Tomas Votruba 66a823a2fb Updated Rector to commit 51e89c3f32
51e89c3f32 [docs] Improve first-time contributors docs (#2061)
2022-04-12 08:58:57 +00:00

1.3 KiB

How to Contribute

Contributions here are more than welcomed! You can contribute to rector-src repository or one of extension packages.

Preparing Local Environment

  1. Fork the rector/rector-src repository and clone it
git clone
cd rector-src
  1. We use PHP 8.1 and composer

Verify your local environment and update dependencies:

composer check-platform-reqs
composer update

Note: using Docker for contributing is strongly discouraged, as it requires extra knowledge of composer internals.

Then you can start working with the code 👍

Do you want to contribute a failing test? This tutorial will sow you how

Preparing Pull Request

There 3 steps will make your pull-request easy to merge:

  • 1 feature per pull-request

  • new features need tests

  • CI must pass... you can mimic it locally by running

    composer complete-check
  • Do you need to fix coding standards?

    composer fix-cs

We would be happy to accept PRs that follow these guidelines.