mirror of https://github.com/joomla-extensions/weblinks.git synced 2024-06-03 15:00:48 +00:00
zanardigit fe9edb142f Suggest "composer install" instead of "update"
"composer update" is something you should only do as project maintainer, when you want to check for newer versions of your dependencies, or after you changed anything in your composer.json file (i.e. added / modified / removed dependencies). This command not only will download dependencies, but also create a new "composer.lock" file.
On all other cases (deployment, testing) it is best to use "composer install" which only reads the "composer.lock" file. In this way, you are sure that every machine gets the exact same version. And as a nice bonus is much faster than the "composer.update" command :-)
2015-05-30 17:15:29 +02:00

635 B

Weblinks for Joomla!

This repo is meant to hold the decoupled com_weblinks component and related code.


To prepare the system tests (Selenium) to be run in your local machine you are asked to rename the file tests/acceptance.suite.dist.yml to tests/acceptance.suite.yml. Afterwards, please edit the file according to your system needs.

To run the tests please execute the following commands (for the moment only working in Linux and MacOS, for more information see: https://docs.joomla.org/Testing_Joomla_Extensions_with_Codeception):

$ composer install
$ vendor/bin/robo
$ vendor/bin/robo test:acceptance