Patrick Killian 581a764ad7
[Typo] Fix typo in ''
Line 14: "... explain what is does" -> "... explain what it does"
2018-05-02 21:36:01 -07:00

20 lines
858 B

## A Pull Request should be associated with an Issue.
> We wish to have discussions in Issues. A single issue may be targeted by multiple PRs.
> If you're offering a new feature or fixing anything, we'd like to know beforehand in Issues,
> and potentially we'll be able to point development in a particular direction.
Related issue:
> Further notes in
> Thank you! We are open to PRs, but please understand if for technical reasons we are unable to accept each and any PR
### Description
This PR [briefly explain what it does]
> In case this PR introduced Go code changes:
- [ ] contributed code is using same conventions as original code
- [ ] `script/cibuild` returns with no formatting errors, build errors or unit test errors.