- Bug #876 "Cell padding should not be multiplied with number of lines in getStringHeight" was fixed.
- Patch #68 "Empty img src attribute leads to access of uninitialized string offset" was applied.
- Bug #857 "Undefined offset error" was fixed.
- The uniord method now uses a static cache to improve performances (thanks to Mathieu Masseboeuf for the sugegstion).
- Two bugs in the TCPDF_FONTS class were fixed.
- Bug #843 "Wrong call in parser" was fixed.
- Bug #844 "Wrong object type named" was fixed.
- Bug #845 "Parsing error on obj ref prefixed by '000000'" was fixed.
- Bug #843 "Wrong call in parser" was fixed.
- Bug #844 "Wrong object type named" was fixed.
- Bug #845 "Parsing error on obj ref prefixed by '000000'" was fixed.
- Method getAllSpotColors() was added to return all spot colors.
- Method colorRegistrationBar() was extended to automatically print all spot colors and support individual spot colors.
- The method registrationMarkCMYK() was added to print a registration mark for CMYK colors.
- A bug related to page groups was fixed.
- Gradient() method now supports CMYK equivalents of spot colors.
- Example n. 56 was updated.
- Methods for registration bars and crop marks were extended to support registration color (see example n. 56).
- New default spot colors were added to tcpdf_colors.php, including the 'All' and 'None' special registration colors.
- Bug #836 "Optional EOL marker before endstream" was fixed.
- Some additional controls were added to avoid "division by zero" error with badly formatted input.
- Constants K_TCPDF_PARSER_THROW_EXCEPTION_ERROR and K_TCPDF_PARSER_IGNORE_DECODING_ERRORS where removed in favor of a new configuration array in the TCPDF_PARSER class.
- The TCPDF_PARSER class can now be configured using the new parameter.
- A debug print_r was removed form tcpdf_parser.php.
- TCPDF_FILTERS now throws an exception in case of error.
- TCPDF_PARSER now throws an exception in case of error unless you define the constant K_TCPDF_PARSER_THROW_EXCEPTION_ERROR to false.
- A bug in tcpdf_parser wen parsing hexadecimal strings was fixed.
- A bug in tcpdf_parser wen looking for statxref was fixed.
- A bug on RC4 encryption was fixed.
- The magic constant __DIR__ was replaced with dirname(__FILE__) for php 5.2 compatibility.
- The exceptions raised by file_exists() function were suppressed.
- The barcode examples were changed to automatically search for the barcode class path (in case the examples directory is not installed under the TCPDF root).
- The command line tool tcpdf_addfont.php was improved.
- The php logic was removed from configuration files that now contains only constant defines.
- The tcpdf_autoconfig.php file was added to automatically set missing configuration values.
- The command line tool tcpdf_addfont.php was improved.
- The php logic was removed from configuration files that now contains only constant defines.
- The tcpdf_autoconfig.php file was added to automatically set missing configuration values.
- Some unused vars were removed from AddFont() method.
- Some directories were moved inside the examples directory.
- All examples were updated to reflect the new default structure.
- Source code were clean-up up to be more compatible with system packaging.
- Files encodings and permissions were reset.
- The command line tool tcpdf_addfont.php was added on the tools directory.
- Add support for SVG dx and dy text/tspan attributes.
- replace require() with require_once().
- fix some minor typos on documentation.
- fix a problem when deleting all pages.