mirror of https://github.com/Llewellynvdm/nativefier.git synced 2025-02-04 04:38:24 +00:00
2021-01-30 04:49:52 +00:00

1.2 KiB


Releases are automatically deployed to npm from Travis, when they are tagged. However, we have to make sure that the version in the package.json, and the changelog is updated.


Before anything, run a little manual smoke test of some of our hard-to-programatically-test features:

npm run test:manual

How to release

With Git Extras and jq installed.

While on master, with no uncommitted changes,

npm run changelog -- $VERSION
# With no 'v'. For example: npm run changelog -- 7.7.1

This command does 3 things:

  1. Update the version in the package.json
  2. Update the changelog
  3. Creates a new commit with the changes

Now we may want to cleanup the changelog:

git commit --amend

Once we are satisfied,

git tag -a vX.Y.Z -m 'vX.Y.Z'
git push --follow-tags origin master

On GitHub Releases, draft and publish a new release with title Nativefier vX.Y.Z (yes, with a v).

Our CI will react on the new release, and publish it to npm. The new version will be visible on npm within a few minutes.