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Contributing to PHP-ML

PHP-ML is an open source project. If you'd like to contribute, please read the following text. Before I can merge your Pull-Request here are some guidelines that you need to follow. These guidelines exist not to annoy you, but to keep the code base clean, unified and future proof.


You should only open pull requests against the master branch.


Please try to add a test for your pull-request. You can run the unit-tests by calling:



GitHub automatically run your pull request through Travis CI. If you break the tests, I cannot merge your code, so please make sure that your code is working before opening up a Pull-Request.


Please allow me time to review your pull requests. I will give my best to review everything as fast as possible, but cannot always live up to my own expectations.

Coding Standards & Static Analysis

When contributing code to PHP-ML, you must follow its coding standards. To do that, just run:

vendor/bin/ecs check src tests --fix

More about EasyCodingStandard

Code has to also pass static analysis by PHPStan:

vendor/bin/phpstan.phar analyse src tests --level max --configuration phpstan.neon


Please update the documentation pages if necessary. You can find them in docs/.

Thank you very much again for your contribution!