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default Config Layer 1: Inlets Config Layer 1

Layer 2 allows you to create one process per one event. However, as with default rsync behavior you might want to call one process for several events. This can be done with inlets. When any event becomes ready Lsyncd calls the action entry with inlet as parameter. The inlet can be used to grab ready single events or event lists.

For example this is the action used by default.rsync:

{% highlight lua %} action = function( inlet ) local elist = inlet.getEvents( ) local config = inlet.getConfig( ) local paths = elist.getPaths( ) log( "Normal", "rsyncing list\n", table.concat( paths, '\n' ) ) spawn(elist, '/usr/bin/rsync', '<', table.concat( paths, '\000' ), '--delete', config.rsync._computed, '--from0', '--include-from=-', '--exclude=*', config.source, config.target ) end {% endhighlight %}

Inlet functions are:

Function Description
inlet.getEvent() Retrieves the next event as in Layer 2 configuration. Multiple calls to getEvent() will return the same event unless it has spawn{}ed an action.
inlet.getEvents(test) Returns a list of all events that are ready. test is optional for a function that will be called for every event to test if it should be included in the list. It has one parameter the event and returns true if an event should be included. If nil every ready event will be included in the list
inlet.discardEvent() Discards an event. The next call to getEvent will thus receive another event, even if no action has been spawned for this event
inlet.getConfig() returns the same as event.config. The configuration of the sync{}
inlet.addExclude() adds an exclusion pattern to this sync (see Exclusions)
inlet.rmExclude() removes an exclusion pattern from this sync
inlet.createBlanketEvent() puts an event on the top of the Delay FIFO that blocks all events and is blocked by all events. This is used for onStartup.

The list returned by getEvents can be handed to spawn{} as agent just as well as singular events.

Lists have following functions

Function Description
elist.getPaths(delimiter) returns a string of the paths (as in event.path separated by delimiter. By default \n is used as delimiter.
elist.getSourcePaths(delimiter) returns a string of the sourcePaths (as in event.sourcePath separated by delimiter. By default \n is used as delimiter.

Take care calling getEvents() and its function since depending on the amount of events, they will cause quite some CPU load.

Layer 2 functions is nothing else than following layer 1 action loaded by the default if the user script did not provide one itself.

{% highlight lua %}

-- Default action calls user scripts on**** functions.

action = function( inlet ) -- in case of moves getEvent returns the origin and destination of the move local event, event2 = inlet.getEvent( ) local config = inlet.getConfig( ) local func = config[ 'on'.. event.etype ] if func then func( event, event2 ) end -- if function didnt change the wait status its not interested -- in this event -> drop it. if event.status == "wait" then inlet.discardEvent( event ) end end, {% endhighlight %}

Lsyncd will automatically split Move events into Create and Delete events if no "onMove" field is found in the config. When handling moves in layer 1 action function, simply set "onMove" to be "true".

Other than action Lsyncd calls init for each sync{} on initialization. This is the default init function which is loaded if the user script does not have one. It provides the onStartup() functionality for layer 2 and 3.

{% highlight lua %}

-- called on (re)initalizing of lsyncd.

init = function( inlet ) local config = inlet.getConfig( ) -- calls a startup if provided by user script. if type( config.onStartup ) == "function" then local event = inlet.createBlanketEvent( ) config.onStartup( event ) if event.status == 'wait' then -- user script did not spawn anything -- thus the blanket event is deleted again. inlet.discardEvent( event ) end end end, {% endhighlight %}

As another example this is the init of default.rsync. As specialty it changes the configuration in that it adds a slash to target if not there already.

{% highlight lua %}

-- Spawns the recursive startup sync

init = function( inlet ) local config = inlet.getConfig( ) local event = inlet.createBlanketEvent( ) if string.sub(config.target, -1) ~= "/" then config.target = config.target .. "/" end

log("Normal", "recursive startup rsync: ", config.source,
    " -> ", config.target)

    config.rsync._computed .. "r",

end, {% endhighlight %}

When child processes are finished and their zombie processes are collected, Lsyncd calls the function of the collect entry. When collect return "again" the status of the agent (an event or an event list) will be set on "wait" again, and will become ready in delay seconds (or 1 second if smaller).

The default collect function looks in the exitcodes[] table for an entry of the exit code. Otherwise most of the unfortunately longer code below does nothing but making nice log message.

{% highlight lua %}

-- Called when collecting a finished child process

collect = function(agent, exitcode) local config = agent.config

if not agent.isList and agent.etype == "Blanket" then
	if exitcode == 0
		log("Normal", "Startup of '",agent.source,"' finished.")
	elseif config.exitcodes and
	       config.exitcodes[exitcode] == "again"
			"Retrying startup of '",agent.source,"'.")
		return "again"
		log("Error", "Failure on startup of '",agent.source,"'.")
		terminate(-1) -- ERRNO

local rc = config.exitcodes and config.exitcodes[exitcode]
if rc == "die"
	return rc

if agent.isList
	if rc == "again"
		log("Normal", "Retrying a list on exitcode = ",exitcode)
		log("Normal", "Finished a list = ",exitcode)
	if rc == "again"
		log("Normal", "Retrying ",agent.etype,
			" on ",agent.sourcePath," = ",exitcode)
		log("Normal", "Finished ",agent.etype,
			" on ",agent.sourcePath," = ",exitcode)
return rc

end, {% endhighlight %}