2021-01-27 13:58:55 +01:00
# FILE: bashbot_init.inc.sh
# USAGE: source bashbot_init.inc.sh
# DESCRIPTION: extend / overwrite bashbot initialisation
# LICENSE: WTFPLv2 http://www.wtfpl.net/txt/copying/
# AUTHOR: KayM (gnadelwartz), kay@rrr.de
# CREATED: 27.01.2021 13:42
2021-02-04 18:13:32 +01:00
#### $$VERSION$$ v1.40-0-gf9dab50
2021-01-27 13:58:55 +01:00
2021-01-27 16:19:43 +01:00
# shellcheck disable=SC2059
2021-01-27 16:29:58 +01:00
2021-01-27 13:58:55 +01:00
# commands to execute before bot_init() is called
# called after default init is finished
my_init( ) {
2021-01-27 16:29:58 +01:00
: # your init here
2021-01-27 13:58:55 +01:00
2021-01-27 16:19:43 +01:00
2021-01-27 16:29:58 +01:00
# extended initialisation:
2021-01-27 16:19:43 +01:00
2021-01-27 16:29:58 +01:00
# - uograde old config
# - backup of botconfig.jssh
# - running bot as service or other user
# - copy clean and dist files if not exist
2021-01-27 16:19:43 +01:00
2021-01-27 16:29:58 +01:00
# delete from here to disable extended initialisation
2021-01-27 16:19:43 +01:00
bot_init( ) {
2021-02-01 19:37:24 +01:00
if [ -n " ${ BASHBOT_HOME } " ] && ! cd " ${ BASHBOT_HOME } " ; then
printf "Can't change to BASHBOT_HOME"
exit 1
2021-01-27 16:19:43 +01:00
local runuser chown touser botname DEBUG = " $1 "
# upgrade from old version
# currently no action
printf "Check for Update actions ...\n"
printf "Done.\n"
# load addons on startup
printf "Initialize modules and addons ...\n"
for addons in " ${ ADDONDIR :- . } " /*.sh ; do
# shellcheck source=./modules/aliases.sh
[ -r " ${ addons } " ] && source " ${ addons } " "init" " ${ DEBUG } "
printf "Done.\n"
# ask for bashbot user
# shellcheck disable=SC2153
runuser = " ${ RUNUSER } " ; [ " ${ UID } " = "0" ] && runuser = "nobody"
printf " Enter User to run bashbot [ ${ runuser } ]: "
read -r chown
[ -z " ${ chown } " ] && chown = " ${ runuser } " ; touser = " ${ chown % : * } "
# check user ...
if ! id " ${ touser } " & >/dev/null; then
printf " ${ RED } User \" ${ touser } \" does not exist! ${ NN } "
exit 3
elif [ [ " ${ UID } " != "0" && " ${ touser } " != " ${ runuser } " ] ] ; then
# different user but not root ...
printf " ${ ORANGE } You are not root, adjusting permissions may fail. Try \"sudo ./bashbot.sh init\" ${ NN } Press <CTRL+C> to stop or <Enter> to continue... " 1>& 2
[ -n " ${ INTERACTIVE } " ] && read -r runuser
# check if mycommands exist
if [ ! -r " ${ BASHBOT_ETC :- . } /mycommands.sh " ] ; then
printf " Mycommands.sh not found, copy ${ GREY } <C>lean file, <E>xamples or <N>one ${ NC } to mycommands.sh? (c/e/N) N\b "
read -r ANSWER
[ [ " ${ ANSWER } " = ~ ^[ cC] ] ] && cp -f " ${ BASHBOT_ETC :- . } /mycommands.sh.clean " " ${ BASHBOT_ETC :- . } /mycommands.sh "
[ [ " ${ ANSWER } " = ~ ^[ eE] ] ] && cp -f " ${ BASHBOT_ETC :- . } /mycommands.sh.dist " " ${ BASHBOT_ETC :- . } /mycommands.sh "
# offer to copy config also
if [ ! -r " ${ BASHBOT_ETC :- . } /mycommands.conf " ] ; then
printf " Mycommands config file not found, copy ${ GREY } mycommands.conf.dist ${ NC } to mycommands.conf? (Y/n) Y\b "
read -r ANSWER
[ [ " ${ ANSWER } " = ~ ^[ nN] ] ] || cp -f " ${ BASHBOT_ETC :- . } /mycommands.conf.dist " " ${ BASHBOT_ETC :- . } /mycommands.conf "
if [ -w " ${ BASHBOT_ETC :- . } /mycommands.conf " ] ; then
printf " Activate processing for ${ GREY } <I>nline queries, <C>allback buttons, <B>oth or <N>one ${ NC } in mycommands.sh? (i/c/b/N) N\b "
read -r ANSWER
[ [ " ${ ANSWER } " = ~ ^[ iIbB] ] ] && sed -i '/INLINE="/ s/^.*$/export INLINE="1"/' " ${ BASHBOT_ETC :- . } /mycommands.conf "
[ [ " ${ ANSWER } " = ~ ^[ cCbB] ] ] && sed -i '/CALLBACK="/ s/^.*$/export CALLBACK="1"/' " ${ BASHBOT_ETC :- . } /mycommands.conf "
printf " Always ignore commands for other Bots in chat ${ GREY } (/cmd@other_bot) ${ NC } ? (y/N) N\b "
read -r ANSWER
[ [ " ${ ANSWER } " = ~ ^[ yY] ] ] && sed -i '/MEONLY="/ s/^.*$/export MEONLY="1"/' " ${ BASHBOT_ETC :- . } /mycommands.conf "
printf " Delete administrative messages in chats ${ GREY } (pinned, user join/leave, ...) ${ NC } ? (y/N) N\b "
read -r ANSWER
[ [ " ${ ANSWER } " = ~ ^[ yY] ] ] && sed -i '/SILENCER="/ s/^.*$/export SILENCER="yes"/' " ${ BASHBOT_ETC :- . } /mycommands.conf "
printf "Done.\n"
# adjust permissions
printf " Adjusting files and permissions for user \" ${ touser } \" ...\n "
chmod 711 .
chmod -R o-w ./*
chmod -R u+w " ${ COUNTFILE } " * " ${ BLOCKEDFILE } " * " ${ DATADIR } " logs " ${ LOGDIR } / " *.log 2>/dev/null
chmod -R o-r,o-w " ${ COUNTFILE } " * " ${ BLOCKEDFILE } " * " ${ DATADIR } " " ${ BOTACL } " 2>/dev/null
# jsshDB must writeable by owner
find . -name '*.jssh*' -exec chmod u+w \{ \} +
chown -Rf " ${ chown } " . ./*
printf "Done.\n"
# adjust values in bashbot.rc
if [ -w "bashbot.rc" ] ; then
printf "Adjust user and botname in bashbot.rc ...\n"
sed -i '/^[# ]*runas=/ s|runas=.*$|runas="' " ${ touser } " '"|' "bashbot.rc"
sed -i '/^[# ]*bashbot=/ s|bashbot=.*$|bashbot="cd ' " ${ PWD } " '; ' " ${ PWD } " '/' " ${ 0 ##*/ } " '"|' "bashbot.rc"
botname = " $( getConfigKey "botname" ) "
[ -n " ${ botname } " ] && sed -i '/^[# ]*name=/ s|name=.*$|name="' " ${ botname } " '"|' "bashbot.rc"
printf "Done.\n"
# ask to check bottoken online
if [ -z " $( getConfigKey "botid" ) " ] ; then
printf "Seems to be your first init. Should I verify your bot token online? (y/N) N\b"
read -r ANSWER
if [ [ " ${ ANSWER } " = ~ ^[ Yy] ] ] ; then
printf " ${ GREEN } Contacting telegram to verify your bot token ... ${ NN } "
$0 botname
# check if botconf seems valid
printf " ${ GREEN } This is your bot config: ${ NN } ${ GREY } "
sed 's/^/\t/' " ${ BOTCONFIG } .jssh " | grep -vF '["bot_config_key"]' ; printf " ${ NC } "
if check_token " $( getConfigKey "bottoken" ) " && [ [ " $( getConfigKey "botadmin" ) " = ~ ^[ ${ o9o9o9 } ] +$ ] ] ; then
printf "Bot config seems to be valid. Should I make a backup copy? (Y/n) Y\b"
read -r ANSWER
if [ [ -z " ${ ANSWER } " || " ${ ANSWER } " = ~ ^[ ^Nn] ] ] ; then
printf " Copy bot config to ${ BOTCONFIG } .jssh.ok ...\n "
cp " ${ BOTCONFIG } .jssh " " ${ BOTCONFIG } .jssh.ok "
printf " ${ ORANGE } Bot config may incomplete, pls check. ${ NN } "
# show result
printf " ${ GREY } " ; ls -ldp " ${ DATADIR } " " ${ LOGDIR } " ./*.jssh* ./*.sh ./*.conf 2>/dev/null; printf " ${ NC } "
_exec_if_function my_init