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namespace Phpml\Classification\Ensemble;
use Phpml\Classification\Linear\DecisionStump;
use Phpml\Classification\Classifier;
use Phpml\Helper\Predictable;
use Phpml\Helper\Trainable;
class AdaBoost implements Classifier
use Predictable, Trainable;
* Actual labels given in the targets array
* @var array
protected $labels = [];
* @var int
protected $sampleCount;
* @var int
protected $featureCount;
* Number of maximum iterations to be done
* @var int
protected $maxIterations;
* Sample weights
* @var array
protected $weights = [];
* Base classifiers
* @var array
protected $classifiers = [];
* Base classifier weights
* @var array
protected $alpha = [];
* ADAptive BOOSTing (AdaBoost) is an ensemble algorithm to
* improve classification performance of 'weak' classifiers such as
* DecisionStump (default base classifier of AdaBoost).
public function __construct(int $maxIterations = 30)
$this->maxIterations = $maxIterations;
* @param array $samples
* @param array $targets
public function train(array $samples, array $targets)
// Initialize usual variables
$this->labels = array_keys(array_count_values($targets));
if (count($this->labels) != 2) {
throw new \Exception("AdaBoost is a binary classifier and can only classify between two classes");
// Set all target values to either -1 or 1
$this->labels = [1 => $this->labels[0], -1 => $this->labels[1]];
foreach ($targets as $target) {
$this->targets[] = $target == $this->labels[1] ? 1 : -1;
$this->samples = array_merge($this->samples, $samples);
$this->featureCount = count($samples[0]);
$this->sampleCount = count($this->samples);
// Initialize AdaBoost parameters
$this->weights = array_fill(0, $this->sampleCount, 1.0 / $this->sampleCount);
$this->classifiers = [];
$this->alpha = [];
// Execute the algorithm for a maximum number of iterations
$currIter = 0;
while ($this->maxIterations > $currIter++) {
// Determine the best 'weak' classifier based on current weights
// and update alpha & weight values at each iteration
list($classifier, $errorRate) = $this->getBestClassifier();
$alpha = $this->calculateAlpha($errorRate);
$this->updateWeights($classifier, $alpha);
$this->classifiers[] = $classifier;
$this->alpha[] = $alpha;
* Returns the classifier with the lowest error rate with the
* consideration of current sample weights
* @return Classifier
protected function getBestClassifier()
// This method works only for "DecisionStump" classifier, for now.
// As a future task, it will be generalized enough to work with other
// classifiers as well
$minErrorRate = 1.0;
$bestClassifier = null;
for ($i=0; $i < $this->featureCount; $i++) {
$stump = new DecisionStump($i);
$stump->train($this->samples, $this->targets);
$errorRate = $stump->getTrainingErrorRate();
if ($errorRate < $minErrorRate) {
$bestClassifier = $stump;
$minErrorRate = $errorRate;
return [$bestClassifier, $minErrorRate];
* Calculates alpha of a classifier
* @param float $errorRate
* @return float
protected function calculateAlpha(float $errorRate)
if ($errorRate == 0) {
$errorRate = 1e-10;
return 0.5 * log((1 - $errorRate) / $errorRate);
* Updates the sample weights
* @param DecisionStump $classifier
* @param float $alpha
protected function updateWeights(DecisionStump $classifier, float $alpha)
$sumOfWeights = array_sum($this->weights);
$weightsT1 = [];
foreach ($this->weights as $index => $weight) {
$desired = $this->targets[$index];
$output = $classifier->predict($this->samples[$index]);
$weight *= exp(-$alpha * $desired * $output) / $sumOfWeights;
$weightsT1[] = $weight;
$this->weights = $weightsT1;
* @param array $sample
* @return mixed
public function predictSample(array $sample)
$sum = 0;
foreach ($this->alpha as $index => $alpha) {
$h = $this->classifiers[$index]->predict($sample);
$sum += $h * $alpha;
return $this->labels[ $sum > 0 ? 1 : -1];