all regular expressions from characters
that may be misinterpreted. Original regex content will be saved in
$this->extracted and after doing all other minifying, we can restore the
original content via restoreRegex()
end note
note left of JavaScript::stripWhitespace
Strip whitespace.
We won't strip *all* whitespace, but as much as possible. The thing that
we'll preserve are newlines we're unsure about.
JavaScript doesn't require statements to be terminated with a semicolon.
It will automatically fix missing semicolons with ASI (automatic semi-
colon insertion) at the end of line causing errors (without semicolon.)
Because it's sometimes hard to tell if a newline is part of a statement
that should be terminated or not, we'll just leave some of them alone.
return: string
end note
note right of JavaScript::getOperatorsForRegex
We'll strip whitespace around certain operators with regular expressions.
This will prepare the given array by escaping all characters.
return: string[]
end note
note left of JavaScript::getKeywordsForRegex
We'll strip whitespace around certain keywords with regular expressions.
This will prepare the given array by escaping all characters.
return: string[]
end note
note right of JavaScript::propertyNotation
Replaces all occurrences of array['key'] by array.key.
return: string
end note
note left of JavaScript::shortenBools
Replaces true & false by !0 and !1.
return: string
end note
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