fred-the-coder commented on issue joomla/Component-Builder#1059 2024-02-20 16:32:13 +00:00
Installation Fails

Hi @troy-cf , I may be wrong, but JCB still does not install on J4 and J5, but on J3 generating components for J4 & J5...

fred-the-coder commented on issue joomla/Component-Builder#1047 2024-02-07 06:15:24 +00:00
Is there a bit more explanatory Demo Component available

Hi @jjs, If your are new to JCB, the learing curve is quite intense...but really worth it!

To my point of view, to design a Joomla Component using JCB, you have to thing first to fields (info…

fred-the-coder commented on issue joomla/Component-Builder#964 2024-01-14 18:55:40 +00:00
jcb for joomla4

In order to help testing (even if my workload is quite high for 2024Q1), is there a way to migrate (J3->J4 or J3->J5) an existing component made with JCB component and to compile it for J4/J5?


fred-the-coder commented on issue joomla/Component-Builder#964 2023-09-10 13:04:59 +00:00
jcb for joomla4

@Llewellyn continue this way!

@cpaschen maybe change of client...ok it is not always easy, but I have always bad experience with client driving technic...this is not their cup of tea! I often…

fred-the-coder commented on issue joomla/Component-Builder#964 2023-09-08 11:58:19 +00:00
jcb for joomla4

@kommid for now, I stay with J3...