  • Joined on 2023-09-29
Eebosmit commented on issue joomla/Component-Builder#1025 2024-01-25 14:06:08 +00:00
Joomla 5 Here we come!!!!

Thanks for the clarification

Eebosmit closed issue joomla/Component-Builder#1025 2024-01-25 14:01:48 +00:00
Joomla 5 Here we come!!!!
Eebosmit commented on issue joomla/Component-Builder#1025 2024-01-25 14:01:47 +00:00
Joomla 5 Here we come!!!!

JCB J5 installation crashes when installing from the URL. The given error is as follows:

JInstaller: :Install: Error SQL Field 'addcontributors' doesn't have a default value