064 How to install jcb packages
Amigo edited this page 2019-09-27 15:28:19 +02:00


Two Ways To Get To The Installing View - Import JCB Packages Icon OR Joomla Component - Import Packages

00:00:00 (Click on these time links to see Youtube video)

This is a quick tutorial on how to install a JCB package. With the assumption that JCB is already on your system, it will not be explained here how to install it. There are two ways to get to the installing view. One is by clicking on the Import JCB Packages icon which will take you there. The other way is to open Joomla components, and on the top right of the page is a button 'Import JCB Packages' 00:00:35 That will take you to the same place. There is a number of tabs. If you are not interested in VDM Packages or JCB Community Packages tabs, there is an action option in the global options. At this point, we are controlling those tabs through this 00:00:57 Global switch, that says 'Manage JCB Package Directories'. You can say 'Show all' or 'None' or manually select the repositories that you want the show. At the moment it is only these two, but there are reasons to expect that they might become more, as we will see this area is becoming more active.

Make Sure Of The Integrity Of The Package


Once you are on the 'Backup Local Data First' page and you have yourself exported a JCB package, then this is where you can select it from your computer, or from a directory or from a URL. With these import methods, there is not a checksum validation feature in place. You will need to be sure of the integrity of that package. 00:01:44 We cannot validate that package integrity. Since it is being selected from your desktop and you are in your local development environment, there should be no reasons for concern. If you are pulling it from an external source then possibly you will need to be more cautious. Whereas when it comes to the VDM Packages and the JCB Community Packages, these are the areas where we are trying to add a layer of security to ensure that the package area remains as stable as possible. There are ways for you to add your own JCB Package to the community repository.

Tutorial Explaining Why We Will Do Things The Way We Do


A tutorial is provided to show you how to do that. The fact is that everybody will then have access to that package in this area. You can then also get free keys for the VDM packages. In the past, you have to pay for them. We have decided on an initiative to show all of you exactly how JCB can work and function. 00:02:55 We have decided to give these packages away asking you to follow a few steps in supporting us by forking, starring or watching these packages in their specific repositories on GitHub. If you need more guidance about this you can just click on that link. 00:03:22 They will show you exactly what you need to do once you have the key for that specific package, you can come and select that package. It only relates to some of the packages at this point which is the first prominent Component Builder itself00:03:38. I would suspect that would be your first choice as well. Once you have selected the package you simply can click on 'Get Package' that has been taken from GitHub and brought to your developing environment. 00:03:53 In doing so it will run a validation on the integrity of the package because there are checksums in place. 00:04:09 You will need to validate the checksum manually. The way to do that; it will show you the checksum that was used to evaluate the package integrity. Since it has been passed, the validation you will know that this checksum is the one that you need to see if you open this link ''.00:04:26 Opening this link will also reveal a checksum, but at this time you will be seeing a 'Verification by: Digi Cert Inc'. It must be at least that this(see video) part of the URL must be correct. 00:04:46

This will vary from package to package, but it should have the package name. This should correspond to the value you see here. That little bit of manual effort is all you need to be sure that the package that you have now in your possession is the original authentic package that we have distributed. 00:05:04 All you need now is to take the key that we have sent you and add it to the key area.

Choose Merge - Change In Package / Force Local Update Works Only If Merge Is Selected


Now you will need to make a choice whether you want to; if the JCB already is installed on your system or maybe it is the second time you doing this, you might not want to Merge it, but have it be like a clone. Like the second instance of JCB it will literally create all the fields and all the views and all the linked concepts again. Whereas if you choose Merge, and there is a change in the package which is newer, then the version you have will update that version. 00:05:53 If you want to Force to update it, you will say 'Yes' up here. The Force Local Update only works if you select 'Merge'.

See All Import Information


Then there is also 'See All Import Information'. If it is the first time that you are importing a package, it might be ideal to check this 'Yes'. It will show you everything that it does, every field it adds, but it will not show your names or shows your IDs. A lot of it will be like that it does not make sense to see anyway. At the very bottom of the list, it shows you that files that have moved and this is what you need to see. You will need to see the files that are moved into your system. Especially if it is not a package that we are providing or someone else that is being validated through the community. 00:06:44 But if it has been imported through a URL or through a package from the distributor package you received, or from a directory. Then you most certainly want to see all important info because you want to make sure that what they told you is what you get and that is what that feature is all about.

Component Being Imported


Then there is also the Component that what has 'Being Imported' should show, the same as the one you saw before we got the package. Those of you that have used this area multiple times, you will know that you are able to add multiple components into one package. It is just because we at VDM are distributing one component at a time. That is why there is only one component in the package. In a greater perspective, you can import a backup package. 00:07:32 That would be then everything that you have done. In my case, all the components I have to build are zipped in a backup patch package. I can import all of those into JCB at once. At the moment I have tested it at least in 20 components, which takes a while but it gets there. At this point, everything looks fine and you can click continue.

Takes Awhile To Update - Updating IDs, Views, Fields


It depends on the size of the component or the size of the package how long it might take. It does take a while because at this point it is updating the IDs, 00:08:21, everyone, of them at a time. With every field, the IDs are being updated, with every view. Everywhere that ID, and any other ID that is being used anywhere across the component, everything is dynamically being updated during this process. You can expect it is a lot of compilation, a lot of algorithms, 00:08:41 a lot of things happening under the hood. Therefore it does take a little bit longer than you might expect. Because the ID is changed and the way we export the package, is taking a photocopy of the package as it is in the JCB where it was developed or when it resides. When you import it, we recreate and remap every ID 00:09:05 to ensure that it remains functional although all its identifiers have changed.

Once it is done you get this long list, especially if it was JCB which you have imported. It has over 1000 fields. 00:09:32 You can anticipate a long scroll. At the bottom you start seeing different things, every little file that has been Imported 00:09:50 That is really helpful if you are importing a package from a developer which you do not know or you are not absolutely sure you can trust. You must check every one of these fields that they are legitimately related to this component and that it is what you anticipated or expected. 00:10:09 These folders are all related to the custom folder. As we scroll it may be seen that there are some folders that are related to the administrator VDM compiler. This is in the compiler so there is a lot of files for the compiler, Joomla 3, then for the helper.

This little thing (_v_d_m _) is a spacer with which we create a string and there you have all the files that have been moved into place. There is Component Builder the fully mapped package in your system. 00:10:51 That is very simple to get the component that you will need, fully mapped into your system. All its views are correctly mapped in here. If you open any of those views, 00:11:07 you will again see that all its fields are also correctly mapped. You would realize that every one of these fields with their IDs has changed. Even the fields, they again have field types. 00:11:23 Even those might have changed, the field types itself. Down to the very smallest detail we have tried to make sure that every little thing, all across the board, is remapped 00:11:37 and fixed that your component is again fully active and stable ready for further development. That was a quick tutorial on how to import a JCB package into JCB.