SQL Add bash commands to create user & database

This commit is contained in:
François Jacquet 2019-09-23 15:37:31 +02:00
parent 56303443ea
commit e6d27bcff9
1 changed files with 10 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -18,8 +18,16 @@ $ docker build -t rosariosis .
RosarioSIS uses a PostgreSQL database: RosarioSIS uses a PostgreSQL database:
```bash ```bash
$ docker run --name rosariosisdb -d postgres:9.5 $ docker run --name rosariosisdb -d postgres
$ docker run -e "ROSARIOSIS_ADMIN_EMAIL=admin@example.com" -h `hostname -f` -d -p 80:80 --name rosariosis --link rosariosisdb:rosariosisdb rosariosis $ docker run -e "ROSARIOSIS_ADMIN_EMAIL=admin@example.com" -e "PGHOST=rosariosisdb" -h `hostname -f` -d -p 80:80 --name rosariosis --link rosariosisdb:rosariosisdb rosariosis
$ docker exec -it rosariosisdb /bin/bash
# psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres
postgres=# CREATE USER rosario WITH PASSWORD 'rosariopwd';
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE rosariosis WITH ENCODING 'UTF8' OWNER rosario;
postgres=# \q
``` ```
Port 80 will be exposed, so you can visit `localhost/InstallDatabase.php` to get started. Default username and password: `admin`. Port 80 will be exposed, so you can visit `localhost/InstallDatabase.php` to get started. Default username and password: `admin`.