mirror of https://github.com/frappe/books.git synced 2025-01-31 02:58:31 +00:00

chore: add a few translations

This commit is contained in:
18alantom 2022-02-16 12:34:21 +05:30 committed by Alan
parent ddda0d38c7
commit 6cfab5cbe9
4 changed files with 1441 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
# local env files

translations/de.csv Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
`${0} ${1} already exists.`,`${0} ${1} existiert bereits.`
`${0} ${1} is linked with existing records.`,`${0} ${1} ist mit bestehenden Datensätzen verknüpft.`
`${0} filters applied`,`${0} Filter angewendet`
`1 filter applied`,`1 Filter angewendet`
`Accepted Quantity`,`Angenommene Menge`
`Account Entries`,`Kontoeinträge`
`Account Name`,`Name des Kontos`
`Account Type`,`Konto-Typ`
`Accounting Ledger Entries`,`Buchhaltungsbuchungen`
`Accounting Settings`,`Buchhaltungseinstellungen`
`Accounts Payable`,`Kreditorenbuchhaltung`
`Accounts Receivable`,`Debitoren`
`Accumulated Depreciation`,`Kumulierte Abschreibung`
`Add Account`,`Konto hinzufügen`
`Add Customers`,`Kunden hinzufügen`
`Add Group`,`Gruppe hinzufügen`
`Add Items`,`Artikel hinzufügen`
`Add Row`,`Zeile hinzufügen`
`Add Suppliers`,`Lieferanten hinzufügen`
`Add Taxes`,`Steuern hinzufügen`
`Add a filter`,`Einen Filter hinzufügen`
`Address Display`,`Adressanzeige`
`Address Line 1`,`Anschrift Zeile 1`
`Address Line 2`,`Adresse Zeile 2`
`Administrative Expenses`,`Verwaltungskosten`
`Against Account`,`Gegen Konto`
`All References`,`Alle Referenzen`
`Amount (Company Currency)`,`Betrag (Währung des Unternehmens)`
`Amount: ${0} and writeoff: ${1} is less than the total amount allocated to references: ${2}.`,`Der Betrag: ${0} und Abschreibung: ${1} ist kleiner als der Gesamtbetrag, der den Referenzen zugeordnet ist: ${2}.`
`Amount: ${0} is less than the total amount allocated to references: ${1}.`,`Betrag: ${0} ist kleiner als der Gesamtbetrag, der den Referenzen zugewiesen wurde: ${1}.`
`An error occurred.`,`Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.`
`Application of Funds (Assets)`,`Verwendung der Mittel (Aktiva)`
`Are you sure you want to cancel ${0} ${1}?`,`Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie ${0} ${1} stornieren wollen?`
`Are you sure you want to delete ${0} "${1}"?`,`Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie ${0} "${1}" löschen wollen?`
`Are you sure you want to submit this Bill?`,`Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diesen Gesetzentwurf einreichen wollen?`
`Are you sure you want to submit this Invoice?`,`Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diese Rechnung einreichen möchten?`
`Are you sure you want to submit this Journal Entry?`,`Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diesen Journaleintrag abschicken wollen?`
`Balance Sheet`,`Bilanz`
`Bank Accounts`,`Bankkonten`
`Bank Name`,`Name der Bank`
`Bank Overdraft Account`,`Überziehungskonto der Bank`
`Bill Created`,`Rechnung erstellt`
`Bill No`,`Gesetzentwurf Nein`
`Bills Settings`,`Einstellungen für Rechnungen`
`Can't open database file: ${0}, please create a new file.`,`Die Datenbankdatei kann nicht geöffnet werden: ${0}, bitte erstellen Sie eine neue Datei.`
`Capital Equipments`,`Kapitalausstattungen`
`Capital Stock`,`Grundkapital`
`Cash In Hand`,`Bargeld in der Hand`
`Central Tax`,`Zentrale Steuer`
`Central Tax Paid`,`Gezahlte Zentralsteuer`
`Chart Of Accounts Reviewed`,`Überprüfter Kontenplan`
`Chart of Accounts`,`Kontenplan`
`Checking for updates`,`Prüfung auf Aktualisierungen`
`City / Town`,`Stadt / Ortschaft`
`Clearance Date`,`Datum der Freigabe`
`Click to create`,`Klicken Sie zum Erstellen`
`Close`,`Schließen Sie`
`Closing (Cr)`,`Abschluss (Cr)`
`Closing (Dr)`,`Schließen (Dr)`
`Commission on Sales`,`Kommission für Verkäufe`
`Company Address`,`Adresse des Unternehmens`
`Company Logo`,`Firmenlogo`
`Company Name`,`Name des Unternehmens`
`Company Settings`,`Unternehmenseinstellungen`
`Company Setup`,`Unternehmensgründung`
`Confirm Password`,`Bestätigen Sie Ihr Passwort`
`Cost of Goods Sold`,`Kosten der verkauften Waren`
`Create Bill`,`Rechnung erstellen`
`Create Invoice`,`Rechnung erstellen`
`Create a new file and store it in your computer.`,`Erstellen Sie eine neue Datei und speichern Sie sie auf Ihrem Computer.`
`Create a new file or select an existing one from your computer`,`Erstellen Sie eine neue Datei oder wählen Sie eine vorhandene Datei von Ihrem Computer aus`
`Currency Name`,`Währung Name`
`Current Assets`,`Umlaufvermögen`
`Current Liabilities`,`Kurzfristige Verbindlichkeiten`
`Custom Hex`,`Benutzerdefiniertes Hex`
`Customer Created`,`Kunde erstellt`
`Customer Currency`,`Kunde Währung`
`Customer Name`,`Name des Kunden`
`DB Connection Error`,`DB-Verbindungsfehler`
`Data Import`,`Datenimport`
`Date Format`,`Datum Format`
`Default Account`,`Standard-Konto`
`Direct Expenses`,`Direkte Ausgaben`
`Direct Income`,`Direktes Einkommen`
`Display Logo in Invoice`,`Logo in der Rechnung anzeigen`
`Display Precision`,`Präzision anzeigen`
`Display Precision should have a value between 0 and 9.`,`Die Anzeigegenauigkeit sollte einen Wert zwischen 0 und 9 haben.`
`Dividends Paid`,`Ausgeschüttete Dividende`
`Document ${0} ${1} has been modified after loading`,`Dokument ${0} ${1} wurde nach dem Laden geändert`
`Document type ${0} is not submittable`,`Dokumenttyp ${0} ist nicht einreichbar`
`Does Not Contain`,`Enthält nicht`
`Download Update`,`Update herunterladen`
`Duties and Taxes`,`Zölle und Steuern`
`Earnest Money`,`Earnest Money`
`Electronic Equipments`,`Elektronische Ausrüstungen`
`Email Account`,`E-Mail-Konto`
`Email Address`,`E-Mail Adresse`
`Enable Notifications`,`Aktivieren von Benachrichtigungen`
`Entertainment Expenses`,`Ausgaben für Unterhaltung`
`Entry ID`,`Eintrags-ID`
`Entry Type`,`Eintrag Typ`
`Event Settings`,`Ereignis-Einstellungen`
`Exchange Gain/Loss`,`Wechselkursgewinne/-verluste`
`Exchange Rate`,`Wechselkurse`
`Existing File`,`Vorhandene Datei`
`Expenses Included In Valuation`,`In die Bewertung einbezogene Aufwendungen`
`Export Failed`,`Export fehlgeschlagen`
`Export Successful`,`Export erfolgreich`
`File Name`,`Datei Name`
`File Path`,`Datei-Pfad`
`File Size`,`Größe der Datei`
`Fiscal Year End Date`,`Enddatum des Geschäftsjahres`
`Fiscal Year Start Date`,`Beginn des Haushaltsjahres`
`Fixed Assets`,`Anlagevermögen`
`Fraction Units`,`Fraktionseinheiten`
`Freight and Forwarding Charges`,`Fracht- und Speditionskosten`
`From Account`,`Von Konto`
`From Date`,`Von Datum`
`Fulfillment Settings`,`Einstellungen für die Auftragsabwicklung`
`Full Name`,`Vollständiger Name`
`Furnitures and Fixtures`,`Mobiliar und Einrichtungsgegenstände`
`GST Registration`,`GST-Registrierung`
`GSTIN of Supplier`,`GSTIN des Lieferanten`
`GSTR 3B Report`,`GSTR 3B-Bericht`
`Gain/Loss on Asset Disposal`,`Gewinn/Verlust aus der Veräußerung von Vermögenswerten`
`General Ledger`,`Hauptbuch`
`Get Started`,`Los geht's`
`Grand Total`,`Gesamtbetrag`
`Grand Total (Company Currency)`,`Gesamtbetrag (Währung des Unternehmens)`
`Greater Than`,`Größer als`
`Hex Value`,`Hex-Wert`
`Hide & Auto Report Errors`,`Fehler ausblenden und automatisch melden`
`Hide Get Started`,`Ausblenden Los geht's`
`Hides the Get Started section from the sidebar. Change will be visible on restart or refreshing the app.`,`Blendet den Abschnitt "Erste Schritte" in der Seitenleiste aus. Die Änderung wird beim Neustart oder beim Aktualisieren der App sichtbar.`
`Indirect Expenses`,`Indirekte Kosten`
`Indirect Income`,`Indirektes Einkommen`
`Install Update`,`Update installieren`
`Intergrated Tax`,`Integrierte Steuer`
`Intergrated Tax Paid`,`Integrierte Steuer gezahlt`
`Internal Precision`,`Interne Präzision`
`Invoice Created`,`Rechnung erstellt`
`Invoice Date`,`Datum der Rechnung`
`Invoice No`,`Rechnung Nr.`
`Invoice No.`,`Rechnungs-Nr.`
`Invoice Number`,`Rechnungsnummer`
`Invoice Setup`,`Rechnungen einrichten`
`Invoice Value`,`Rechnungswert`
`Is Customer`,`Ist Kunde`
`Is Empty`,`Ist leer`
`Is Group`,`Ist-Gruppe`
`Is Not`,`Ist nicht`
`Is Not Empty`,`Ist nicht leer`
`Is Supplier`,`Ist Lieferant`
`Item Created`,`Artikel erstellt`
`Item Name`,`Artikel Name`
`JSON Data`,`JSON-Daten`
`Journal Entry`,`Journaleintrag`
`Journal Entry Setting`,`Journaleintrag Einstellung`
`Ledger Entries`,`Hauptbucheinträge`
`Ledger Entry`,`Hauptbucheintrag`
`Legal Expenses`,`Rechtskosten`
`Less Than`,`Weniger als`
`Load an existing .db file from your computer.`,`Laden Sie eine vorhandene .db-Datei von Ihrem Computer.`
`Loans (Liabilities)`,`Darlehen (Passiva)`
`Loans and Advances (Assets)`,`Kredite und Forderungen (Aktiva)`
`MIME Type`,`MIME-Typ`
`Make Payment`,`Zahlung vornehmen`
`Marketing Expenses`,`Marketing-Ausgaben`
`Miscellaneous Expenses`,`Verschiedene Ausgaben`
`Mobile Number`,`Handynummer`
`Net Total`,`Netto Gesamt`
`Net Total (Company Currency)`,`Netto Gesamt (Unternehmenswährung)`
`New Account`,`Neues Konto`
`New Bill`,`Neuer Gesetzentwurf`
`New File`,`Neue Datei`
`New Invoice`,`Neue Rechnung`
`New Journal Entry`,`Neuer Journaleintrag`
`New version available`,`Neue Version verfügbar`
`No expenses in this period`,`Keine Ausgaben in diesem Zeitraum`
`No filters selected`,`Keine Filter ausgewählt`
`No results found.`,`Keine Ergebnisse gefunden.`
`No transactions yet`,`Noch keine Transaktionen`
`No updates available`,`Keine Updates verfügbar`
`Number Series`,`Zahlenreihe`
`Office Equipments`,`Büroausstattungen`
`Office Maintenance Expenses`,`Kosten für die Instandhaltung des Büros`
`Office Rent`,`Büromiete`
`Onboarding Complete`,`Onboarding abgeschlossen`
`Open Folder`,`Ordner öffnen`
`Opening (Cr)`,`Eröffnung (Cr)`
`Opening (Dr)`,`Eröffnung (Dr)`
`Opening Balance Equity`,`Eröffnungsbilanz Eigenkapital`
`Opening Balances`,`Eröffnungssalden`
`Outstanding Amount`,`Ausstehender Betrag`
`Parent Account`,`Übergeordnetes Konto`
`Payable Account`,`Verbindliches Konto`
`Payment Account`,`Zahlungskonto`
`Payment For`,`Zahlung für`
`Payment Method`,`Zahlungsmethode`
`Payment Reference`,`Zahlungsreferenz`
`Payment Settings`,`Zahlungseinstellungen`
`Payment Type`,`Zahlungsart`
`Payment amount cannot be ${0}.`,`Der Zahlungsbetrag kann nicht ${0} sein.`
`Payment amount cannot be less than zero.`,`Der Zahlungsbetrag kann nicht kleiner als Null sein.`
`Payment amount cannot exceed ${0}.`,`Der Zahlungsbetrag kann ${0} nicht überschreiten.`
`Payment amount: ${0} should be greater than 0.`,`Zahlungsbetrag: ${0} sollte größer als 0 sein.`
`Payment amount: ${0} should be less than Outstanding amount: ${1}.`,`Zahlungsbetrag: ${0} sollte kleiner sein als der ausstehende Betrag: ${1}.`
`Payroll Payable`,`Gehaltsabrechnung Payable`
`Place of Supply`,`Ort der Lieferung`
`Place of supply`,`Ort der Lieferung`
`Plants and Machineries`,`Anlagen und Maschinen`
`Please fill all values`,`Bitte alle Werte ausfüllen`
`Please select an existing database or create a new one. reason: ${0}, filePath: ${1}`,`Bitte wählen Sie eine vorhandene Datenbank oder erstellen Sie eine neue. reason: ${0}, filePath: ${1}`
`Please set GSTIN in General Settings.`,`Bitte stellen Sie die GSTIN in den Allgemeinen Einstellungen ein.`
`Postal Code`,`Postleitzahl`
`Postal Expenses`,`Postkosten`
`Posting Date`,`Buchungsdatum`
`Prevent errors from showing and automatically report all errors.`,`Verhindern Sie die Anzeige von Fehlern und melden Sie automatisch alle Fehler.`
`Print Format`,`Druckformat`
`Print PDF`,`PDF drucken`
`Print Settings`,`Druckeinstellungen`
`Print and Stationery`,`Druck und Schreibwaren`
`Profit And Loss`,`Gewinn und Verlust`
`Profit and Loss`,`Gewinn und Verlust`
`Purchase`,`Kaufen Sie`
`Purchase Order`,`Bestellung`
`Purchase Order Settings`,`Bestellungseinstellungen`
`Purchase Receipt`,`Kaufbeleg`
`Purchase Receipt Settings`,`Einstellungen für Kaufbelege`
`Quantity (${0}) cannot be less than zero.`,`Die Menge (${0}) kann nicht kleiner als Null sein.`
`Quotation Settings`,`Angebotseinstellungen`
`Rate`,`Bewerten Sie`
`Rate (${0}) cannot be less zero.`,`Die Rate (${0}) kann nicht kleiner als Null sein.`
`Rate (Company Currency)`,`Kurs (Firmenwährung)`
`Receivable Account`,`Debitoren-Konto`
`Recent Invoices`,`Neueste Rechnungen`
`Ref. / Cheque No.`,`Ref. / Scheck-Nr.`
`Ref. Date`,`Ref. Datum`
`Ref. Name`,`Ref. Name`
`Ref. Type`,`Ref. Typ`
`Ref/Cheque ID`,`Referenz/Scheck-ID`
`Reference Date`,`Stichtag`
`Reference DocType`,`Referenz DocType`
`Reference Field`,`Referenzfeld`
`Reference Name`,`Referenz Name`
`Reference Number`,`Referenznummer`
`Reference Type`,`Referenztyp`
`Reload App`,`App neu laden`
`Report Error`,`Fehler melden`
`Reset Filters`,`Filter zurücksetzen`
`Retained Earnings`,`Einbehaltene Gewinne`
`Reverse Charge`,`Reverse Charge`
`Reverse Chrg.`,`Reverse Chrg.`
`Reverted`,`Rückgängig gemacht`
`Review Accounts`,`Konten überprüfen`
`Root Type`,`Wurzel-Typ`
`Round Off`,`Abrunden`
`Round Off Account`,`Konto abrunden`
`SMTP Host`,`SMTP-Host`
`SMTP Port`,`SMTP-Anschluss`
`Sales Expenses`,`Verkaufskosten`
`Sales Order`,`Kundenauftrag`
`Sales Order Settings`,`Einstellungen zum Kundenauftrag`
`SalesInvoice Settings`,`SalesInvoice Einstellungen`
`Save`,`Speichern Sie`
`Save & Close`,`Speichern & Schließen`
`Save as PDF`,`Als PDF speichern`
`Save as PDF Successful`,`Als PDF speichern Erfolgreich`
`Secured Loans`,`Gesicherte Darlehen`
`Securities and Deposits`,`Wertpapiere und Einlagen`
`Select Folder`,`Ordner auswählen`
`Select Image`,`Bild auswählen`
`Select Logo`,`Logo auswählen`
`Select a file to load the company transactions`,`Wählen Sie eine Datei zum Laden der Unternehmenstransaktionen`
`Select file`,`Datei auswählen`
`Select folder`,`Ordner auswählen`
`Send`,`Senden Sie`
`Set the local code, this is used for number formatting.`,`Legen Sie den lokalen Code fest, der für die Formatierung der Nummern verwendet wird.`
`Sets how many digits are shown after the decimal point.`,`Legt fest, wie viele Ziffern nach dem Dezimalpunkt angezeigt werden.`
`Sets the app-wide date display format.`,`Legt das app-weite Datumsanzeigeformat fest.`
`Sets the internal precision used for monetary calculations. Above 6 should be sufficient for most currencies.`,`Legt die interne Genauigkeit fest, die für monetäre Berechnungen verwendet wird. Ein Wert über 6 sollte für die meisten Währungen ausreichend sein.`
`Setting Up...`,`Einrichten...`
`Settings changes will be visible on reload`,`Änderungen der Einstellungen werden beim erneuten Laden sichtbar`
`Setup Complete`,`Einrichtung abgeschlossen`
`Setup Wizard`,`Einrichtungsassistent`
`Setup your organization`,`Einrichtung Ihrer Organisation`
`Setup your workspace`,`Einrichten Ihres Arbeitsbereichs`
`Smallest Currency Fraction Value`,`Kleinster Wert eines Währungsbruchteils`
`Something has gone terribly wrong. Please check the console and raise an issue.`,`Etwas ist furchtbar schief gelaufen. Bitte prüfen Sie die Konsole und melden Sie ein Problem.`
`Source of Funds (Liabilities)`,`Mittelherkunft (Passiva)`
`Start Time`,`Startzeit`
`State Tax`,`Staatliche Steuer`
`State/UT Tax Paid`,`Staat/UT Steuer gezahlt`
`Stock Adjustment`,`Bestandsanpassung`
`Stock Assets`,`Lagerbestände`
`Stock Expenses`,`Ausgaben für Aktien`
`Stock In Hand`,`Bestand in der Hand`
`Stock Liabilities`,`Lagerverbindlichkeiten`
`Stock Received But Not Billed`,`Erhaltener, aber nicht fakturierter Bestand`
`Supplier Created`,`Lieferant erstellt`
`Supplier Currency`,`Lieferant Währung`
`Supplier Name`,`Name des Lieferanten`
`System Settings`,`System-Einstellungen`
`System Setup`,`System einrichten`
`Tax Account`,`Steuerkonto`
`Tax Assets`,`Steuerliche Vermögenswerte`
`Tax Detail`,`Steuer Detail`
`Tax ID`,`Steuer-ID`
`Taxable Value`,`Steuerpflichtiger Wert`
`Telephone Expenses`,`Telefonkosten`
`Template could not be saved.`,`Die Vorlage konnte nicht gespeichert werden.`
`Template saved successfully.`,`Vorlage erfolgreich gespeichert.`
`Temporary Accounts`,`Vorläufige Konten`
`Temporary Opening`,`Vorübergehende Öffnung`
`Theme Color`,`Thema Farbe`
`This action is permanent`,`Diese Maßnahme ist dauerhaft`
`This action is permanent and will cancel the following payment: ${0}`,`Diese Aktion ist dauerhaft und storniert die folgende Zahlung: ${0}`
`This action is permanent and will cancel the following payments: ${0}`,`Diese Aktion ist dauerhaft und wird die folgenden Zahlungen stornieren: ${0}`
`To Account`,`Zum Konto`
`To Date`,`Bis heute`
`To Do`,`Zu tun`
`Top Expenses`,`Top-Ausgaben`
`Total Spending`,`Gesamtausgaben`
`Total Tax`,`Gesamtsteuer`
`Transfer Type`,`Art der Übertragung`
`Travel Expenses`,`Reisekosten`
`Trial Balance`,`Summenbilanz`
`Unit Type`,`Einheit Typ`
`Unsecured Loans`,`Ungesicherte Darlehen`
`Update downloaded`,`Update heruntergeladen`
`User ID`,`Benutzer-ID`
`User Remark`,`Benutzer Bemerkung`
`Utility Expenses`,`Ausgaben für Versorgungsleistungen`
`Value missing for ${0}`,`Wert fehlt für ${0}`
`Version ${0} available`,`Version ${0} verfügbar`
`View Bills`,`Rechnungen ansehen`
`View Invoices`,`Rechnungen ansehen`
`Welcome to Frappe Books`,`Willkommen bei Frappe Books`
`Write Off`,`Abschreibung`
`Write Off / Refund`,`Abschreibung/Erstattung`
`Write Off Account`,`Abschreibungskonto`
`Your Name`,`Ihr Name`
`reason: ${0}, filePath: ${1}`,`Grund: ${0}, Dateipfad: ${1}`
Can't render this file because it has a wrong number of fields in line 33.

translations/fr.csv Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
`${0} ${1} already exists.`,`${0} ${1} existe déjà.`
`${0} ${1} is linked with existing records.`,`${0} ${1} est lié à des enregistrements existants.`
`${0} filters applied`,`${0} filtres appliqués`
`1 filter applied`,`1 filtre appliqué`
`Accepted Quantity`,`Quantité acceptée`
`Account Entries`,`Entrées de compte`
`Account Name`,`Nom du compte`
`Account Type`,`Type de compte`
`Accounting Ledger Entries`,`Écritures du grand livre comptable`
`Accounting Settings`,`Paramètres de comptabilité`
`Accounts Payable`,`Comptes créditeurs`
`Accounts Receivable`,`Comptes débiteurs`
`Accumulated Depreciation`,`Amortissement cumulé`
`Add Account`,`Ajouter un compte`
`Add Customers`,`Ajouter des clients`
`Add Group`,`Ajouter un groupe`
`Add Items`,`Ajouter des éléments`
`Add Row`,`Ajouter une rangée`
`Add Suppliers`,`Ajouter des fournisseurs`
`Add Taxes`,`Ajouter des taxes`
`Add a filter`,`Ajouter un filtre`
`Address Display`,`Affichage de l'adresse`
`Address Line 1`,`Ligne d'adresse 1`
`Address Line 2`,`Ligne d'adresse 2`
`Administrative Expenses`,`Dépenses administratives`
`Against Account`,`Contre compte`
`All References`,`Toutes les références`
`Amount (Company Currency)`,`Montant (devise de la société)`
`Amount: ${0} and writeoff: ${1} is less than the total amount allocated to references: ${2}.`,`Le montant : ${0} et write-off : ${1} est inférieur au montant total alloué aux références : ${2}.`
`Amount: ${0} is less than the total amount allocated to references: ${1}.`,`Montant : ${0} est inférieur au montant total alloué aux références : ${1}.`
`An error occurred.`,`Une erreur s'est produite.`
`Application of Funds (Assets)`,`Application des fonds (actifs)`
`Are you sure you want to cancel ${0} ${1}?`,`Vous êtes sûr de vouloir annuler ${0} ${1} ?`
`Are you sure you want to delete ${0} "${1}"?`,`Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ${0} "${1}" ?`
`Are you sure you want to submit this Bill?`,`Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir soumettre ce projet de loi ?`
`Are you sure you want to submit this Invoice?`,`Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir soumettre cette facture ?`
`Are you sure you want to submit this Journal Entry?`,`Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir soumettre cette entrée de journal ?`
`Balance Sheet`,`Bilan`
`Bank Accounts`,`Comptes bancaires`
`Bank Name`,`Nom de la banque`
`Bank Overdraft Account`,`Compte de découvert bancaire`
`Bill Created`,`Projet de loi créé`
`Bill No`,`Bill No`
`Bills Settings`,`Paramètres des factures`
`Can't open database file: ${0}, please create a new file.`,`Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier de la base de données : ${0}, veuillez créer un nouveau fichier.`
`Capital Equipments`,`Biens d'équipement`
`Capital Stock`,`Capital social`
`Cash In Hand`,`Liquidités en main`
`Central Tax`,`Impôt central`
`Central Tax Paid`,`Impôt central payé`
`Chart Of Accounts Reviewed`,`Révision du plan comptable`
`Chart of Accounts`,`Plan comptable`
`Checking for updates`,`Vérification des mises à jour`
`City / Town`,`Ville / Village`
`Clearance Date`,`Date d'autorisation`
`Click to create`,`Cliquez pour créer`
`Closing (Cr)`,`Fermeture (Cr)`
`Closing (Dr)`,`Fermeture (Dr)`
`Commission on Sales`,`Commission sur les ventes`
`Company Address`,`Adresse de la société`
`Company Logo`,`Logo de l'entreprise`
`Company Name`,`Nom de la société`
`Company Settings`,`Paramètres de l'entreprise`
`Company Setup`,`Création d'entreprise`
`Confirm Password`,`Confirmer le mot de passe`
`Cost of Goods Sold`,`Coût des marchandises vendues`
`Create Bill`,`Créer une facture`
`Create Invoice`,`Créer une facture`
`Create a new file and store it in your computer.`,`Créez un nouveau fichier et stockez-le sur votre ordinateur.`
`Create a new file or select an existing one from your computer`,`Créez un nouveau fichier ou sélectionnez un fichier existant sur votre ordinateur.`
`Currency Name`,`Nom de la monnaie`
`Current Assets`,`Actifs courants`
`Current Liabilities`,`Passifs courants`
`Custom Hex`,`Hexagone personnalisé`
`Customer Created`,`Client créé`
`Customer Currency`,`Monnaie du client`
`Customer Name`,`Nom du client`
`DB Connection Error`,`Erreur de connexion à la base de données`
`Dashboard`,`Tableau de bord`
`Data Import`,`Importation de données`
`Date Format`,`Format de la date`
`Default Account`,`Compte par défaut`
`Direct Expenses`,`Dépenses directes`
`Direct Income`,`Revenu direct`
`Display Logo in Invoice`,`Affichage du logo sur la facture`
`Display Precision`,`Précision de l'affichage`
`Display Precision should have a value between 0 and 9.`,`La précision de l'affichage doit avoir une valeur comprise entre 0 et 9.`
`Dividends Paid`,`Dividendes versés`
`Document ${0} ${1} has been modified after loading`,`Le document ${0} ${1} a été modifié après le chargement`
`Document type ${0} is not submittable`,`Le type de document ${0} ne peut pas être soumis`
`Does Not Contain`,`Ne contient pas`
`Download Update`,`Télécharger la mise à jour`
`Duties and Taxes`,`Droits et taxes`
`Earnest Money`,`Argent de garantie`
`Electronic Equipments`,`Équipements électroniques`
`Email`,`Courriel :`
`Email Account`,`Compte de messagerie`
`Email Address`,`Adresse électronique`
`Enable Notifications`,`Activer les notifications`
`Entertainment Expenses`,`Dépenses de divertissement`
`Entry ID`,`ID d'entrée`
`Entry Type`,`Type d'entrée`
`Error:`,`Erreur :`
`Event Settings`,`Paramètres des événements`
`Exchange Gain/Loss`,`Gain/perte de change`
`Exchange Rate`,`Taux de change`
`Existing File`,`Fichier existant`
`Expenses Included In Valuation`,`Dépenses incluses dans l'évaluation`
`Export Failed`,`Échec de l'exportation`
`Export Successful`,`Exportation réussie`
`Fieldname`,`Nom du champ`
`File Name`,`Nom du fichier`
`File Path`,`Chemin du fichier`
`File Size`,`Taille du fichier`
`Fiscal Year End Date`,`Date de fin d'exercice`
`Fiscal Year Start Date`,`Date de début de l'exercice financier`
`Fixed Assets`,`Actifs fixes`
`Fraction Units`,`Unités de fractionnement`
`Freight and Forwarding Charges`,`Frais de fret et d'expédition`
`From Account`,`Du compte`
`From Date`,`De la date`
`Fulfillment Settings`,`Paramètres d'exécution`
`Full Name`,`Nom complet`
`Furnitures and Fixtures`,`Meubles et installations`
`GST Registration`,`Inscription à la GST`
`GSTIN of Supplier`,`GSTIN du fournisseur`
`GSTR 3B Report`,`Rapport GSTR 3B`
`Gain/Loss on Asset Disposal`,`Gain/perte sur la cession d'actifs`
`General Ledger`,`Grand livre général`
`Get Started`,`Commencez`
`Grand Total`,`Total général`
`Grand Total (Company Currency)`,`Total général (devise de la société)`
`Greater Than`,`Plus grand que`
`Hex Value`,`Valeur hexagonale`
`Hide & Auto Report Errors`,`Cacher et signaler automatiquement les erreurs`
`Hide Get Started`,`Cacher Commencer`
`Hides the Get Started section from the sidebar. Change will be visible on restart or refreshing the app.`,`Masque la section "Get Started" de la barre latérale. Le changement sera visible au redémarrage ou à l'actualisation de l'application.`
`Indirect Expenses`,`Dépenses indirectes`
`Indirect Income`,`Revenu indirect`
`Inflow`,`Arrivée d'eau`
`Install Update`,`Installer la mise à jour`
`Intergrated Tax`,`Taxe intégrée`
`Intergrated Tax Paid`,`Taxe intégrée payée`
`Internal Precision`,`Précision interne`
`Invoice Created`,`Facture créée`
`Invoice Date`,`Date de la facture`
`Invoice No`,`N° de facture`
`Invoice No.`,`N° de facture`
`Invoice Number`,`Numéro de facture`
`Invoice Setup`,`Configuration de la facture`
`Invoice Value`,`Valeur de la facture`
`Is Customer`,`Est client`
`Is Empty`,`Est vide`
`Is Group`,`Est Groupe`
`Is Not`,`N'est pas`
`Is Not Empty`,`N'est pas vide`
`Is Supplier`,`Est fournisseur`
`Item Created`,`Article créé`
`Item Name`,`Nom de l'article`
`JSON Data`,`Données JSON`
`Journal Entry`,`Entrée du journal`
`Journal Entry Setting`,`Paramétrage de l'écriture du journal`
`Ledger Entries`,`Écritures de grand livre`
`Ledger Entry`,`Entrée du grand livre`
`Legal Expenses`,`Frais juridiques`
`Less Than`,`Moins de`
`Load an existing .db file from your computer.`,`Chargez un fichier .db existant sur votre ordinateur.`
`Loans (Liabilities)`,`Prêts (Passifs)`
`Loans and Advances (Assets)`,`Prêts et avances (actifs)`
`MIME Type`,`Type MIME`
`Make Payment`,`Effectuer le paiement`
`Marketing Expenses`,`Dépenses de marketing`
`Miscellaneous Expenses`,`Dépenses diverses`
`Mobile Number`,`Numéro de téléphone mobile`
`Net Total`,`Net Total`
`Net Total (Company Currency)`,`Total net (devise de la société)`
`New Account`,`Nouveau compte`
`New Bill`,`Nouveau projet de loi`
`New File`,`Nouveau dossier`
`New Invoice`,`Nouvelle facture`
`New Journal Entry`,`Nouvelle entrée dans le journal`
`New version available`,`Nouvelle version disponible`
`No expenses in this period`,`Aucune dépense dans cette période`
`No filters selected`,`Aucun filtre sélectionné`
`No results found.`,`Aucun résultat trouvé.`
`No transactions yet`,`Aucune transaction pour le moment`
`No updates available`,`Aucune mise à jour disponible`
`Number Series`,`Série de numéros`
`Office Equipments`,`Equipements de bureau`
`Office Maintenance Expenses`,`Frais d'entretien du bureau`
`Office Rent`,`Location de bureaux`
`Onboarding Complete`,`Embarquement terminé`
`Open Folder`,`Ouvrir le dossier`
`Opening (Cr)`,`Ouverture (Cr)`
`Opening (Dr)`,`Ouverture (Dr)`
`Opening Balance Equity`,`Solde d'ouverture Fonds propres`
`Opening Balances`,`Soldes d'ouverture`
`Outflow`,`Débit sortant`
`Outstanding Amount`,`Montant en souffrance`
`Parent Account`,`Compte parent`
`Password`,`Mot de passe`
`Payable Account`,`Compte à payer`
`Payment Account`,`Compte de paiement`
`Payment For`,`Paiement pour`
`Payment Method`,`Mode de paiement`
`Payment Reference`,`Référence de paiement`
`Payment Settings`,`Paramètres de paiement`
`Payment Type`,`Type de paiement`
`Payment amount cannot be ${0}.`,`Le montant du paiement ne peut pas être ${0}.`
`Payment amount cannot be less than zero.`,`Le montant du paiement ne peut être inférieur à zéro.`
`Payment amount cannot exceed ${0}.`,`Le montant du paiement ne peut pas dépasser ${0}.`
`Payment amount: ${0} should be greater than 0.`,`Le montant du paiement : ${0} doit être supérieur à 0.`
`Payment amount: ${0} should be less than Outstanding amount: ${1}.`,`Montant du paiement : ${0} doit être inférieur au montant de l'encours : ${1}.`
`Payroll Payable`,`Paie à payer`
`Place of Supply`,`Lieu d'approvisionnement`
`Place of supply`,`Lieu d'approvisionnement`
`Plants and Machineries`,`Usines et machineries`
`Please fill all values`,`Veuillez remplir toutes les valeurs`
`Please select an existing database or create a new one. reason: ${0}, filePath: ${1}`,`Veuillez sélectionner une base de données existante ou en créer une nouvelle. reason : ${0}, filePath : ${1}`
`Please set GSTIN in General Settings.`,`Veuillez définir le GSTIN dans les paramètres généraux.`
`Postal Code`,`Code postal`
`Postal Expenses`,`Dépenses postales`
`Posting Date`,`Date d'affichage`
`Prevent errors from showing and automatically report all errors.`,`Empêcher les erreurs de s'afficher et signaler automatiquement toutes les erreurs.`
`Print Format`,`Format d'impression`
`Print PDF`,`Imprimer le PDF`
`Print Settings`,`Paramètres d'impression`
`Print and Stationery`,`Impression et papeterie`
`Profit And Loss`,`Profits et pertes`
`Profit and Loss`,`Profits et pertes`
`Purchase Order`,`Bon de commande`
`Purchase Order Settings`,`Paramètres de la commande d'achat`
`Purchase Receipt`,`Reçu d'achat`
`Purchase Receipt Settings`,`Paramètres des reçus d'achat`
`Quantity (${0}) cannot be less than zero.`,`La quantité (${0}) ne peut être inférieure à zéro.`
`Quotation Settings`,`Paramètres de cotation`
`Rate (${0}) cannot be less zero.`,`Le taux (${0}) ne peut être inférieur à zéro.`
`Rate (Company Currency)`,`Taux (devise de l'entreprise)`
`Receivable Account`,`Compte à recevoir`
`Recent Invoices`,`Factures récentes`
`Ref. / Cheque No.`,`Réf. / N° de chèque`
`Ref. Date`,`Réf. Date`
`Ref. Name`,`Réf. Nom`
`Ref. Type`,`Réf. Type`
`Ref/Cheque ID`,`Réf/Cheque ID`
`Reference Date`,`Date de référence`
`Reference DocType`,`Référence DocType`
`Reference Field`,`Champ de référence`
`Reference Name`,`Nom de référence`
`Reference Number`,`Numéro de référence`
`Reference Type`,`Type de référence`
`Reload App`,`Recharge de l'application`
`Report Error`,`Rapport d'erreur`
`Reset Filters`,`Réinitialiser les filtres`
`Retained Earnings`,`Bénéfices non distribués`
`Reverse Charge`,`Reverse Charge`
`Reverse Chrg.`,`Chrg. inversé`
`Review Accounts`,`Comptes de révision`
`Root Type`,`Type de racine`
`Round Off`,`Round Off`
`Round Off Account`,`Compte d'arrondi`
`SMTP Host`,`Hôte SMTP`
`SMTP Port`,`Port SMTP`
`Sales Expenses`,`Frais de vente`
`Sales Order`,`Commande de vente`
`Sales Order Settings`,`Paramètres de la commande client`
`SalesInvoice`,`Facture de vente`
`SalesInvoice Settings`,`Paramètres de la facture de vente`
`Save & Close`,`Enregistrer et fermer`
`Save as PDF`,`Enregistrer en PDF`
`Save as PDF Successful`,`Enregistrer en PDF avec succès`
`Secured Loans`,`Prêts garantis`
`Securities and Deposits`,`Titres et dépôts`
`Select Folder`,`Sélectionner le dossier`
`Select Image`,`Sélectionner l'image`
`Select Logo`,`Sélectionnez le logo`
`Select a file to load the company transactions`,`Sélectionnez un fichier pour charger les transactions de l'entreprise`
`Select file`,`Sélectionnez le fichier`
`Select folder`,`Sélectionner le dossier`
`Set the local code, this is used for number formatting.`,`Définissez le code local, il est utilisé pour le formatage des numéros.`
`Sets how many digits are shown after the decimal point.`,`Définit le nombre de chiffres affichés après le point décimal.`
`Sets the app-wide date display format.`,`Définit le format d'affichage de la date pour l'ensemble de l'application.`
`Sets the internal precision used for monetary calculations. Above 6 should be sufficient for most currencies.`,`Définit la précision interne utilisée pour les calculs monétaires. Une précision supérieure à 6 devrait être suffisante pour la plupart des monnaies.`
`Setting Up...`,`Mise en place...`
`Settings changes will be visible on reload`,`Les changements de paramètres seront visibles lors du rechargement`
`Setup Complete`,`Configuration terminée`
`Setup Wizard`,`Assistant de configuration`
`Setup your organization`,`Configurer votre organisation`
`Setup your workspace`,`Configurez votre espace de travail`
`Smallest Currency Fraction Value`,`Valeur de la plus petite fraction de la monnaie`
`Something has gone terribly wrong. Please check the console and raise an issue.`,`Quelque chose s'est terriblement mal passé. Veuillez vérifier la console et soulever un problème.`
`Source of Funds (Liabilities)`,`Source des fonds (passif)`
`Start Time`,`Heure de début`
`State Tax`,`Taxe d'État`
`State/UT Tax Paid`,`Impôt payé par l'État/UT`
`Stock Adjustment`,`Ajustement des stocks`
`Stock Assets`,`Actifs en stock`
`Stock Expenses`,`Frais d'actions`
`Stock In Hand`,`Stock en main`
`Stock Liabilities`,`Passif d'actions`
`Stock Received But Not Billed`,`Stock reçu mais non facturé`
`Supplier Created`,`Fournisseur créé`
`Supplier Currency`,`Devise du fournisseur`
`Supplier Name`,`Nom du fournisseur`
`System Settings`,`Paramètres du système`
`System Setup`,`Configuration du système`
`Tax Account`,`Compte de taxes`
`Tax Assets`,`Actifs fiscaux`
`Tax Detail`,`Détail des taxes`
`Tax ID`,`Numéro d'identification fiscale`
`Taxable Value`,`Valeur imposable`
`Telephone Expenses`,`Frais de téléphone`
`Template could not be saved.`,`Le modèle n'a pas pu être sauvegardé.`
`Template saved successfully.`,`Le modèle a été sauvegardé avec succès.`
`Temporary Accounts`,`Comptes temporaires`
`Temporary Opening`,`Ouverture temporaire`
`Theme Color`,`Couleur du thème`
`This action is permanent`,`Cette action est permanente`
`This action is permanent and will cancel the following payment: ${0}`,`Cette action est permanente et annulera le paiement suivant : ${0}`
`This action is permanent and will cancel the following payments: ${0}`,`Cette action est permanente et annulera les paiements suivants : ${0}`
`To Account`,`Au compte`
`To Date`,`À ce jour`
`To Do`,`A faire`
`Top Expenses`,`Dépenses supérieures`
`Total Spending`,`Dépenses totales`
`Total Tax`,`Total des taxes`
`Transfer Type`,`Type de transfert`
`Travel Expenses`,`Frais de voyage`
`Trial Balance`,`Balance de vérification`
`Unit Type`,`Type d'unité`
`Unsecured Loans`,`Prêts non garantis`
`Update downloaded`,`Mise à jour téléchargée`
`User ID`,`ID utilisateur`
`User Remark`,`Remarque de l'utilisateur`
`Username`,`Nom d'utilisateur :`
`Utility Expenses`,`Dépenses de services publics`
`Value missing for ${0}`,`Valeur manquante pour ${0}`
`Version ${0} available`,`Version ${0} disponible`
`View Bills`,`Voir les factures`
`View Invoices`,`Afficher les factures`
`Welcome to Frappe Books`,`Bienvenue chez Frappe Books`
`Write Off`,`Radiation`
`Write Off / Refund`,`Radiation / Remboursement`
`Write Off Account`,`Compte de radiation`
`Your Name`,`Votre nom`
`reason: ${0}, filePath: ${1}`,`raison : ${0}, filePath : ${1}`
Can't render this file because it contains an unexpected character in line 38 and column 39.

translations/pt.csv Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
`${0} ${1} already exists.`,`${0} ${1} já existe.`
`${0} ${1} is linked with existing records.`,`${0} ${1} está ligado aos registos existentes.`
`${0} filters applied`,`${0} filtros aplicados`
`1 filter applied`,`1 filtro aplicado`
`Accepted Quantity`,`Quantidade Aceite`
`Account Entries`,`Entradas de conta`
`Account Name`,`Nome da conta`
`Account Type`,`Tipo de conta`
`Accounting Ledger Entries`,`Lançamentos de Ledger de Contabilidade`
`Accounting Settings`,`Configurações de contabilidade`
`Accounts Payable`,`Contas a pagar`
`Accounts Receivable`,`Contas a Receber`
`Accumulated Depreciation`,`Depreciação Acumulada`
`Add Account`,`Adicionar conta`
`Add Customers`,`Adicionar clientes`
`Add Group`,`Adicionar grupo`
`Add Items`,`Adicionar artigos`
`Add Row`,`Adicionar Fileira`
`Add Suppliers`,`Adicionar Fornecedores`
`Add Taxes`,`Acrescentar Impostos`
`Add a filter`,`Acrescentar um filtro`
`Address Display`,`Exibição de endereços`
`Address Line 1`,`Linha de endereço 1`
`Address Line 2`,`Linha de endereço 2`
`Administrative Expenses`,`Despesas administrativas`
`Against Account`,`Contra Conta`
`All References`,`Todas as Referências`
`Amount (Company Currency)`,`Quantia (Moeda da empresa)`
`Amount: ${0} and writeoff: ${1} is less than the total amount allocated to references: ${2}.`,`Montante: ${0} e anulação: ${1} é menor do que o montante total atribuído às referências: ${2}.`
`Amount: ${0} is less than the total amount allocated to references: ${1}.`,`Montante: ${0} é menor do que o montante total atribuído às referências: ${1}.`
`An error occurred.`,`Ocorreu um erro.`
`Application of Funds (Assets)`,`Aplicação de Fundos (Activos)`
`Are you sure you want to cancel ${0} ${1}?`,`Tem a certeza de que quer cancelar ${0} ${1}?`
`Are you sure you want to delete ${0} "${1}"?`,`Tem a certeza que quer apagar ${0} "${1}"?`
`Are you sure you want to submit this Bill?`,`Tem a certeza de que quer apresentar esta Proposta de Lei?`
`Are you sure you want to submit this Invoice?`,`Tem a certeza de que quer apresentar esta factura?`
`Are you sure you want to submit this Journal Entry?`,`Tem a certeza de que quer submeter esta Entrada no Jornal?`
`Balance Sheet`,`Balanço`
`Bank Accounts`,`Contas bancárias`
`Bank Name`,`Nome do Banco`
`Bank Overdraft Account`,`Conta de descoberto bancário`
`Bill Created`,`Projecto de Lei Criado`
`Bill No`,`Projecto de Lei n`
`Bills Settings`,`Definições de facturas`
`Can't open database file: ${0}, please create a new file.`,`Não é possível abrir ficheiro de base de dados: ${0}, por favor crie um novo ficheiro.`
`Capital Equipments`,`Equipamentos de Capital`
`Capital Stock`,`Capital social`
`Cash In Hand`,`Dinheiro em Mão`
`Central Tax`,`Imposto Central`
`Central Tax Paid`,`Imposto central pago`
`Chart Of Accounts Reviewed`,`Plano de Contas Revisado`
`Chart of Accounts`,`Plano de contas`
`Checking for updates`,`Verificação de actualizações`
`City / Town`,`Cidade / Cidade`
`Clearance Date`,`Data de Apuramento`
`Click to create`,`Clique para criar`
`Closing (Cr)`,`Encerramento (Cr)`
`Closing (Dr)`,`Encerramento (Dr)`
`Commission on Sales`,`Comissão de Vendas`
`Company Address`,`Endereço da empresa`
`Company Logo`,`Logótipo da empresa`
`Company Name`,`Nome da empresa`
`Company Settings`,`Configurações da empresa`
`Company Setup`,`Constituição de empresa`
`Confirm Password`,`Confirmar Palavra-passe`
`Cost of Goods Sold`,`Custo dos bens vendidos`
`Create Bill`,`Criar conta`
`Create Invoice`,`Criar Factura`
`Create a new file and store it in your computer.`,`Crie um novo ficheiro e guarde-o no seu computador.`
`Create a new file or select an existing one from your computer`,`Crie um novo ficheiro ou seleccione um já existente a partir do seu computador`
`Currency Name`,`Nome da moeda`
`Current Assets`,`Activos correntes`
`Current Liabilities`,`Passivo corrente`
`Custom Hex`,`Hextrus personalizados`
`Customer Created`,`Cliente Criado`
`Customer Currency`,`Moeda do cliente`
`Customer Name`,`Nome do cliente`
`DB Connection Error`,`Erro de Ligação DB`
`Dashboard`,`Painel de instrumentos`
`Data Import`,`Importação de dados`
`Date Format`,`Formato da data`
`Default Account`,`Conta por defeito`
`Direct Expenses`,`Despesas directas`
`Direct Income`,`Rendimento directo`
`Display Logo in Invoice`,`Mostrar logótipo na factura`
`Display Precision`,`Precisão de visualização`
`Display Precision should have a value between 0 and 9.`,`Mostrar Precisão deve ter um valor entre 0 e 9.`
`Dividends Paid`,`Dividendos pagos`
`Document ${0} ${1} has been modified after loading`,`O documento ${0} ${1} foi modificado após o carregamento`
`Document type ${0} is not submittable`,`O tipo de documento ${0} não pode ser submetido`
`Does Not Contain`,`Não Contém`
`Download Update`,`Descarregar Actualização`
`Duties and Taxes`,`Deveres e Impostos`
`Earnest Money`,`Ganhar dinheiro`
`Electronic Equipments`,`Equipamentos electrónicos`
`Email Account`,`Conta de e-mail`
`Email Address`,`Endereço de correio electrónico`
`Enable Notifications`,`Habilitar Notificações`
`Entertainment Expenses`,`Despesas de Entretenimento`
`Entry ID`,`ID de entrada`
`Entry Type`,`Tipo de entrada`
`Event Settings`,`Definições de eventos`
`Exchange Gain/Loss`,`Ganho/perda cambial`
`Exchange Rate`,`Taxa de Câmbio`
`Existing File`,`Arquivo Existente`
`Expenses Included In Valuation`,`Despesas Incluídas na Avaliação`
`Export Failed`,`Exportação falhada`
`Export Successful`,`Exportação bem sucedida`
`File Name`,`Nome do ficheiro`
`File Path`,`Caminho do ficheiro`
`File Size`,`Tamanho do ficheiro`
`Fiscal Year End Date`,`Data de Fim do Ano Fiscal`
`Fiscal Year Start Date`,`Data de início do ano fiscal`
`Fixed Assets`,`Bens fixos`
`Fraction Units`,`Unidades de Fracção`
`Freight and Forwarding Charges`,`Taxas de frete e de encaminhamento`
`From`,`A partir de`
`From Account`,`De Conta`
`From Date`,`A partir de Data`
`Fulfillment Settings`,`Configurações de preenchimento`
`Full Name`,`Nome completo`
`Furnitures and Fixtures`,`Móveis e equipamentos`
`GST Registration`,`Registo GST`
`GSTIN of Supplier`,`GSTIN de Fornecedor`
`GSTR 3B Report`,`Relatório GSTR 3B`
`Gain/Loss on Asset Disposal`,`Ganho/Perda na Alienação de Bens`
`General Ledger`,`General Ledger`
`Get Started`,`Comece a trabalhar`
`Grand Total`,`Total geral`
`Grand Total (Company Currency)`,`Total Geral (Moeda da Empresa)`
`Greater Than`,`Maior do que`
`Hex Value`,`Valor hexadecimal`
`Hide & Auto Report Errors`,`Ocultar & Auto Comunicar Erros`
`Hide Get Started`,`Esconder Começar a Esconder`
`Hides the Get Started section from the sidebar. Change will be visible on restart or refreshing the app.`,`Esconde a secção "Começar" da barra lateral. A alteração será visível no reinício ou na actualização da aplicação.`
`Indirect Expenses`,`Gastos Indirectos`
`Indirect Income`,`Rendimento indirecto`
`Install Update`,`Instalar Actualização`
`Intergrated Tax`,`Impostos entrelaçados`
`Intergrated Tax Paid`,`Impostos pagos entre si`
`Internal Precision`,`Precisão Interna`
`Invoice Created`,`Criada a factura`
`Invoice Date`,`Data de facturação`
`Invoice No`,`Factura n`
`Invoice No.`,`N.º de facturação`
`Invoice Number`,`Número da factura`
`Invoice Setup`,`Configuração de facturas`
`Invoice Value`,`Valor da factura`
`Is Customer`,`É Cliente`
`Is Empty`,`Está Vazio`
`Is Group`,`É Grupo`
`Is Not`,`Não é`
`Is Not Empty`,`Não Está Vazio`
`Is Supplier`,`É fornecedor`
`Item Created`,`Artigo Criado`
`Item Name`,`Nome do artigo`
`JSON Data`,`Dados do JSON`
`Journal Entry`,`Entrada no diário`
`Journal Entry Setting`,`Definição de entradas no diário`
`Ledger Entries`,`Entradas de Ledger`
`Ledger Entry`,`Entrada de Ledger`
`Legal Expenses`,`Despesas legais`
`Less Than`,`Menos do que`
`Load an existing .db file from your computer.`,`Carregue um ficheiro .db existente a partir do seu computador.`
`Loans (Liabilities)`,`Empréstimos (Passivo)`
`Loans and Advances (Assets)`,`Empréstimos e Adiantamentos (Activos)`
`MIME Type`,`Tipo MIME`
`Make Payment`,`Fazer pagamento`
`Marketing Expenses`,`Despesas de Marketing`
`Miscellaneous Expenses`,`Despesas Diversas`
`Mobile Number`,`Número de telemóvel`
`Net Total`,`Total líquido`
`Net Total (Company Currency)`,`Total líquido (Moeda da empresa)`
`New Account`,`Nova conta`
`New Bill`,`Nova Lei`
`New File`,`Novo ficheiro`
`New Invoice`,`Nova Factura`
`New Journal Entry`,`Nova entrada no diário`
`New version available`,`Nova versão disponível`
`No expenses in this period`,`Sem despesas durante este período`
`No filters selected`,`Sem filtros seleccionados`
`No results found.`,`Não foram encontrados resultados.`
`No transactions yet`,`Nenhuma transacção ainda`
`No updates available`,`Não há actualizações disponíveis`
`Number Series`,`Série Numérica`
`Office Equipments`,`Equipamentos de escritório`
`Office Maintenance Expenses`,`Despesas de manutenção do escritório`
`Office Rent`,`Aluguer de escritórios`
`Onboarding Complete`,`A bordo Completo`
`Open Folder`,`Pasta Aberta`
`Opening (Cr)`,`Abertura (Cr)`
`Opening (Dr)`,`Abertura (Dr)`
`Opening Balance Equity`,`Saldo inicial Equidade`
`Opening Balances`,`Balanços de abertura`
`Outstanding Amount`,`Montante em Destaque`
`Parent Account`,`Conta dos Pais`
`Payable Account`,`Conta a pagar`
`Payment Account`,`Conta de pagamento`
`Payment For`,`Pagamento por`
`Payment Method`,`Forma de pagamento`
`Payment Reference`,`Referência de pagamento`
`Payment Settings`,`Configurações de pagamento`
`Payment Type`,`Tipo de pagamento`
`Payment amount cannot be ${0}.`,`O montante do pagamento não pode ser de ${0}.`
`Payment amount cannot be less than zero.`,`O montante de pagamento não pode ser inferior a zero.`
`Payment amount cannot exceed ${0}.`,`O montante do pagamento não pode exceder ${0}.`
`Payment amount: ${0} should be greater than 0.`,`Montante do pagamento: ${0} deve ser superior a 0.`
`Payment amount: ${0} should be less than Outstanding amount: ${1}.`,`Montante do pagamento: ${0} deve ser inferior ao Montante por pagar: ${1}.`
`Payroll Payable`,`Folha de pagamento a pagar`
`Place of Supply`,`Local de fornecimento`
`Place of supply`,`Local de fornecimento`
`Plants and Machineries`,`Fábricas e maquinarias`
`Please fill all values`,`Por favor preencha todos os valores`
`Please select an existing database or create a new one. reason: ${0}, filePath: ${1}`,`Por favor seleccione uma base de dados existente ou crie uma nova. razão: ${0}, filePath: ${1}`
`Please set GSTIN in General Settings.`,`Por favor, defina GSTIN em Definições Gerais.`
`Postal Code`,`Código Postal`
`Postal Expenses`,`Despesas de correio`
`Posting Date`,`Data de lançamento`
`Prevent errors from showing and automatically report all errors.`,`Impedir que os erros sejam mostrados e reportar automaticamente todos os erros.`
`Print Format`,`Formato de impressão`
`Print PDF`,`Imprimir PDF`
`Print Settings`,`Definições de impressão`
`Print and Stationery`,`Impressão e papelaria`
`Profit And Loss`,`Lucro e Perda`
`Profit and Loss`,`Lucros e perdas`
`Purchase Order`,`Ordem de compra`
`Purchase Order Settings`,`Definições de Pedidos de Compra`
`Purchase Receipt`,`Recibo de compra`
`Purchase Receipt Settings`,`Definições de recibos de compra`
`Quantity (${0}) cannot be less than zero.`,`A quantidade (${0}) não pode ser inferior a zero.`
`Quotation Settings`,`Definições de cotações`
`Rate (${0}) cannot be less zero.`,`A taxa (${0}) não pode ser menos zero.`
`Rate (Company Currency)`,`Taxa (Moeda da empresa)`
`Receivable Account`,`Conta a receber`
`Recent Invoices`,`Facturas recentes`
`Ref. / Cheque No.`,`Ref. / Nº Cheque`
`Ref. Date`,`Ref. Data`
`Ref. Name`,`Ref. Nome`
`Ref. Type`,`Ref. Tipo`
`Ref/Cheque ID`,`Ref/Cheque ID`
`Reference Date`,`Data de referência`
`Reference DocType`,`Tipo DocType de referência`
`Reference Field`,`Campo de referência`
`Reference Name`,`Nome de referência`
`Reference Number`,`Número de referência`
`Reference Type`,`Tipo de referência`
`Reload App`,`Recarregar aplicação`
`Report Error`,`Comunicar erro`
`Reset Filters`,`Filtros de reinicialização`
`Retained Earnings`,`Rendimentos retidos`
`Reverse Charge`,`Carga inversa`
`Reverse Chrg.`,`Reverter Chrg.`
`Review Accounts`,`Revisar contas`
`Root Type`,`Tipo de Raiz`
`Round Off`,`Arredondar`
`Round Off Account`,`Conta de Arredondamento`
`SMTP Host`,`Hospedeiro SMTP`
`SMTP Port`,`Porto SMTP`
`Sales Expenses`,`Despesas de vendas`
`Sales Order`,`Ordem de venda`
`Sales Order Settings`,`Definições de ordens de venda`
`SalesInvoice Settings`,`Definições de facturação de vendas`
`Save & Close`,`Guardar e Fechar`
`Save as PDF`,`Guardar como PDF`
`Save as PDF Successful`,`Guardar como PDF Bem sucedido`
`Secured Loans`,`Empréstimos Garantidos`
`Securities and Deposits`,`Títulos e Depósitos`
`Select Folder`,`Seleccione Pasta`
`Select Image`,`Seleccionar imagem`
`Select Logo`,`Seleccionar logótipo`
`Select a file to load the company transactions`,`Seleccione um ficheiro para carregar as transacções da empresa`
`Select file`,`Seleccionar ficheiro`
`Select folder`,`Seleccionar pasta`
`Set the local code, this is used for number formatting.`,`Definir o código local, este é utilizado para a formatação de números.`
`Sets how many digits are shown after the decimal point.`,`Define quantos dígitos são mostrados após a vírgula decimal.`
`Sets the app-wide date display format.`,`Define o formato de exibição da data em toda a aplicação.`
`Sets the internal precision used for monetary calculations. Above 6 should be sufficient for most currencies.`,`Define a precisão interna utilizada para os cálculos monetários. Acima de 6 deve ser suficiente para a maioria das moedas.`
`Setting Up...`,`Montagem...`
`Settings changes will be visible on reload`,`As alterações de definições serão visíveis na recarga`
`Setup Complete`,`Configuração Completa`
`Setup Wizard`,`Assistente de Configuração`
`Setup your organization`,`Configure a sua organização`
`Setup your workspace`,`Configure o seu espaço de trabalho`
`Smallest Currency Fraction Value`,`Menor valor de fracção da moeda`
`Softwares`,`Aplicações informáticas`
`Something has gone terribly wrong. Please check the console and raise an issue.`,`Algo correu terrivelmente mal. Por favor, verifique a consola e levante um problema.`
`Source of Funds (Liabilities)`,`Fonte de Fundos (Passivo)`
`Start Time`,`Hora de início`
`State Tax`,`Imposto de Estado`
`State/UT Tax Paid`,`Estado/UT Imposto pago`
`Stock Adjustment`,`Ajuste de stock`
`Stock Assets`,`Activos em stock`
`Stock Expenses`,`Despesas de stock`
`Stock In Hand`,`Estoque em Mão`
`Stock Liabilities`,`Passivos de Stock`
`Stock Received But Not Billed`,`Estoque Recebido Mas Não Faturado`
`Supplier Created`,`Fornecedor Criado`
`Supplier Currency`,`Moeda do Fornecedor`
`Supplier Name`,`Nome do fornecedor`
`System Settings`,`Configurações do sistema`
`System Setup`,`Configuração do sistema`
`Tax Account`,`Conta Fiscal`
`Tax Assets`,`Bens fiscais`
`Tax Detail`,`Pormenores fiscais`
`Tax ID`,`Identificação fiscal`
`Taxable Value`,`Valor tributável`
`Telephone Expenses`,`Gastos telefónicos`
`Template could not be saved.`,`O modelo não pôde ser salvo.`
`Template saved successfully.`,`Modelo guardado com sucesso.`
`Temporary Accounts`,`Contas temporárias`
`Temporary Opening`,`Abertura Temporária`
`Theme Color`,`Tema Cor`
`This action is permanent`,`Esta acção é permanente`
`This action is permanent and will cancel the following payment: ${0}`,`Esta acção é permanente e irá cancelar o seguinte pagamento: ${0}`
`This action is permanent and will cancel the following payments: ${0}`,`Esta acção é permanente e irá cancelar os seguintes pagamentos: ${0}`
`To Account`,`Para contabilizar`
`To Date`,`Até à data`
`To Do`,`A Fazer`
`Top Expenses`,`Despesas de topo`
`Total Spending`,`Gastos totais`
`Total Tax`,`Imposto total`
`Transfer Type`,`Tipo de transferência`
`Travel Expenses`,`Despesas de viagem`
`Trial Balance`,`Balanço do ensaio`
`Unit Type`,`Tipo de unidade`
`Unpaid`,`Não pago`
`Unsecured Loans`,`Empréstimos não garantidos`
`Update downloaded`,`Actualização descarregada`
`User ID`,`Identificação do utilizador`
`User Remark`,`Observação do utilizador`
`Username`,`Nome de utilizador`
`Utility Expenses`,`Despesas de utilidades`
`Value missing for ${0}`,`Valor em falta por ${0}`
`Version ${0} available`,`Versão ${0} disponível`
`View Bills`,`Ver facturas`
`View Invoices`,`Ver facturas`
`Welcome to Frappe Books`,`Bem-vindo à Frappe Books`
`Write Off`,`Anular`
`Write Off / Refund`,`Anulação / Reembolso`
`Write Off Account`,`Anulação de conta`
`Your Name`,`O seu nome`
`reason: ${0}, filePath: ${1}`,`razão: ${0}, filePath: ${1}`
Can't render this file because it contains an unexpected character in line 38 and column 39.