Nativefier is a command line tool that allows you to easily create a desktop application for any web site with succinct and minimal configuration. Apps are wrapped by [Electron]( in an OS executable (`.app`, `.exe`, etc.) for use on Windows, macOS and Linux.
I did this because I was tired of having to `⌘-tab` or `alt-tab` to my browser and then search through the numerous open tabs when I was using [Facebook Messenger]( or [Whatsapp Web](
Nativefier will intelligently attempt to determine the app name, your OS and processor architecture, among other options. If desired, the app name or other options can be overwritten by specifying the `--name "Medium"` as part of the command line options, as such.
**For Linux Users:** Do not put spaces if you define the app name yourself with `--name`, as this will cause problems (tested on Ubuntu 14.04) when pinning a packaged app to the launcher.
To support conversion of a `.png` or `.ico` into a `.icns` for a packaged macOS app icon (currently only supported on macOS), you need the following dependencies.
Google Chrome is required for flash to be supported. Alternatively, you could download the PepperFlash Chrome plugin and specify the path to it directly with the `--flash` flag. See the command line options below for more details.
A template app with the appropriate event listeners and callbacks set up is included in the `./app` folder. When the `nativefier` command is executed, this folder is copied to a temporary directory with the appropriate parameters in a configuration file, and is packaged into an app with [Electron Packager](
In addition, I built [GitCloud]( to use GitHub as an icon index, and also the [pageIcon]( fallback to infer a relevant icon from a url.
The [Dockerfile](Dockerfile) is designed to be used like the "normal" nativefier app. By default, the command `nativefier --help` will be executed. Before you can use the image you have to build it like follow: