2018-03-13 15:53:32 +01:00

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default3 The Configuration File Config File

Lsyncd configuration files are valid Lua syntax. It is designed to be simple yet potent. While rich configuration and simplicity are not opposites by themselves, some trade-offs are inevitable. To achieve both goals as far as possible, Lsyncd configuration can be done at different layers. Lower layers add adaptability while the interface becomes more engaging.


For scripts of all layers, the settings call can be used to alter daemon-wide configurations.

For example, the following code will instruct Lsyncd to log into /tmp/lsyncd.log, periodically update the file /tmp/lsyncd.status with its status and to not detach as a daemon.

{% highlight lua %} settings { logfile = '/tmp/lsyncd.log', statusFile = '/tmp/lsyncd.status', nodaemon = true, } {% endhighlight %}

Valid keys for settings are:

logfile = FILENAME logs into this file
statusFile = FILENAME periodically writes a status report to this file
statusInterval = NUMBER writes the status file at shortest after this number of seconds has passed (default: 10)
logfacility = STRING syslog facility, default "user"
logident = STRING syslog identification (tag), default "lsyncd"
inotifyMode = STRING Specifies on inotify systems what kind of changes to listen to. Can be "Modify", "CloseWrite" (default) or "CloseWrite or Modify".
maxProcesses = NUMBER Lysncd will not spawn more than these number of processes. This adds across all sync{}s.

Additionally some parameters can be configured, which are inherited by all Syncs (see Layer 3)

maxDelays = NUMBER When this amount of delayed events is queued, actions will be spawned, even below the delay timer.