"Course visibility In Catalog" advanced CMS setting was being ignored
COURSE_ABOUT_VISIBILITY_PERMISSION settings were incorrectly set to the
legacy default, which "see_exists".
There was an issue with non ascii platform names, such as "Курсы". This
is fixed by switching to utf8-encode settings file. That is, until we
switch to python3.
Close #270
It makes more sense to document this command instead of adding it to the
`local` commands. If need be, in the future we should be able to re-add
it as a plugin.
This command adds a burden on the `local` and `k8s` command. It does not
make sense to provide this command out of the box, and not other
administration commands. Instead, we should better document how to run
regular `manage.py` commands from tutor.
Close #269.
- [Improvement] Add `k8s-deployments-nginx-volume-mounts` patch
- [Bugfix] Fix running forum locally when both elasticsearch and mongodb
are not activated (#266)
- [Bugfix] Fix MongoDb url in forum when running separate service (#267)
- 💥[Improvement] Better `dev` commands, with dedicated development
docker image. One of the consequences is that the `dev watchthemes`
command is replaced by `dev run lms watchthemes`.
- [Improvement] `images` commands now accept multiple `image` arguments
MONGOHQ_URL was not properly set when MONGODB_HOST/PORT was customised.
That's because the environment variable was being defined in the
Dockerfile, and not at runtime.
Close #267
The static assets need to be properly collected in the development image
in order to have a working webpack-stats.json file.
The /openedx/staticfiles folder is still bind-mounted in the docker
image in order to have a working `watchthemes` command.
This is for issue #235, again.
The `dev` commands now rely on a different openedx-dev docker image.
This gives us multiple improvements:
- no more chown in base image
- faster chown in development
- mounted requirements volume in development
- fix static assets issues
- bundled ipdb/vim/... packages, which are convenient for development
Close #235
Otherwise, tutor-openedx will be pulled from pypi during plugin install.
This was failing because the latest pypi release was not installing
correctly (see #261).