mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 06:52:22 +00:00
Hotfix to fix #44
This commit is contained in:
@ -1 +1 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
//from https://github.com/websanova/node-url
module.exports = function (arg, url) {
function _t() {
return new RegExp(/(.*?)\.?([^\.]*?)\.?(com|net|org|biz|ws|in|me|co\.uk|co|org\.uk|ltd\.uk|plc\.uk|me\.uk|edu|mil|br\.com|cn\.com|eu\.com|hu\.com|no\.com|qc\.com|sa\.com|se\.com|se\.net|us\.com|uy\.com|ac|co\.ac|gv\.ac|or\.ac|ac\.ac|af|am|as|at|ac\.at|co\.at|gv\.at|or\.at|asn\.au|com\.au|edu\.au|org\.au|net\.au|id\.au|be|ac\.be|adm\.br|adv\.br|am\.br|arq\.br|art\.br|bio\.br|cng\.br|cnt\.br|com\.br|ecn\.br|eng\.br|esp\.br|etc\.br|eti\.br|fm\.br|fot\.br|fst\.br|g12\.br|gov\.br|ind\.br|inf\.br|jor\.br|lel\.br|med\.br|mil\.br|net\.br|nom\.br|ntr\.br|odo\.br|org\.br|ppg\.br|pro\.br|psc\.br|psi\.br|rec\.br|slg\.br|tmp\.br|tur\.br|tv\.br|vet\.br|zlg\.br|br|ab\.ca|bc\.ca|mb\.ca|nb\.ca|nf\.ca|ns\.ca|nt\.ca|on\.ca|pe\.ca|qc\.ca|sk\.ca|yk\.ca|ca|cc|ac\.cn|com\.cn|edu\.cn|gov\.cn|org\.cn|bj\.cn|sh\.cn|tj\.cn|cq\.cn|he\.cn|nm\.cn|ln\.cn|jl\.cn|hl\.cn|js\.cn|zj\.cn|ah\.cn|gd\.cn|gx\.cn|hi\.cn|sc\.cn|gz\.cn|yn\.cn|xz\.cn|sn\.cn|gs\.cn|qh\.cn|nx\.cn|xj\.cn|tw\.cn|hk\.cn|mo\.cn|cn|cx|cz|de|dk|fo|com\.ec|tm\.fr|com\.fr|asso\.fr|presse\.fr|fr|gf|gs|co\.il|net\.il|ac\.il|k12\.il|gov\.il|muni\.il|ac\.in|co\.in|org\.in|ernet\.in|gov\.in|net\.in|res\.in|is|it|ac\.jp|co\.jp|go\.jp|or\.jp|ne\.jp|ac\.kr|co\.kr|go\.kr|ne\.kr|nm\.kr|or\.kr|li|lt|lu|asso\.mc|tm\.mc|com\.mm|org\.mm|net\.mm|edu\.mm|gov\.mm|ms|nl|no|nu|pl|ro|org\.ro|store\.ro|tm\.ro|firm\.ro|www\.ro|arts\.ro|rec\.ro|info\.ro|nom\.ro|nt\.ro|se|si|com\.sg|org\.sg|net\.sg|gov\.sg|sk|st|tf|ac\.th|co\.th|go\.th|mi\.th|net\.th|or\.th|tm|to|com\.tr|edu\.tr|gov\.tr|k12\.tr|net\.tr|org\.tr|com\.tw|org\.tw|net\.tw|ac\.uk|uk\.com|uk\.net|gb\.com|gb\.net|vg|sh|kz|ch|info|ua|gov|name|pro|ie|hk|com\.hk|org\.hk|net\.hk|edu\.hk|us|tk|cd|by|ad|lv|eu\.lv|bz|es|jp|cl|ag|mobi|eu|co\.nz|org\.nz|net\.nz|maori\.nz|iwi\.nz|io|la|md|sc|sg|vc|tw|travel|my|se|tv|pt|com\.pt|edu\.pt|asia|fi|com\.ve|net\.ve|fi|org\.ve|web\.ve|info\.ve|co\.ve|tel|im|gr|ru|net\.ru|org\.ru|hr|com\.hr|ly|xyz)$/);
function _d(s) {
return decodeURIComponent(s.replace(/\+/g, ' '));
function _i(arg, str) {
var sptr = arg.charAt(0),
split = str.split(sptr);
if (sptr === arg) { return split; }
arg = parseInt(arg.substring(1), 10);
return split[arg < 0 ? split.length + arg : arg - 1];
function _f(arg, str) {
var sptr = arg.charAt(0),
split = str.split('&'),
field = [],
params = {},
tmp = [],
arg2 = arg.substring(1);
for (var i in split) {
field = split[i].split(/=(.*)/);
if (field[0].replace(/\s/g, '') !== '') {
field[1] = _d(field[1] || '');
// If we have a match just return it right away.
if (arg2 === field[0]) { return field[1]; }
// Check for array pattern.
tmp = field[0].match(/(.*)\[([0-9]+)\]/);
if (tmp) {
params[tmp[1]] = params[tmp[1]] || [];
params[tmp[1]][tmp[2]] = field[1];
else {
params[field[0]] = field[1];
if (sptr === arg) { return params; }
return params[arg2];
//return function(arg, url) {
var _l = {}, tmp, tmp2;
if (arg === 'tld?') { return _t(); }
url = url || window.location.toString();
if ( ! arg) { return url; }
arg = arg.toString();
if (url.match(/^mailto:[^\/]/)) {
_l.protocol = 'mailto';
_l.email = url.split(/mailto\:/)[1];
else {
// Anchor.
tmp = url.split(/#(.*)/);
_l.hash = tmp[1] ? tmp[1] : undefined;
// Return anchor parts.
if (_l.hash && arg.match(/^#/)) { return _f(arg, _l.hash); }
// Query
tmp = tmp[0].split(/\?(.*)/);
_l.query = tmp[1] ? tmp[1] : undefined;
// Return query parts.
if (_l.query && arg.match(/^\?/)) { return _f(arg, _l.query); }
// Protocol.
tmp = tmp[0].split(/\:?\/\//);
_l.protocol = tmp[1] ? tmp[0].toLowerCase() : undefined;
// Path.
tmp = (tmp[1] ? tmp[1] : tmp[0]).split(/(\/.*)/);
_l.path = tmp[1] ? tmp[1] : '';
// Clean up path.
_l.path = _l.path.replace(/^([^\/])/, '/$1').replace(/\/$/, '');
// Return path parts.
if (arg.match(/^[\-0-9]+$/)) { arg = arg.replace(/^([^\/])/, '/$1'); }
if (arg.match(/^\//)) { return _i(arg, _l.path.substring(1)); }
// File.
tmp2 = _i('/-1', _l.path.substring(1));
tmp2 = tmp2.split(/\.(.*)/);
// Filename and fileext.
if (tmp2[1]) {
_l.file = tmp2[0] + '.' + tmp2[1];
_l.filename = tmp2[0];
_l.fileext = tmp2[1];
// Port.
tmp = tmp[0].split(/\:([0-9]+)$/);
_l.port = tmp[1] ? tmp[1] : undefined;
// Auth.
tmp = tmp[0].split(/@/);
_l.auth = tmp[1] ? tmp[0] : undefined;
// User and pass.
if (_l.auth) {
tmp2 = _l.auth.split(/\:(.*)/);
_l.user = tmp2[0];
_l.pass = tmp2[1];
// Hostname.
_l.hostname = (tmp[1] ? tmp[1] : tmp[0]).toLowerCase();
// Return hostname parts.
if (arg.charAt(0) === '.') { return _i(arg, _l.hostname); }
// Domain, tld and sub domain.
if (_t()) {
tmp = _l.hostname.match(_t());
if (tmp) {
_l.tld = tmp[3];
_l.domain = tmp[2] ? tmp[2] + '.' + tmp[3] : undefined;
_l.sub = tmp[1] || undefined;
// Set port and protocol defaults if not set.
_l.port = _l.port || (_l.protocol === 'https' ? '443' : '80');
_l.protocol = _l.protocol || (_l.port === '443' ? 'https' : 'http');
// Return arg.
if (arg in _l) { return _l[arg]; }
// Return everything.
if (arg === '{}') { return _l; }
// Default to undefined for no match.
return undefined;
/*function isNumeric(arg) {
return !isNaN(parseFloat(arg)) && isFinite(arg);
function decode(str) {
return decodeURIComponent(str.replace(/\+/g, ' '));
var _ls = url;
if (!url) { return undefined; }
else if (!arg) { return _ls; }
else { arg = arg.toString(); }
if (_ls.substring(0,2) === '//') { _ls = 'http:' + _ls; }
else if (_ls.split('://').length === 1) { _ls = 'http://' + _ls; }
url = _ls.split('/');
var _l = {auth:''}, host = url[2].split('@');
if (host.length === 1) { host = host[0].split(':'); }
else { _l.auth = host[0]; host = host[1].split(':'); }
_l.port=(host[1] || ((_l.protocol.split(':')[0].toLowerCase() === 'https') ? '443' : '80'));
_l.pathname=( (url.length > 3 ? '/' : '') + url.slice(3, url.length).join('/').split('?')[0].split('#')[0]);
var _p = _l.pathname;
if (_p.charAt(_p.length-1) === '/') { _p=_p.substring(0, _p.length-1); }
var _h = _l.hostname, _hs = _h.split('.'), _ps = _p.split('/');
if (arg === 'hostname') { return _h; }
else if (arg === 'domain') {
if (/^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])$/.test(_h)) { return _h; }
return _hs.slice(-2).join('.');
//else if (arg === 'tld') { return _hs.slice(-1).join('.'); }
else if (arg === 'sub') { return _hs.slice(0, _hs.length - 2).join('.'); }
else if (arg === 'port') { return _l.port; }
else if (arg === 'protocol') { return _l.protocol.split(':')[0]; }
else if (arg === 'auth') { return _l.auth; }
else if (arg === 'user') { return _l.auth.split(':')[0]; }
else if (arg === 'pass') { return _l.auth.split(':')[1] || ''; }
else if (arg === 'path') { return _l.pathname; }
else if (arg.charAt(0) === '.')
arg = arg.substring(1);
if(isNumeric(arg)) {arg = parseInt(arg, 10); return _hs[arg < 0 ? _hs.length + arg : arg-1] || ''; }
else if (isNumeric(arg)) { arg = parseInt(arg, 10); return _ps[arg < 0 ? _ps.length + arg : arg] || ''; }
else if (arg === 'file') { return _ps.slice(-1)[0]; }
else if (arg === 'filename') { return _ps.slice(-1)[0].split('.')[0]; }
else if (arg === 'fileext') { return _ps.slice(-1)[0].split('.')[1] || ''; }
else if (arg.charAt(0) === '?' || arg.charAt(0) === '#')
var params = _ls, param = null;
if(arg.charAt(0) === '?') { params = (params.split('?')[1] || '').split('#')[0]; }
else if(arg.charAt(0) === '#') { params = (params.split('#')[1] || ''); }
if(!arg.charAt(1)) { return (params ? decode(params) : params); }
arg = arg.substring(1);
params = params.split('&');
for(var i=0,ii=params.length; i<ii; i++)
param = params[i].split(/(.*?)=(.*)/).filter(Boolean);
if(param[0] === arg) { return (param[1] ? decode(param[1]) : param[1]) || ''; }
return null;
return '';*/
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ var fs = require('fs');
var os = require('os');
var os = require('os');
var electron = require('electron');
var electron = require('electron');
var wurl = require('wurl');
var wurl = require('./lib/wurl');
var app = electron.app;
var app = electron.app;
var BrowserWindow = electron.BrowserWindow;
var BrowserWindow = electron.BrowserWindow;
var shell = electron.shell;
var shell = electron.shell;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user