2024-04-26 11:56:17 +02:00

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# abstract class Schema (Details)
> namespace: **VDM\Joomla\Abstraction**
abstract Schema #Orange {
# Table $table
# $db
- array $tables
- string $prefix
- array $uniqueKeys
- array $keys
- array $columns
- array $success
# $currentVersion
+ __construct(Table $table)
+ update() : array
# {abstract} getCode() : string
# tableExists(string $table) : bool
+ updateSchema(string $table) : void
+ createTable(string $table) : void
# getExistingColumns(string $table) : array
# addMissingColumns(string $table, array $columns) : void
# checkColumnsDataType(string $table, array $columns) : void
# getColumnDefinition(string $table, string $field) : ?string
# checkDefault(string $table, string $column) : void
# updateColumnsDataType(string $table, array $columns) : void
# getTable(string $table) : string
# isDataTypeChangeSignificant(string $currentType, string $expectedType) : bool
# adjustExistingDefaults(string $table, string $column, ...) : bool
# updateColumnDataType(string $updateString, string $table, ...) : bool
# getTableKeys() : string
# setKeys(array $column) : void
# setUniqueKey(array $column) : void
# setKey(array $column) : void
# getDefaultValue(string $type, ?string $defaultValue, ...) : string
note right of Schema::__construct
since: 3.2.1
end note
note left of Schema::update
Check and update database schema for missing fields or tables.
since: 3.2.1
return: array
end note
note right of Schema::getCode
Get the targeted component code
since: 3.2.1
return: string
end note
note left of Schema::tableExists
Check if a table exists in the database.
since: 3.2.1
return: bool
end note
note right of Schema::updateSchema
Update the schema of an existing table.
since: 3.2.1
return: void
end note
note left of Schema::createTable
Create a table with all necessary fields.
since: 3.2.1
return: void
end note
note right of Schema::getExistingColumns
Fetch existing columns from a database table.
since: 3.2.1
return: array
end note
note left of Schema::addMissingColumns
Add missing columns to a table.
since: 3.2.1
return: void
end note
note right of Schema::checkColumnsDataType
Validate and update the data type of existing fields/columns
since: 3.2.1
return: void
end note
note left of Schema::getColumnDefinition
Generates a SQL snippet for defining a table column, incorporating column type,
default value, nullability, and auto-increment properties.
since: 3.2.1
return: ?string
end note
note right of Schema::checkDefault
Check and Update the default values if needed, including existing data adjustments
since: 3.2.1
return: void
end note
note left of Schema::updateColumnsDataType
Update the data type of the given fields.
since: 3.2.1
return: void
end note
note right of Schema::getTable
Add the component name to get the full table name.
since: 3.2.1
return: string
end note
note left of Schema::isDataTypeChangeSignificant
Determines if the change in data type between two definitions is significant.
This function checks if there's a significant difference between the current
data type and the expected data type that would require updating the database schema.
It ignores display width for numeric types where MySQL considers these attributes
irrelevant for storage but considers size and other modifiers for types like VARCHAR.
since: 3.2.1
return: bool
end note
note right of Schema::adjustExistingDefaults
Updates existing rows in a column to a new default value
since: 3.2.1
return: bool
string $table
string $column
mixed $currentDefault
mixed $newDefault
end note
note left of Schema::updateColumnDataType
Update the data type of the given field.
since: 3.2.1
return: bool
string $updateString
string $table
string $field
end note
note right of Schema::getTableKeys
Key all needed keys for this table
since: 3.2.1
return: string
end note
note left of Schema::setKeys
Function to set the view keys
since: 3.2.1
return: void
end note
note right of Schema::setUniqueKey
Function to set the unique key
since: 3.2.1
return: void
end note
note left of Schema::setKey
Function to set the key
since: 3.2.1
return: void
end note
note right of Schema::getDefaultValue
Adjusts the default value SQL fragment for a database field based on its type and specific rules.
If the field is of type DATETIME and the Joomla version is not 3, it sets the default to CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
if not explicitly specified otherwise. For all other types, or when a 'EMPTY' default is specified, it handles
defaults by either leaving them unset or applying the provided default, properly quoted for SQL safety.
since: 3.2.1
return: string
string $type
?string $defaultValue
bool $pure = false
end note
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