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Via the menu or Ctrl + , (or Meta + , in the case of a Mac) you can open the Setting dialog.


The sun is too bright? You live on the dark side or only in the basement? Choose between the dark and light theme.


Rendering Type

You want always to work and see only the SVG version? Not Problem.
Choose the rendering type you want to see.


Editor Watcher Timeout

You can change the Editor Watcher Timeout, by default it is 500 ms.

Editor Options

You can change the options of the editor:

  automaticLayout: true,
  fixedOverflowWidgets: true,
  minimap: { enabled: false },
  scrollbar: { alwaysConsumeMouseWheel: false },
  scrollBeyondLastLine: false,
  tabSize: 2,
  theme: "vs",  // "vs-dark"