"Additionally the full rescan interval will be increased (times 60, i.e. new default of 1h). You can also configure it manually for every folder later after choosing No.":"Additionally the full rescan interval will be increased (times 60, i.e. new default of 1h). You can also configure it manually for every folder later after choosing No.",
"All folders shared with this device must be protected by a password, such that all sent data is unreadable without the given password.":"このデバイスと共有するすべてのフォルダーはパスワードによって保護されなければならず、送信されたすべてのデータは指定したパスワードがなければ読み取れません。",
"An external command handles the versioning. It has to remove the file from the shared folder. If the path to the application contains spaces, it should be quoted.":"An external command handles the versioning. It has to remove the file from the shared folder. If the path to the application contains spaces, it should be quoted.",
"Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.":"Continuously watching for changes is now available within Syncthing. This will detect changes on disk and issue a scan on only the modified paths. The benefits are that changes are propagated quicker and that less full scans are required.",
"Device \"{%name%}\" ({%device%} at {%address%}) wants to connect. Add new device?":"デバイス「{{name}}」 ({{address}} の {{device}}) が接続を求めています。新しいデバイスとして追加しますか?",
"Disabled periodic scanning and failed setting up watching for changes, retrying every 1m:":"Disabled periodic scanning and failed setting up watching for changes, retrying every 1m:",
"Disables comparing and syncing file permissions. Useful on systems with nonexistent or custom permissions (e.g. FAT, exFAT, Synology, Android).":"ファイルのパーミッションの比較と同期を無効にします。この設定は、パーミッションが存在しない・独自のパーミッションが存在するシステム (例: FAT、exFAT、Synology、Android) を使用する際に有用です。",
"Enter a non-negative number (e.g., \"2.35\") and select a unit. Percentages are as part of the total disk size.":"0以上の数 (例: 2.35) を入力し、単位を選択してください。パーセントはディスク容量全体に対する割合です。",
"Enter a non-privileged port number (1024 - 65535).":"非特権ポート番号 (1024 - 65535) を入力してください。",
"Enter comma separated (\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\") addresses or \"dynamic\" to perform automatic discovery of the address.":"カンマ区切りのアドレス(\"tcp://ip:port\", \"tcp://host:port\")を入力するか、「dynamic」でアドレスの自動検出を行います。",
"Files are moved to .stversions directory when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.":"Syncthingによって置き換えられたり削除されたファイルは、.stversions ディレクトリに移動します。",
"Files are moved to date stamped versions in a .stversions directory when replaced or deleted by Syncthing.":"Syncthingによって置き換えられたり削除されたファイルは、タイムスタンプ付きのファイル名で .stversions ディレクトリに移動します。",
"Files are protected from changes made on other devices, but changes made on this device will be sent to the rest of the cluster.":"ファイルを他のデバイスによる変更から保護します。一方、このデバイスでの変更は他のデバイスに送信されます。",
"Files are synchronized from the cluster, but any changes made locally will not be sent to other devices.":"Files are synchronized from the cluster, but any changes made locally will not be sent to other devices.",
"Folder type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" can only be set when adding a new folder.":"Folder type \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" can only be set when adding a new folder.",
"Folder type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" cannot be changed after adding the folder. You need to remove the folder, delete or decrypt the data on disk, and add the folder again.":"Folder type \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" cannot be changed after adding the folder. You need to remove the folder, delete or decrypt the data on disk, and add the folder again.",
"For the following folders an error occurred while starting to watch for changes. It will be retried every minute, so the errors might go away soon. If they persist, try to fix the underlying issue and ask for help if you can't.":"以下のフォルダへの変更の監視を始めるにあたってエラーが発生しました。1分ごとに再試行するため、すぐに回復するかもしれません。エラーが続くようであれば、原因に対処するか、必要に応じて助けを求めましょう。",
"However, your current settings indicate you might not want it enabled. We have disabled automatic crash reporting for you.":"However, your current settings indicate you might not want it enabled. We have disabled automatic crash reporting for you.",
"If you want to prevent other users on this computer from accessing Syncthing and through it your files, consider setting up authentication.":"このコンピューター上の他のユーザーがSyncthingやあなたのファイルにアクセスできないようにしたい場合は、認証の設定を検討してください。",
"Ignore patterns can only be added after the folder is created. If checked, an input field to enter ignore patterns will be presented after saving.":"Ignore patterns can only be added after the folder is created. If checked, an input field to enter ignore patterns will be presented after saving.",
"Path to the folder on the local computer. Will be created if it does not exist. The tilde character (~) can be used as a shortcut for":"ローカルコンピュータ上のフォルダーパス。フォルダーが存在しない場合は作成されます。チルダ (~) で以下のフォルダーを短縮入力できます:",
"Path where versions should be stored (leave empty for the default .stversions directory in the shared folder).":"古いバージョンを保存するパス (空欄の場合、デフォルトで共有フォルダー内の .stversions ディレクトリ)",
"Periodic scanning at given interval and failed setting up watching for changes, retrying every 1m:":"Periodic scanning at given interval and failed setting up watching for changes, retrying every 1m:",
"Permanently add it to the ignore list, suppressing further notifications.":"Permanently add it to the ignore list, suppressing further notifications.",
"Release candidates contain the latest features and fixes. They are similar to the traditional bi-weekly Syncthing releases.":"リリース候補版には最新の機能と修正が含まれます。これは従来の隔週リリースに近いものです。",
"Shown instead of Device ID in the cluster status. Will be advertised to other devices as an optional default name.":"ステータス画面でデバイスIDの代わりに表示されます。他のデバイスに対してもデフォルトの名前として通知されます。",
"Shown instead of Device ID in the cluster status. Will be updated to the name the device advertises if left empty.":"ステータス画面でデバイスIDの代わりに表示されます。空欄にすると相手側デバイスが通知してきた名前で更新されます。",
"Some discovery methods could not be established for finding other devices or announcing this device:":"Some discovery methods could not be established for finding other devices or announcing this device:",
"Stable releases and release candidates":"安定版とリリース候補版",
"Stable releases are delayed by about two weeks. During this time they go through testing as release candidates.":"安定版は、リリース候補版としてのテスト後およそ2週間でリリースされます。",
"Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" too.":"Stores and syncs only encrypted data. Folders on all connected devices need to be set up with the same password or be of type \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" too.",
"Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:":"Syncthing is listening on the following network addresses for connection attempts from other devices:",
"Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.":"Syncthing is not listening for connection attempts from other devices on any address. Only outgoing connections from this device may work.",
"Syncthing now supports automatically reporting crashes to the developers. This feature is enabled by default.":"Syncthing は、開発者にクラッシュに関する情報を自動的に報告することができます。この機能はデフォルトで有効になっています。",
"Syncthing seems to be down, or there is a problem with your Internet connection. Retrying…":"Syncthingが落ちているか、インターネット接続に問題があります。リトライ中です…",
"Syncthing seems to be experiencing a problem processing your request. Please refresh the page or restart Syncthing if the problem persists.":"リクエストの処理に問題があるようです。問題が継続する場合、ページを更新するかSyncthingを再起動してください。",
"The GUI address is overridden by startup options. Changes here will not take effect while the override is in place.":"GUIアドレスはスタートアップオプションによって上書きされています。上書きが行われている間は、ここでの変更は有効になりません。",
"The configuration has been saved but not activated. Syncthing must restart to activate the new configuration.":"設定が保存されましたが、まだ有効になっていません。新しい設定を有効にするにはSyncthingを再起動してください。",
"The device ID to enter here can be found in the \"Actions > Show ID\" dialog on the other device. Spaces and dashes are optional (ignored).":"ここに入力するデバイスIDは、接続したい相手側デバイスの [メニュー]→[IDを表示] で確認できます。スペースとハイフンは入力しなくてもかまいません。",
"The encrypted usage report is sent daily. It is used to track common platforms, folder sizes and app versions. If the reported data set is changed you will be prompted with this dialog again.":"使用状況レポートは暗号化されて毎日送信されます。この情報はプラットフォーム、フォルダーのサイズ、アプリケーションのバージョンを調査するために使われます。送信するデータセットが変更された場合、このダイアログで再度確認が求められます。",
"The entered device ID does not look valid. It should be a 52 or 56 character string consisting of letters and numbers, with spaces and dashes being optional.":"入力されたデバイスIDが正しくありません。デバイスIDは52文字または56文字で、アルファベットと数字からなります。スペースとハイフンは入力してもしなくてもかまいません。",
"The folder content on other devices will be overwritten to become identical with this device. Files not present here will be deleted on other devices.":"他のデバイス上にあるフォルダーの中身は、このデバイスのものと同じになるように上書きされます。他のデバイスにあっても、ここに表示されていないファイルは削除されます。",
"The folder content on this device will be overwritten to become identical with other devices. Files newly added here will be deleted.":"The folder content on this device will be overwritten to become identical with other devices. Files newly added here will be deleted.",
"The following intervals are used: for the first hour a version is kept every 30 seconds, for the first day a version is kept every hour, for the first 30 days a version is kept every day, until the maximum age a version is kept every week.":"保存間隔は次の通りです。初めの1時間は30秒ごとに古いバージョンを保存します。同様に、初めの1日間は1時間ごと、初めの30日間は1日ごと、その後最大保存日数までは1週間ごとに、古いバージョンを保存します。",
"The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:":"The following methods are used to discover other devices on the network and announce this device to be found by others:",
"The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.":"The interval, in seconds, for running cleanup in the versions directory. Zero to disable periodic cleaning.",
"This device cannot automatically discover other devices or announce its own address to be found by others. Only devices with statically configured addresses can connect.":"This device cannot automatically discover other devices or announce its own address to be found by others. Only devices with statically configured addresses can connect.",
"Versions are automatically deleted if they are older than the maximum age or exceed the number of files allowed in an interval.":"古いバージョンは、最大保存日数もしくは期間ごとの最大保存数を超えた場合、自動的に削除されます。",
"Warning, this path is a parent directory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolder%}\".":"警告: 入力されたパスは、設定済みのフォルダー「{{otherFolder}}」の親ディレクトリです。",
"Warning, this path is a parent directory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolderLabel%}\" ({%otherFolder%}).":"警告: 入力されたパスは、設定済みのフォルダー「{{otherFolderLabel}}」 ({{otherFolder}}) の親ディレクトリです。",
"Warning, this path is a subdirectory of an existing folder \"{%otherFolderLabel%}\" ({%otherFolder%}).":"警告: 入力されたパスは、設定済みのフォルダー「{{otherFolderLabel}}」 ({{otherFolder}}) のサブディレクトリです。",
"Warning: If you are using an external watcher like {%syncthingInotify%}, you should make sure it is deactivated.":"注意: {{syncthingInotify}} などの外部の監視ソフトは必ず無効にしてください。",
"When adding a new folder, keep in mind that the Folder ID is used to tie folders together between devices. They are case sensitive and must match exactly between all devices.":"新しいフォルダーを追加する際、フォルダーIDはデバイス間でフォルダーの対応づけに使われることに注意してください。フォルダーIDは大文字と小文字が区別され、共有するすべてのデバイスの間で完全に一致しなくてはなりません。",
"You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{%receiveEncrypted%}\" folder.":"You should never add or change anything locally in a \"{{receiveEncrypted}}\" folder.",