mirror of https://github.com/Llewellynvdm/Joomla-XML-Lang-stream.git synced 2024-09-22 00:39:00 +00:00

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# Language XML Stream v1.0
These scripts are used to extract the language pack xml files from the Joomla! download site and make them statically publicly available.
# Okay, Lets get started... ˘Ô≈ôﺣ
Should you like to contribute any improvements either in code or conduct, just open an issue as the first step, and beginning of the conversation. ツ
## Setup the Builder
Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/llewellynvdm/Joomla-XML-Lang-stream.git
$ cd Joomla-XML-Lang-stream/
## Run the Builder
Make sure that the following files are executable.
$ sudo chmod +x run.sh
Start the Building process
$ ./run.sh
# Help Menu
Usage: ./run.sh [OPTION...]
You are able to change a few default behaviours in the getBible API builder
------ Passing no command options will fallback on the defaults -------
Options ᒡ◯ᵔ◯ᒢ
set the endpoint of the xml retrieval
example: ./run.sh --endpoint=https://downloads.joomla.org/index.php?option=com_languagepack&view=export&format=xml
set the version key used in URL
example: ./run.sh --version-key=cms_version
set the language key used in URL
example: ./run.sh --language-key=language_code
set all the mapper details with a file
the repo/conf/mapper.tmp has more details of the format
example: ./run.sh --conf=/home/username/.config/xml-stream-mapper.conf
- repo/conf/.mapper
push changes to github (only if there are changes)
- must be able to push (ssh authentication needed)
example: ${0##*/:-} --push
set folder where we place the XML static files
example: ./run.sh --conf=/home/username/public_html/xml/
- repo/src/
set all the config properties with a file
example: ./run.sh --conf=/home/username/.config/xml-stream.conf
- repo/conf/.config
To show all defaults, and not update repo
example: ./run.sh --dry
Quiet mode that prevent whiptail from showing progress
example: ./run.sh -q
example: ./run.sh --quiet
display this help menu
example: ./run.sh -h
example: ./run.sh --help
Joomla XML Stream v1.0
# Setup Cron Job
To run this in a crontab
$ crontab -e
Then add the following line, update the time as needed
10 5 * * MON /home/username/Joomla-XML-Lang-stream/run.sh -q >> /home/username/Joomla-XML-Lang-stream/stream.log 2>&1
# Use GitHub Actions
You will need to setup a list of secrets in your fork of the XML_STREAM.
> The github user email being used to build
> The github username being used to build
> `gpg -a --export-secret-keys >myprivatekeys.asc`
> The whole key file text from the above myprivatekeys.asc
> This key must be linked to the github user being used
> This is used to sign the push changes if there are any
> The name of the myprivatekeys.asc user
> A repository where you want to place the XML static files
> like: `git@github.com:llewellynvdm/Joomla-XML-Lang-stream.git`
> the github user must have push/pull access to this repo
> A id_ed25519 ssh private key liked to the github user account
> A id_ed25519.pub ssh public key liked to the github user account
All these secret values are needed to fully automate the build. Then you need to go to the actions are in your fork of XML_STREAM and activate the actions.
### Free Software
Copyright (C) 2019. All Rights Reserved
GNU/GPL Version 2 or later - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html