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abstract class Schema (Details)

namespace: VDM\Joomla\Abstraction

abstract Schema  #Orange {
  # Table $table
  # $db
  - array $tables
  - string $prefix
  - array $uniqueKeys
  - array $keys
  - array $columns
  - array $success
  + __construct(Table $table)
  + update() : array
  + createTable(string $table) : void
  + updateSchema(string $table) : void
  # {abstract} getCode() : string
  # addMissingColumns(string $table, array $columns) : void
  # checkColumnsDataType(string $table, array $columns) : void
  # updateColumnsDataType(string $table, array $columns) : void
  # updateColumnDataType(string $updateString, string $table, ...) : bool
  # getTableKeys() : string
  # setUniqueKey(array $column) : void
  # setKey(array $column) : void
  # getTable(string $table) : string
  - tableExists(string $table) : bool
  - getExistingColumns(string $table) : array
  - getColumnDefinition(string $table, string $field) : ?string
  - setKeys(array $column) : void

note right of Schema::__construct

  since: 3.2.1
end note

note left of Schema::update
  Check and update database schema for missing fields or tables.

  since: 3.2.1
  return: array
end note

note right of Schema::createTable
  Create a table with all necessary fields.

  since: 3.2.1
  return: void
end note

note left of Schema::updateSchema
  Update the schema of an existing table.

  since: 3.2.1
  return: void
end note

note right of Schema::getCode
  Get the targeted component code

  since: 3.2.1
  return: string
end note

note left of Schema::addMissingColumns
  Add missing columns to a table.

  since: 3.2.1
  return: void
end note

note right of Schema::checkColumnsDataType
  Validate and update the data type of existing fields/columns

  since: 3.2.1
  return: void
end note

note left of Schema::updateColumnsDataType
  Update the data type of the given fields.

  since: 3.2.1
  return: void
end note

note right of Schema::updateColumnDataType
  Update the data type of the given field.

  since: 3.2.1
  return: bool
    string $updateString
    string $table
    string $field
end note

note left of Schema::getTableKeys
  Key all needed keys for this table

  since: 3.2.1
  return: string
end note

note right of Schema::setUniqueKey
  Function to set the unique key

  since: 3.2.1
  return: void
end note

note left of Schema::setKey
  Function to set the key

  since: 3.2.1
  return: void
end note

note right of Schema::getTable
  Add the component name to get the full table name.

  since: 3.2.1
  return: string
end note

note left of Schema::tableExists
  Check if a table exists in the database.

  since: 3.2.1
  return: bool
end note

note right of Schema::getExistingColumns
  Fetch existing columns from a database table.

  since: 3.2.1
  return: array
end note

note left of Schema::getColumnDefinition
  Generates a SQL snippet for defining a table column, incorporating column type,
default value, nullability, and auto-increment properties.

  since: 3.2.1
  return: ?string
end note

note right of Schema::setKeys
  Function to set the view keys

  since: 3.2.1
  return: void
end note

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